Hello memoQ 11.2!

In memoQ, 11.2 werden ein umgekehrtes Farbschema für verbesserte Barrierefreiheit und Unterstützung für Thailändisch als Ausgangssprache in TD und TM+ eingeführt. Darüber hinaus wird TM+ jetzt zum neuen Standard für neue Translation Memories in WebPM, und das generische TAUS-Modell V.2 gewährleistet erhöhte Genauigkeit bei der Qualitätsbewertung. Entdecken Sie diese Updates, um Ihre Übersetzungs-Workflows zu optimieren!

Das Umgekehrte Farbschema im Desktop-Client memoQ

Thailändisch als Ausgangssprache für TD und TM+

TM+ als Standard für neue TMs in WebPM

Verbesserte Genauigkeit mit dem generischen TAUS-Modell V.2

memoQ 10.2 (LTS) endet am 31. Januar 2025

Unterstützung für memoQ 10.2 (LTS) endet am 31. Januar 2025 Die neue LTS-Version, memoQ 11.2, wird mindestens bis zum 31. Januar 2026 unterstützt. Benutzer, die memoQ 10.2 verwenden, sollten das Upgrade so bald wie möglich durchführen, um einen reibungslosen Übergang zu gewährleisten.

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Change logs


November 7, 2024

BUG-10177 – LiveDocs: Importing content from one LiveDocs corpus into another does not retain metadata
BUG-12252 – QA give false positive results about numbers both being and missing in the same entry if numbers are after a slash or before a full stop.
BUG-13578 – Multilingual XLSX: Import may fail if the source side’s ending/starting whitespace is different from the target side’s ending/starting whitespace
BUG-13622 – Preview: Links that open a new window in the preview pane were not working
BUG-13753 – Multilingual XML filter: XPath is not working if the path elements contain namespace specification
BUG-13773 – TM+: Adding an entry to a TM+ may fail when the translatable document has non-Latin characters and the Store document name option is turned on
BUG-13821 – Phrase XLIFF filter: memoQ could not import .mxliff files that had empty “group” elements
BUG-13840 – Issues with installing memoQ 11.0 on Mac using Parallels
BUG-13846 – Translation editor: The preview pane’s WebView2 plugin might cause memoQ 11 to crash at startup or during translation
BUG-13857 – Improve memoQ AGT’s warning text for “no translation returned”
BUG-13858 – When a document is opened for translation, locking segments during pre-translation might cause an error
BUG-13859 – Translation editor: filtering with the “Only whole words” option does not return results when a word is next to a memoQ tag
BUG-13874 – LiveDocs: Alignment might merge additional lines
BUG-13885 – In some cases, memoQ Terminal Server Configuration Tool fails to install
BUG-13892 – Transit package import may fail with cultureID-related message
BUG-13942 – PowerPoint filter: Import may fail if there are elements in the file which are not in memoQ’s schema validator files
BUG-13986 – Translation editor: Document progress might not appear correctly when working in views
BUG-14023 – memooQweb: For security reasons, AutoComplete is now turned off by default in webtrans
BUG-14057 – In some cases, memoQ Terminal Server Configuration Tool fails to install
BUG-14078 – memoQWeb doesn’t start if the memoQ TMS server is not connected to the internet
BUG-14092 – Automated actions: Sequenced automated actions may not wait for each other to finish
BUG-14098 – Under rare conditions, statistics creation can take significantly more time than expected
BUG-14154 – memoQweb: webtrans shows extra tags on the target side as “*”
BUG-14281 – Machine translation: Cannot edit an online MT resource which configures a plugin that is unavailable in the memoQ TMS
BUG-14326 – XLIFF1 filter: memoQ-specific extra tag (<mmq-notelocation>) inserted when exporting an XLIFF 1 document
BUG-14354 – Business Analytics: Configuration might fail with error while collecting reports
BUG-14365 – WebTrans: Terminology-related QA issues might not appear for specific change-tracked target segments
BUG-14371 – Pre-translate: TM crashes for some entries with unusual characters like “³” when followed by numbers.
BUG-14386 – memoQweb: webtrans might not show formatting and track changes correctly after scrolling
BUG-14395 – memoQweb: Copy next tag sequence in webtrans keeps inserting the first tag in the segment
BUG-14402 – Unable to create new TBs if the UI language is Traditional Chinese


November 7, 2024

BUG-10177 – LiveDocs: Importing content from one LiveDocs corpus into another does not retain metadata
BUG-12252 – QA give false positive results about numbers both being and missing in the same entry if numbers are after a slash or before a full stop.
BUG-13578 – Multilingual XLSX: Import may fail if the source side’s ending/starting whitespace is different from the target side’s ending/starting whitespace
BUG-13622 – Preview: Links that open a new window in the preview pane were not working
BUG-13753 – Multilingual XML filter: XPath is not working if the path elements contain namespace specification
BUG-13773 – TM+: Adding an entry to a TM+ may fail when the translatable document has non-Latin characters and the Store document name option is turned on
BUG-13821 – Phrase XLIFF filter: memoQ could not import .mxliff files that had empty “group” elements
BUG-13840 – Issues with installing memoQ 11.0 on Mac using Parallels
BUG-13846 – Translation editor: The preview pane’s WebView2 plugin might cause memoQ 11 to crash at startup or during translation
BUG-13857 – Improve memoQ AGT’s warning text for “no translation returned”
BUG-13858 – When a document is opened for translation, locking segments during pre-translation might cause an error
BUG-13859 – Translation editor: filtering with the “Only whole words” option does not return results when a word is next to a memoQ tag
BUG-13874 – LiveDocs: Alignment might merge additional lines
BUG-13885 – In some cases, memoQ Terminal Server Configuration Tool fails to install
BUG-13892 – Transit package import may fail with cultureID-related message
BUG-13942 – PowerPoint filter: Import may fail if there are elements in the file which are not in memoQ’s schema validator files
BUG-13986 – Translation editor: Document progress might not appear correctly when working in views
BUG-14023 – memooQweb: For security reasons, AutoComplete is now turned off by default in webtrans
BUG-14057 – In some cases, memoQ Terminal Server Configuration Tool fails to install
BUG-14078 – memoQWeb doesn’t start if the memoQ TMS server is not connected to the internet
BUG-14092 – Automated actions: Sequenced automated actions may not wait for each other to finish
BUG-14098 – Under rare conditions, statistics creation can take significantly more time than expected
BUG-14154 – memoQweb: webtrans shows extra tags on the target side as “*”
BUG-14281 – Machine translation: Cannot edit an online MT resource which configures a plugin that is unavailable in the memoQ TMS
BUG-14326 – XLIFF1 filter: memoQ-specific extra tag (<mmq-notelocation>) inserted when exporting an XLIFF 1 document
BUG-14354 – Business Analytics: Configuration might fail with error while collecting reports
BUG-14365 – WebTrans: Terminology-related QA issues might not appear for specific change-tracked target segments
BUG-14371 – Pre-translate: TM crashes for some entries with unusual characters like “³” when followed by numbers.
BUG-14386 – memoQweb: webtrans might not show formatting and track changes correctly after scrolling
BUG-14395 – memoQweb: Copy next tag sequence in webtrans keeps inserting the first tag in the segment
BUG-14402 – Unable to create new TBs if the UI language is Traditional Chinese


November 7, 2024

BUG-10177 – LiveDocs: Importing content from one LiveDocs corpus into another does not retain metadata
BUG-12252 – QA give false positive results about numbers both being and missing in the same entry if numbers are after a slash or before a full stop.
BUG-13578 – Multilingual XLSX: Import may fail if the source side’s ending/starting whitespace is different from the target side’s ending/starting whitespace
BUG-13622 – Preview: Links that open a new window in the preview pane were not working
BUG-13753 – Multilingual XML filter: XPath is not working if the path elements contain namespace specification
BUG-13773 – TM+: Adding an entry to a TM+ may fail when the translatable document has non-Latin characters and the Store document name option is turned on
BUG-13821 – Phrase XLIFF filter: memoQ could not import .mxliff files that had empty “group” elements
BUG-13840 – Issues with installing memoQ 11.0 on Mac using Parallels
BUG-13846 – Translation editor: The preview pane’s WebView2 plugin might cause memoQ 11 to crash at startup or during translation
BUG-13857 – Improve memoQ AGT’s warning text for “no translation returned”
BUG-13858 – When a document is opened for translation, locking segments during pre-translation might cause an error
BUG-13859 – Translation editor: filtering with the “Only whole words” option does not return results when a word is next to a memoQ tag
BUG-13874 – LiveDocs: Alignment might merge additional lines
BUG-13885 – In some cases, memoQ Terminal Server Configuration Tool fails to install
BUG-13892 – Transit package import may fail with cultureID-related message
BUG-13942 – PowerPoint filter: Import may fail if there are elements in the file which are not in memoQ’s schema validator files
BUG-13986 – Translation editor: Document progress might not appear correctly when working in views
BUG-14023 – memooQweb: For security reasons, AutoComplete is now turned off by default in webtrans
BUG-14057 – In some cases, memoQ Terminal Server Configuration Tool fails to install
BUG-14078 – memoQWeb doesn’t start if the memoQ TMS server is not connected to the internet
BUG-14092 – Automated actions: Sequenced automated actions may not wait for each other to finish
BUG-14098 – Under rare conditions, statistics creation can take significantly more time than expected
BUG-14154 – memoQweb: webtrans shows extra tags on the target side as “*”
BUG-14281 – Machine translation: Cannot edit an online MT resource which configures a plugin that is unavailable in the memoQ TMS
BUG-14326 – XLIFF1 filter: memoQ-specific extra tag (<mmq-notelocation>) inserted when exporting an XLIFF 1 document
BUG-14354 – Business Analytics: Configuration might fail with error while collecting reports
BUG-14365 – WebTrans: Terminology-related QA issues might not appear for specific change-tracked target segments
BUG-14371 – Pre-translate: TM crashes for some entries with unusual characters like “³” when followed by numbers.
BUG-14386 – memoQweb: webtrans might not show formatting and track changes correctly after scrolling
BUG-14395 – memoQweb: Copy next tag sequence in webtrans keeps inserting the first tag in the segment
BUG-14402 – Unable to create new TBs if the UI language is Traditional Chinese

Initial 11.2 release was 11.2.12