Machine translation & Qterm improvements
Machine translation improvements
- Added document, project, and segment-related metadata to MT SDK
Qterm user experience improvements
- Accept required text meta field without default value
- Show active Qterm filter in the project/language view

Other features and enhancements
- Some of the desktop client's “Automatic lookup and insertion” options are now available in WebTrans
- PPTX filter: special spacing/kerning can optionally be ignored
- Edit Distance report can be created through WS-API
- Track changes: accept and reject all changes (only on the desktop client app for now)
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Change logs
Februar 8, 2023
Improvement: A clearer message will inform you if you want to create a CMS project or a CC-connected project from a project template with package workflow enabled, which is not supported
Improvement: Content Connector: The list of deleted documents is only downloaded on demand to improve the performance and the experience of opening CC-connected projects
Improvement: Date filters on the Projects dashboard (such as Deadline and Created on) supports spaces in dates (such as "01. 03. 2023") even if the strict standard defines the date format without spaces
Improvement: Machine Translation: Google Cloud Translation Advanced plugin: memoQ remembers the glossary you select and will select it by default the next time
Improvement: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: All legitimate XLIFF elements such as or are supported
Improvement: You can tell memoQ to perform concordance search always in the source language, always in the target language, or in the language belonging to the segment in which you invoked the function
Improvement: Amazon MT plugin can also connect to the ap-southeast-2 data center located in Sydney, Australia
BUG-11356: A caching issue may cause memoQ to think a remote TM does not belong to the project when you try to import an update package to an online project on a memoQ TMS connected to another memoQ TMS instance
BUG-11331: Ampersands (&) are not displayed in TM entry meta fields in the TM Editor
BUG-11420: An error in the LQA model editor dialog could make you think memoQ does not apply your changes to the LQA settings
BUG-11294: Deployment: If you upgrade to or install memoQ TMS 9.14.4, endpoints for the memoqwebnextapi and customerportalapi APIs are not set
BUG-11362: Deployment: No certificates are displayed in the parent server's "Registered child certificates" window within Deployment Tool
BUG-10805: HTML filter: Preview may get stuck at the "Loading" phase for documents containing < iframe > elements
BUG-11259: If you delete a language from a termbase and then export it to CSV or Excel format, the deleted language may appear in the exported file, later causing import error
BUG-11235: Inserting a curly quote (’) may cause deletion of the subsequent word in the target segment
BUG-11196: Machine Translation: Microsoft MT: The engine returns Portuguese (Brazil) matches instead of Portuguese (Portugal)
BUG-11183: Machine Translation: Microsoft MT: The list of supported languages before the pre-translation is read wrongly for an issue during checking access tokens
BUG-11222: memoQ backup wizard: Backup fails for non-existing resources with misleading error message
BUG-10971: memoQ Server WS-API: You may receive an error about an invalid XML file when trying to import a Microsoft Office document containing characters treated invalid in XML files
BUG-9942: memoQ skips term consistency check between source and target if a term appears more than once in the source segment
BUG-11365: memoQ TMS: If you reverted memoQ 9.14.4 to a previous version and want to upgrade it again to 9.14.4, you may receive an error reading "There is already an object named 'ListServerProjectTBsWithFilterName' in the database"
BUG-11228: memoQ XLIFF (MQXLIFF, MQXLZ) filter: An error in handling empty change tracked sections in target segments may prevent memoQ to import MQXLZ documents processed in SDL Trados Studio to fail with an error reading "No change tracked nesting is allowed except deletion in insertion"
BUG-10942: memoQ XLIFF (MQXLIFF, MQXLZ) filter: If you use an MQXLZ file to update a document imported with a filter or filter chain producing a document where split and join operations are not allowed, and some segments were still joined or split by someone, some segments affected in splitting may be skipped
BUG-11380: memoQWeb: An error in constructing a path may prevent you from opening a translation document in WebTrans
BUG-11332: memoQWeb: If memoQWeb is configured to close sessions after some idle time instead of keeping them alive and the option to close idle documents to limit resource usage is turned on, users may not be able to access projects on memoQWeb after some idle time passed
BUG-11395: memoQWeb: If you confirm a segment which could be a better match for the next segment you jump to than before confirmation, memoQ doesn't wait for the previous confirmation to complete and inserts the previously highest match that is no longer highest
BUG-11301: memoQWeb: Localization: If you switch the PM interface to Chinese or Japanese, the names of project archive files may be displayed wrongly
BUG-11328: memoQWeb: No log entry is created when a translation document cannot be loaded in WebTrans
BUG-11374: memoQWeb: The Pre-translate button becomes disabled if you select and configure an MT settings for pre-translation
BUG-11375: memoQWeb: You may not be able to configure the default TM match if you have a TM settings attached to the project with no filters of either the strict or soft type defined
BUG-11248: memoQWeb: You may not be able to open a document in WebTrans if the configured MT plugin returns an error
BUG-11268: Merging terms in a termbase may cause deletion of existing terms under special circumstances
BUG-10930: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: You may receive an error if you want to import sections from a PowerPoint document containing new type of comments
BUG-11114: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export a document (and archive projects containing such documents) if you imported the document using a cascading filter configuration which includes a Regex tagger filter, and the document contains emojis
BUG-11242: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: You may receive a System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException error when trying to import a Microsoft Excel document if you are importing multiple documents simultaneously
BUG-11251: QTerm: In the scenario of connected memoQ TMS instances, you may receive a termbase lookup error when you use a filter received from the parent (customer's) TMS instance
BUG-11273: QTerm: The Replace metadata feature may sometimes miss updating some metadata
BUG-10768: SDL Trados Document (SDLXLIFF) filter: SDL Trados Studio may not recognize some SDLXLIFF documents processed in memoQ for an error in managing unexpected tags in segments
BUG-11240: The Replace All button of the Advanced Find and Replace dialog is enabled even if you specify a scope not including fields (Target text and, depending on your settings, Source text) supporting replacement
BUG-11357: Trying to insert a TM match patched (improved) by memoQ using the CTRL+number hotkey may cause an error under specific circumstances
BUG-11311: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: Files containing elements in CDATA blocks can not be imported
BUG-10994: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: You can not export documents containing CDATA elements with unclosed embedded HTML tags
BUG-9675: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: You may not be able to import documents containing legitimate XLIFF elements such as or
BUG-10984: XLIFF filter: An error in the logic of source language detection for multiple files may prevent importing multiple documents in template-based projects in some circumstances if the source language cannot be determined for each file
BUG-11215: You may not be able to launch memoQ desktop client on a Terminal Server for a deployment error
Improvement: A clearer message will inform you if you want to create a CMS project or a CC-connected project from a project template with package workflow enabled, which is not supported
Improvement: Content Connector: The list of deleted documents is only downloaded on demand to improve the performance and the experience of opening CC-connected projects
Improvement: Date filters on the Projects dashboard (such as Deadline and Created on) supports spaces in dates (such as "01. 03. 2023") even if the strict standard defines the date format without spaces
Improvement: Machine Translation: Google Cloud Translation Advanced plugin: memoQ remembers the glossary you select and will select it by default the next time
Improvement: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: All legitimate XLIFF elements such as
Improvement: You can tell memoQ to perform concordance search always in the source language, always in the target language, or in the language belonging to the segment in which you invoked the function
Improvement: Amazon MT plugin can also connect to the ap-southeast-2 data center located in Sydney, Australia
BUG-11356: A caching issue may cause memoQ to think a remote TM does not belong to the project when you try to import an update package to an online project on a memoQ TMS connected to another memoQ TMS instance
BUG-11331: Ampersands (&) are not displayed in TM entry meta fields in the TM Editor
BUG-11420: An error in the LQA model editor dialog could make you think memoQ does not apply your changes to the LQA settings
BUG-11294: Deployment: If you upgrade to or install memoQ TMS 9.14.4, endpoints for the memoqwebnextapi and customerportalapi APIs are not set
BUG-11362: Deployment: No certificates are displayed in the parent server's "Registered child certificates" window within Deployment Tool
BUG-10805: HTML filter: Preview may get stuck at the "Loading" phase for documents containing < iframe > elements
BUG-11259: If you delete a language from a termbase and then export it to CSV or Excel format, the deleted language may appear in the exported file, later causing import error
BUG-11235: Inserting a curly quote (’) may cause deletion of the subsequent word in the target segment
BUG-11196: Machine Translation: Microsoft MT: The engine returns Portuguese (Brazil) matches instead of Portuguese (Portugal)
BUG-11183: Machine Translation: Microsoft MT: The list of supported languages before the pre-translation is read wrongly for an issue during checking access tokens
BUG-11222: memoQ backup wizard: Backup fails for non-existing resources with misleading error message
BUG-10971: memoQ Server WS-API: You may receive an error about an invalid XML file when trying to import a Microsoft Office document containing characters treated invalid in XML files
BUG-9942: memoQ skips term consistency check between source and target if a term appears more than once in the source segment
BUG-11365: memoQ TMS: If you reverted memoQ 9.14.4 to a previous version and want to upgrade it again to 9.14.4, you may receive an error reading "There is already an object named 'ListServerProjectTBsWithFilterName' in the database"
BUG-11228: memoQ XLIFF (MQXLIFF, MQXLZ) filter: An error in handling empty change tracked sections in target segments may prevent memoQ to import MQXLZ documents processed in SDL Trados Studio to fail with an error reading "No change tracked nesting is allowed except deletion in insertion"
BUG-10942: memoQ XLIFF (MQXLIFF, MQXLZ) filter: If you use an MQXLZ file to update a document imported with a filter or filter chain producing a document where split and join operations are not allowed, and some segments were still joined or split by someone, some segments affected in splitting may be skipped
BUG-11380: memoQWeb: An error in constructing a path may prevent you from opening a translation document in WebTrans
BUG-11332: memoQWeb: If memoQWeb is configured to close sessions after some idle time instead of keeping them alive and the option to close idle documents to limit resource usage is turned on, users may not be able to access projects on memoQWeb after some idle time passed
BUG-11395: memoQWeb: If you confirm a segment which could be a better match for the next segment you jump to than before confirmation, memoQ doesn't wait for the previous confirmation to complete and inserts the previously highest match that is no longer highest
BUG-11301: memoQWeb: Localization: If you switch the PM interface to Chinese or Japanese, the names of project archive files may be displayed wrongly
BUG-11328: memoQWeb: No log entry is created when a translation document cannot be loaded in WebTrans
BUG-11374: memoQWeb: The Pre-translate button becomes disabled if you select and configure an MT settings for pre-translation
BUG-11375: memoQWeb: You may not be able to configure the default TM match if you have a TM settings attached to the project with no filters of either the strict or soft type defined
BUG-11248: memoQWeb: You may not be able to open a document in WebTrans if the configured MT plugin returns an error
BUG-11268: Merging terms in a termbase may cause deletion of existing terms under special circumstances
BUG-10930: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: You may receive an error if you want to import sections from a PowerPoint document containing new type of comments
BUG-11114: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export a document (and archive projects containing such documents) if you imported the document using a cascading filter configuration which includes a Regex tagger filter, and the document contains emojis
BUG-11242: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: You may receive a System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException error when trying to import a Microsoft Excel document if you are importing multiple documents simultaneously
BUG-11251: QTerm: In the scenario of connected memoQ TMS instances, you may receive a termbase lookup error when you use a filter received from the parent (customer's) TMS instance
BUG-11273: QTerm: The Replace metadata feature may sometimes miss updating some metadata
BUG-10768: SDL Trados Document (SDLXLIFF) filter: SDL Trados Studio may not recognize some SDLXLIFF documents processed in memoQ for an error in managing unexpected tags in segments
BUG-11240: The Replace All button of the Advanced Find and Replace dialog is enabled even if you specify a scope not including fields (Target text and, depending on your settings, Source text) supporting replacement
BUG-11357: Trying to insert a TM match patched (improved) by memoQ using the CTRL+number hotkey may cause an error under specific circumstances
BUG-11311: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: Files containing elements in CDATA blocks can not be imported
BUG-10994: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: You can not export documents containing CDATA elements with unclosed embedded HTML tags
BUG-9675: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: You may not be able to import documents containing legitimate XLIFF elements such as
BUG-10984: XLIFF filter: An error in the logic of source language detection for multiple files may prevent importing multiple documents in template-based projects in some circumstances if the source language cannot be determined for each file
BUG-11215: You may not be able to launch memoQ desktop client on a Terminal Server for a deployment error
Dezember 7, 2022
Improvement: Added missing error message when memoQWeb fails to load the list of projects
Improvement: The fragment assembly and "Populate number-only segments" feature recognizes numbers in superscript and subscript positions
Improvement: You can govern how you want automatic jump to work after confirming a segment
Improvement: Amazon MT plugin can also connect to the ap-southeast-2 data center located in Sydney, Australia
BUG-11071: Adobe FrameMaker (MIF2) filter: Values of marker tag attributes are not imported
BUG-10781: An "Inline tag not allowed in this context" error message may appear and it may block you from restoring an archived project if it contains XML documents with illegal whitespace characters
BUG-10785: Document history incorrectly shows the "Only unambiguous TM or corpus matches data" option was turned on when an auto-action performed pre-translation
BUG-11179: If you clear the filter in the translation grid by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F, you are taken to the first segment instead of remaining on the selected one
BUG-10724: If you filter for projects with all documents delivered, the list of projects becomes empty
BUG-3564: If you perform a Replace all operation in the TM editor and try to save the TM, it goes corrupt
BUG-10935: LiveDocs structural alignment fails for the rest of the document if a context ID does not have a match, even though there are matching IDs for every other string pairs
BUG-10788: Localization: A word got trimmed in the German version of the "Add new length information rule" dialog box accessible from the Length tab of the "Edit QA settings" dialog
BUG-11106: Localization: Error in the Chinese translation of the word Final menu label in the Track Changes drop-down menu of the Tracking tab group
BUG-10846: Localization: The German translation of the "Find different numbers, too" checkbox of the Concordance window is incorrect
BUG-11183: Machine Translation: Microsoft MT: The list of supported languages before the pre-translation is read wrongly for an issue during checking access tokens
BUG-11162: Machine Translation: Systran MT: Not all supported languages may be listed for a profile
BUG-10641: Machine Translation: Tilde MT: You may receive an error when you try to configure the Tilde MT plugin in online MT settings resource
BUG-11223: memoQ backup wizard: You can't perform backup until you open the Smart Quotes dialog once
BUG-11109: memoQ may hang up for a longer time if you try to edit an online document filter configuration with reference files specified, and the reference files do not exist anymore
BUG-11117: memoQWeb: Penalties defined in the attached TM settings are applied when the filter conditions are not met (instead of being applied when met)
BUG-11178: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: If a document has been imported with a pre-9.12 memoQ and you attempt to export it in memoQ 9.12 or later, a compatibility issue due to an improvement in handling alternative texts of images may prevent you from exporting the document
BUG-10890: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: If a document has been imported with a pre-9.12 memoQ and you attempt to export it in memoQ 9.12 or later, a compatibility issue due to an improvement in handling alternative texts of images may prevent you from exporting the document with an exception of MemoQ.DocConverters.OpenXML.SchemataCreator.InputNotValidException
BUG-11114: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export a document (and archive projects containing such documents) if you imported the document using a cascading filter configuration which includes a Regex tagger filter, and the document contains emojis
BUG-11197: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export a document for claimed tag pairing error under rare circumstances if the document contains hidden text
BUG-11091: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: You may get an "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." error if you try to import Microsoft Office Excel files with unexpected newline characters present in an XML file within the XLSX package
BUG-11103: Star Transit Project (PPF, PXF) filter: You may fail to export packages containing documents with unsupported custom language codes
BUG-10076: Star Transit Project (PPF, PXF) filter: You may not be able to import documents from Transit projects with Thai as the target language
BUG-10983: The "Users can request password reset" checkbox of the "Configuration and logging" tab of the "Server administrator" console gets ticked off after you close and re-open the dialog
BUG-5132: The Files page of the Online PM window the Archived project page of the main Dashboard do not convert the UTC creation dates to the local timezone of the current memoQ desktop client
BUG-10297: The Sign in button of the SSO OIDC login page has duplicated text
BUG-10915: Wrong characters may be highlighted among the results of a Japanese Concordance search because of an error in recalculating highlight positions for segments with tags
BUG-10821: You may receive a false QA error claiming for the absence of non-translatable words if they are written using a different alphabet and are not surrounded by spaces
BUG-11207: You may receive an error if you try to perform QA on a view for an error in how memoQ tries to identify the assignment role of the current user for a segment in an effort to determine the enabled state of the change tracking feature
Improvement: Added missing error message when memoQWeb fails to load the list of projects
Improvement: The fragment assembly and "Populate number-only segments" feature recognizes numbers in superscript and subscript positions
Improvement: You can govern how you want automatic jump to work after confirming a segment
Improvement: Amazon MT plugin can also connect to the ap-southeast-2 data center located in Sydney, Australia
BUG-11071: Adobe FrameMaker (MIF2) filter: Values of marker tag attributes are not imported
BUG-10781: An "Inline tag not allowed in this context" error message may appear and it may block you from restoring an archived project if it contains XML documents with illegal whitespace characters
BUG-10785: Document history incorrectly shows the "Only unambiguous TM or corpus matches data" option was turned on when an auto-action performed pre-translation
BUG-11179: If you clear the filter in the translation grid by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F, you are taken to the first segment instead of remaining on the selected one
BUG-10724: If you filter for projects with all documents delivered, the list of projects becomes empty
BUG-3564: If you perform a Replace all operation in the TM editor and try to save the TM, it goes corrupt
BUG-10935: LiveDocs structural alignment fails for the rest of the document if a context ID does not have a match, even though there are matching IDs for every other string pairs
BUG-10788: Localization: A word got trimmed in the German version of the "Add new length information rule" dialog box accessible from the Length tab of the "Edit QA settings" dialog
BUG-11106: Localization: Error in the Chinese translation of the word Final menu label in the Track Changes drop-down menu of the Tracking tab group
BUG-10846: Localization: The German translation of the "Find different numbers, too" checkbox of the Concordance window is incorrect
BUG-11183: Machine Translation: Microsoft MT: The list of supported languages before the pre-translation is read wrongly for an issue during checking access tokens
BUG-11162: Machine Translation: Systran MT: Not all supported languages may be listed for a profile
BUG-10641: Machine Translation: Tilde MT: You may receive an error when you try to configure the Tilde MT plugin in online MT settings resource
BUG-11223: memoQ backup wizard: You can't perform backup until you open the Smart Quotes dialog once
BUG-11109: memoQ may hang up for a longer time if you try to edit an online document filter configuration with reference files specified, and the reference files do not exist anymore
BUG-11117: memoQWeb: Penalties defined in the attached TM settings are applied when the filter conditions are not met (instead of being applied when met)
BUG-11178: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: If a document has been imported with a pre-9.12 memoQ and you attempt to export it in memoQ 9.12 or later, a compatibility issue due to an improvement in handling alternative texts of images may prevent you from exporting the document
BUG-10890: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: If a document has been imported with a pre-9.12 memoQ and you attempt to export it in memoQ 9.12 or later, a compatibility issue due to an improvement in handling alternative texts of images may prevent you from exporting the document with an exception of MemoQ.DocConverters.OpenXML.SchemataCreator.InputNotValidException
BUG-11114: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export a document (and archive projects containing such documents) if you imported the document using a cascading filter configuration which includes a Regex tagger filter, and the document contains emojis
BUG-11197: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export a document for claimed tag pairing error under rare circumstances if the document contains hidden text
BUG-11091: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: You may get an "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." error if you try to import Microsoft Office Excel files with unexpected newline characters present in an XML file within the XLSX package
BUG-11103: Star Transit Project (PPF, PXF) filter: You may fail to export packages containing documents with unsupported custom language codes
BUG-10076: Star Transit Project (PPF, PXF) filter: You may not be able to import documents from Transit projects with Thai as the target language
BUG-10983: The "Users can request password reset" checkbox of the "Configuration and logging" tab of the "Server administrator" console gets ticked off after you close and re-open the dialog
BUG-5132: The Files page of the Online PM window the Archived project page of the main Dashboard do not convert the UTC creation dates to the local timezone of the current memoQ desktop client
BUG-10297: The Sign in button of the SSO OIDC login page has duplicated text
BUG-10915: Wrong characters may be highlighted among the results of a Japanese Concordance search because of an error in recalculating highlight positions for segments with tags
BUG-10821: You may receive a false QA error claiming for the absence of non-translatable words if they are written using a different alphabet and are not surrounded by spaces
BUG-11207: You may receive an error if you try to perform QA on a view for an error in how memoQ tries to identify the assignment role of the current user for a segment in an effort to determine the enabled state of the change tracking feature
Initial 9.14 release was 9.14.6