By improving our integration with content management systems and other third-party technology, we continue to create a more open and reliable translation environment.
DeepL Machine Translation
You asked for it, you go it! memoQ 8.5 introduces the DeepL plugin, which allows you to connect memoQ to this neural machine translation engine.
You asked for it, you go it! memoQ 8.5 introduces the DeepL plugin, which allows you to connect memoQ to this neural machine translation engine.
The plugin works both for memoQ translator pro and memoQ server, and supports formatting and tags.
Terminology functionality in the Web Service API
We have capitalized on the new Use in QA feature for term bases (see Terminology improvements) and have made this option available through the Web Service API.
SDK for third party translation previews
memoQ 8.5 brings an SDK that enables third parties to develop custom translation previews. This comes handy for those localizing text for devices such as smartphones, smartwatches, screens in cars or any other smart electronic appliance.
This adds up to existing real-time previews offered by memoQ: Microsoft Office formats, XML and HTML.

Proper terminology management is essential to guarantee translation quality. It also affects productivity just as much as translation memory does, and it is equally important.
Overall improvements in the memoQ termbase
memoQ 8.5 features improvements that will facilitate the way you work with terminology while boosting efficiency:
With memoQ 8.4 we introduced a feature that allows you to determine which of the term bases assigned to the project you want to use for quality assurance in a specific project. memoQ 8.5 now extends the use of this functionality to project packages.
Version 8.5 also adds a setting to project packages that was available only for project managers previously: the one that allows treating sub-languages as separate languages during term base lookup. If you do not select this option, term base lookups will come from all sublanguages of the same language as well as the main language.
You can now copy information from the term base entry detail pane and paste it into any document.

The items listed below are productivity boosters for translation work and user experience enhancements.
Toggle Case
First of all, what do we mean by Toggle Case? Actually it is quite simple, it is when you toggle between first cap, all caps and small caps mode for the selected part of the target segment. You usually do this by using the keyboard shortcut “Shift+F3”.
So, what happened with this feature?
The same way it happened with ‘Compare and control’, memoQ 8.5 now allows you to switch between the old and the current toggle case functionality (another improvement requested by many users) at any time.
New video preview for subtitles
memoQ 8.5 features a preview plugin for subtitling videos.
The preview opens the video file exactly at the part that is being translated, and displays the translated text so you can check it live. It can also show the number of words per minute, characters per second or characters per line.
Compare Control
It is a feature that allows comparing source text with results coming from the TM and show where they differ.
Many of you expressed that you found the ‘Compare and control’ feature more user-friendly in the earlier versions of memoQ (before 8.0). Your feedback is very valuable to us and we strive to improve memoQ based on these - this is why memoQ 8.5 now allows you to switch between the old and the current style at any time.
What is more, the current version also introduces a number of improvements in the field of user-experience to enable you to make the most out of this feature.

Document Import and Export
Getting documents into and out of memoQ might not sound like the most exciting topic, but these capabilities are essential and can make or break a translation tool.
Improvements in the SRT and ZIP filters
You might remember that version 8.4 introduced two new power filters to memoQ. Version 8.5 has just made them even more powerful! Some of the improvements include:
The possibility to import bigger ZIP files
You can import ZIP files that end with a different extension
The ZIP filter now also features two filter configurations to handle COTI packages
New options to handle segmentation when importing SRT filters
Now you have a new import option that gives you full control of encoding for SRT files.

Improving software performance is one way to make memoQ more user-friendly. The math is simple: the more powerful and faster the software becomes, the better for you.
Performance enhancements 8.5
We continue to work in the overall performance of the software. When you download memoQ 8.5, you will experience improvements on:
Project opening,
The TM and TB editor,
The Resolve Errors and Warnings screen,
The translation controls on the grid (scrolling the grid, selecting every row, confirm every row, clearing translations, copying source to segment),
Switching between project settings pages.
Note: The degree of these performance improvements will vary depending on the user's hardware.

Server-to-server workflows
Server-to-server workflows is the start of numerous improvements on the memoQ server.
Lookup in Enterprise TB
With memoQ 8.4, we launched a new effort to improve communication between memoQ servers.
Back then we launched a functionality we named “Look up in parent TM”. This time we introduce “Look in parent TB”: projects created from packages now have direct access to the parent TBs. It is done through the child server, so firewalls can be configured to let the traffic through.
Change Logs
MQ-1159: Toggle case suggestions not showing under rare conditions
MT-0031879: Idiom WorldServer package (WSXZ) filter: File names are not included in statistics exported to CSV format
MT-0032182: Automated action failure message sent by design if you run automatic assignment but did not want to assign users for all roles
MT-0032294: Security: Vulnerability to Reflected XSS via malicious filenames
MT-0032448: Online muses are missing from memoQ Server backups
MT-0032523: QTerm: Entries contain random wildcard characters
MT-0032552: Microsoft Word (DOCX) filter: Table text font sometimes changed to Calibri in exported files
MT-0032563: memoQ sometimes warns that a custom configuration is in use when you select the default configuration for a filter via the [Change filter and configuration] command during document import
MT-0032583: Unclear message shown when subvendors want to launch projects in a Subvendor workflow
MT-0032591: Open Document Format (ODT) filter: Import failure for some particular files
MT-0032593: DTD validation error occurs during TBX file import
MT-0032619: Adobe FrameMaker (MIF) filter: Paragraph formatting is imported regardless of filter configuration
MT-0032626: XML filter: Preview creation fails for some files
MT-0032629: Confusing message is displayed when you add a QTerm termbase to a project, and the termbase contain less languages than the project
MT-0032641: Preview stuck if a document contains a block of text without new lines
MT-0032642: Confirming segments on specific computer takes about 5-10 seconds
MT-0032643: Automated actions do not run when document slices complete their workflow
MT-0032644: XLIFF (XLF) filter: Files imported with EasyLing preview might not be imported if target segments are not properly crafted
MT-0032645: WS-API: ConfirmAndUpdateResultInfo.DocErrors is an empty array if there was no error during the Confirm and Update operation
MT-0032649: Internal application error when importing document for monolingual review
MT-0032656: Security: QTerm Pretty Print is prone to Stored XSS attacks
MT-0032657: Security: memoQWebTrans is prone to Stored XSS attacks
MT-0032661: memoQ crashes if you open an online project's Overview tab
MT-0032666: TMs with reverse language pair can be set as Working/Master TMs
MT-0032667: Machine translation is disabled when you want to pre-translate a view
MT-0032668: Multilingual Delimited Text (XSLX/CSV) filter: Document import fails when using the multilingual delimited text filter
MT-0032669: Custom lists/translation pairs not working after lookahead/lookbehind in auto translation rule settings
MT-0032671: Server timeout occurs during delivery in a specific case
MT-0032679: Permission denied for exporting XLF file from an online project's documents
MT-0032680: Reviewer 2 progress is not updated on the Project Dashboard
MT-0032682: memoQ froze when connecting to a specific server
MT-0032683: Extra spaces left in document with tracked changes
MT-0032692: MemoQ crashes when changing from filtered view to QA view
MT-0032696: Multilingual Delimited Text (XSLX/CSV) filter: A bug in Aspose prevents importing some Excel files
MT-0032698: Security: QTerm's Browse Terms Screen is prone to Stored XSS attacks
MT-0032701: Fragments not always inserted in specific pre-translation configurations
MT-0032702: Project-level LQA report considers only the first document's word count for score normalization
MT-0032708: WS-API: Online documentation has outdated links and a few typos
MT-0032713: Find and replace always reports there are 10.MT-000 matches
MT-0032717: Localization issue: truncated German text on a UI
MT-0032721: Cannot synchronize TMs offline and offline synchronization permissions are forgotten
MT-0032727: Online project settings are not saved in specific cases
MT-0032728: TM-driven segmentation is not working in some cases
MT-0032734: With track changes enabled, pressing Backspace always deletes text from the beginning
MT-0032742: The [Cancel] and the [Finish] button is misaligned on the auto-update window
0031878: Reports for statistics run on online projects by the progress hidden by the user displayed default weight figures (WWC) instead of custom ones
0031879: 0031879: Idiom WorldServer package (WSXZ) filter: File names are now included in statistics exported to CSV format
0032250: Combo boxes containing checkboxes could inadvertently minimize some windows to the Taskbar
0032290: Dates in YYYY/MM/DD format yielded in 99% matches
0032291: Security fix: The Logo URL property left room for malicious Stored XSS (cross-site scripting) attacks based on Angular Expression Injection
0032300: Multilingual Delimited Text (MuLi XLSX/CSV) filter: Horizontal alignment of text changed after export in specific cases due to ambiguous definition of default cell style calculation in the standard
0032498: SDL Trados XLIFF (SDLXLIFF) filter: Could not export files with segment comments in specific cases when spaces were inadvertently trimmed from the comments and considered white spaces
0032501: The memoQ Pseudo-translation plugin did not insert anything for certain segments
0032504: memoQ did not stop measuring the editing times of segments if the user moved to the next segment without confirming first
0032505: SDL Trados Studio package (SDLPPX) filter: memoQ failed to import SDLPPX packages with corrupt termbases in them, and will just ignore the corrupted entries from now on
0032507: WS-API: memoQ did not apply configured TM penalties for operations performed via the WS-API
0032510: The Structured view of the Document list in the Translations tab calculated folder names to display in a case-sensitive way, yielding in displaying the same folder name multiple times if they were specified using different lowercase-uppercase combinations during import
0032517: XLIFF filter: Importing reviewed memoQ XLIFF files containing version history using this filter instead of the native one failed
0032520: XLIFF filter: Some characters contained in the XLIFF files were inadvertently exported as HTML entities in memoQ, misleading other CAT tools
0032527: Customer Portal: Clicking on the scroll bar to select a service closed the pull-down menu in Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 due to a bug in the browser
0032532: In LiveDocs, the default sort-by option of the filter was the alphabetically first project name instead of [Show all]
0032536: memoQ Server administration & deployment: Scheduled backups could be configured without specifying a file name
0032537: QTerm: You could not import Excel files into QTerm from specially crafted ZIP packages
0032539: Filtering for locked segments did not work in sliced files
0032540: Analysis with and without the homogeneity option differed in 1 segment
0032543: HTML filter: Improvements made to try to fix errors in invalid HTML markup code to try to not fail with the import
0032545, 0031777: Statistics run on online projects by the progress hidden by the user considered default weight figures (WWC) instead of custom ones
0032548: SDL Trados Studio package (SDLPPX) filter: memoQ failed to import files from Studio packages containing uncatalogued comments instead of ignoring these comments
0032552: Microsoft Word (DOCX) filter: Table text font sometimes changed to Calibri in exported files
0032558: QTerm: The [Browse term base] link generated error in Safari
0032560: Multilingual Delimited Text (MuLi XLSX/CSV) filter: Failed to import files with empty inner sheets
0032563: memoQ sometimes displayed a custom configuration will be in use when you selected the default configuration for a filter via the [Change filter and configuration] command during document import
0032565: False [Uniform formatting of the source () not matched in target] warnings reported by the QA engine for segments starting with an inline tag
0032570: For online projects, not all elements of cascading filters were shown on the Details pane by design, making users to think they used a wrong filter
0032571: Confirming segment with compare versions (such as Against Last Received Version) activated caused a general error in some cases
0032573: An error preventing custom QA plugins to access translation documents to check have been fixed
0032575: Cascading filters: A bug prevented uses to join segments which belong to the same cell in Excel documents imported using the combination of a Multilingual Delimited Text (MuLi XLSX/CSV) filter and a Regex tagger filter
0032578: Security fix: memoQ is now protected against the Zip Slip attack to which it was vulnerable via the ZIP filter
0032580: Rich Text Format (RTF) filter: The [Import edits as track changes] option properly ignored formatting changes from being reported as changed, however, it failed to display the changed formatting
0032581: Remote projects with their names beginning with a dollar sign ($) caused a general error
0032582: Microsoft Word (DOCX) filter: Could not import documents using the [Import changes as such] option if the documents contained comments without a timestamp
0032583: Unclear message is shown when subvendors wanted to launch projects in a Subvendor workflow
0032585: Machine translation: The DeepL MT plugin did not return results for sublanguages (such as en-US)
0032586: Selection jumped back to the first fixed segment after clicking the [Hide ignored items] command in the [Resolve errors and warnings] window
0032590: Cascading filters: The combination of a Multilingual Delimited Text (MuLi XLSX/CSV) filter and a Regex tagger filter failed to import documents with the [Maintain formatting] option
0032595: Spell-checking via Microsoft Word did not always work for the Serbian (Latin) language
0032596: The Assign function was not disabled on the Details pane of the Documents tab when the selection contained both documents and slices
0032597: Microsoft Word (DOCX) filter: memoQ could not export documents containing corrupted code for comments
0032601: memoQ crashed when switching back to a filtered document with the empty result list
0032607, 0032587, 0032604, 0032606: Microsoft Word (DOCX) filter: False warning displayed during the import process in some cases
0032610: Cascading filters: The combination of a Multilingual Delimited Text (MuLi XLSX/CSV) filter and a Regex tagger filter caused the import process to hang up
0032617: memoQ did not copy tags during pseudo-translation with the memoQ Pseudo-translation plug-in to Chinese and Japanese
0031939: The Structure button was missing from the toolbar of the Translations list of online projects under specific conditions
0032276: Multilingual Delimited Text (MuLi XLSX/CSV) filter: A specially crafted Microsoft Excel (XLSX) workbook lost its styles on export
0032278: memoQ Server Deployment Tool installed Hunspell files in a wrong folder
0032356: Online projects could not be deleted from the Recycle Bin or be archived on memoQ Server in specific cases
0032359: You received a general error or lost the ribbon in memoQ desktop clients after changing user for a memoQ Server
0032361: Reviewer 1 progress saw no increase while working on slices
0032395: The link for Installation Guide in memoQ's help pointed to an inexistent web page
0032402: memoQ Cloud: Could not view the latest analysis report in WebTrans of memoQ Cloud instances
0032403: Auto-propagation settings weren't always saved when exiting memoQ
0032405: Microsoft Outlook Mail Message (MSG) filter: Export failed for files containing tags with translatable attributes
0032409: XLIFF filter: Export failed with a "Closing tag mismatch" error for some files due to a namespace handling issue
0032411: WordPress (WPML) filter: Export failed for files containing HTML entities inside WPML tag attributes
0032413: Multilingual Delimited Text (MuLi XLSX/CSV) filter: Bold and normal formatting was mixed up in imported XLSX files containing escaped new line characters in source or target language cells
0032426: The [Allow multiple translations] option did not have its intended effect when importing TMX files to TMs, yielding in ignored TMX segments
0032431: WS-API: UpdateTranslationDocumentFromBilingual did not take the last Changed timestamp and Modifier user into consideration
0032435: Microsoft Word (DOCX) filter: Import failed for some specially crafted files
0032438: You could not view some change-tracking reports from Task tracker
0032440: Multilingual Delimited Text (MuLi XLSX/CSV) filter: Export failed for documents containing formatted emoticon characters
0032444: memoQWeb: Project templates used by Customer Portal services could not be modified
0032446: Improved behavior to prevent memoQ Translator Pro to try to create an online project, even if you are connected to a memoQ Server, when you double-click a file in Windows Explorer associated with memoQ as a translatable file
0032448: Online muses were missing from memoQ Server backups
0032449: Composite filter: memoQ listed multilingual filters as possible compartments of composite filter combining a ZIP filter and some another one, even though those files could not be imported this way
0032450: ZIP filter: Trying to edit a previously created ZIP filter configuration with a sample file set on a different computer or removed from its original location caused an error
0032452: JSON filter: The Populate command in the filter config dialog to load sample files only loaded the sample files that were currently selected in the list of such files
0032455: Changes were sometimes marked improperly after importing reviewed documents
0032456: The Resolve errors and warnings window did not show target language code of the files listed
0032457: Removing duplicate terms from a termbase could result in an error
0032458: Composite filter: Damaged cascading filters with zero elements located on remote memoQ Servers prevented user from creating new filters on those servers
0032459: SDL Trados Studio package (SDLPPX) filter: Importing corrupted TMs from SDL packages failed; from now on only corrupted entries will be skipped
0032460: ZIP filter: Exported ZIP files had incorrect filenames if the names of the imported files contained non-ASCII characters
0032465: The Import Transit package window of the online project creation process had some resizing glitches
0032468: If you changed the source language in the project creation wizard, you could still use the previously selected template even if it had a different source language
0032469: XML filter: Invalid XML files caused insufficient memory error during import
0032475: QTerm: Performing two searches very quickly could cause QTerm to display the search conditions of the second search, while displaying the results of the first one
0032488: QA: Ambiguous error message displayed for improperly defined regular expressions aimed at capturing length limit for pixel-based length check from source files
0032489: Pressing CTRL+C in the Concordance window when the selection is not visible caused a general error
0032497: Restoring an archived project after deleting one of its termbases failed
0032511: Cascading filters: Import in specific cases completed with 0 imported segments if the filter chain contained a multilingual filter as the first in the chain
0032534: memoQWeb: Segments could not be edited when a filter was in effect
Initial 8.5 release was 8.5.6