memoQ 11.3.6
Our latest memoQ release introduces user-driven updates to simplify workflows and enhance productivity. Upgrade today and discover new features like wildcard search in Qterm, Single Sign-On (SSO) for the Customer Portal, improved RTF and XLIFF file export options, JavaProperties filter customization, and refined project management tools. Read More
memoQ 11.2.12
LTS version
The new memoQ 11.2 release introduces an inverted color scheme for improved accessibility, along with support for Thai as a source language in TB and TM+. Additionally, TM+ is now the default for new Translation Memories in WebPM, and the TAUS Generic Model v2 delivers enhanced accuracy in quality estimation. Explore these updates to optimize your translation workflow! Read More
memoQ 11.1.16
This new release significantly improves memoQ AGT, including support for online projects and configuration as an online MT resource. Additionally, 13 new indigenous languages have been added to memoQ. Users can also benefit from enhancements to the in-country review tool, one-click term base entry deletion, efficient email cleanup, and more! Read More
memoQ 11.21
The new version introduces significant changes to the In-country review tool, as well as a new filter for those who frequently work with Markdown files. In addition, numerous new features have been added based on our user ideas and suggestions. Updates have been made to spellcheck, LQA reports, MT updates, and more—learn more and download the new version below! Read More
memoQ 10.6.12
memoQ 10.6 is now released with new features for both freelancers and translation teams! We are introducing new language options (both for the UI and language pairs), updates and customization options for memoQ AGT, and other smaller improvements. Read More
memoQ 10.5.7
memoQ 10.5 is here, packed with new functionality based on your ideas as well as our own to help you achieve a smooth, connected translation workflow. The In-country review (ICR) tool has received a makeover for easier navigation, and you can now work more efficiently as a project manager or as an in-country reviewer. Additionally, you can find updates to LiveDocs on memoQweb, machine translation tweaks, and smaller feature additions. Read More
memoQ 10.4.12
…and hello, memoQ AGT! We are introducing memoQ 10.4 which includes improvements to AIQE and the in-country review tool as well as new features and tweaks based on our users’ feedback and requests. Read More
memoQ 10.3.12
Please welcome memoQ 10.3. We have packed the newest release with user-requested features including but not limited to improvements to memoQweb, in-country review, and TM+. We have also augmented memoQ’s machine translation compatibility, paving the way toward a new, cutting-edge AI solution coming up later this year. Stay tuned! Read More
memoQ 10.2.32
memoQ’s Business Analytics feature gains new functionality by visualizing data to make better decisions. Moderated term bases are also now available in Qterm. And, transitions between online and local projects just got easier. These are a few of the features you are going to love on top of the usual user-requested tweaks and improvements. Discover memoQ 10.2 today! Read More
memoQ 10.1.13
Discover new horizons with memoQ 10.1 – We have made in-country review more convenient for translators as well as project managers. Also included is a new feature making WebTrans compatible with screen reading software to make it available for visually impaired linguists. And AI-based quality estimates are now available for machine translated content. In addition, we also have some new features and improvements requested by users. Download memoQ 10.1 today! Read More
memoQ 10.10
A milestone in memoQ’s life: let’s celebrate memoQ 10.0! A new version packed with features suggested on our idea portal, Qterm improvements, the introduction of TM+, machine translation enhancements, and more! Read More
memoQ 9.13.7
Please welcome memoQ 9.13! In addition to smaller, user-requested features to increase productivity and customization in the memoQ desktop client and WebTrans, we are introducing memoQ backup wizard. This new functionality allows you to back up your local projects and resources. Read More
memoQ 9.12.21
memoQ 9.12 is compact but powerful! We’re bringing you some new features to help you work in a more organized way and speed up your translation. In addition to the usual machine translation tweaks, we are introducing a new AutoMaintenance Tool for our collaboration solution. Read More
memoQ 9.10.17
For memoQ 9.10, we are bringing you Business Analytics – a feature coveted by many of you, now brought to life to help you track projects. Besides that, you can expect some smaller tweaks based on our users’ suggestions. Read More
memoQ 9.8.8
Connect memoQ 9.8 and older versions to Jira,, Gridly, AEM or BeLazy to streamline workflows. Run regex-powered searches with ease, use Antidote in WebTrans, and more. Read More
memoQ 9.7.28
We’ve got exciting news: memoQ 9.7 has just landed! And with it comes a slew of new features and improvements, such as a new import filter for XLIFF 2 files, a toggle case button for easier term base management, SSO for Windows AD users and so much more. Here’s the lowdown on what to look out for in this year’s first update. Read More
A command-line tool for keeping your memoQ server’s SQL database in top shape.
memoQ can be installed in silent mode, when the Setup program reads the installation settings from a so-called answer file. Using the silent-mode installer, memoQ can also be installed in an unattended manner using central deployment systems such as Microsoft Active Directory Domain Services
The memoQ PDF Preview tool is a separate app that helps when you are translating files that memoQ does not have a built-in preview. The tool talks to memoQ, and shows exactly that part of the PDF that you need. The PDF preview tool is built on our Preview SDK. To install this application, follow the instructions on this page
The memoQ Video Preview tool is a separate app that helps when you are translating video subtitles in Excel or in .srt format. It talks to memoQ, and shows exactly that part of the video that you need. The video preview tool is built on our Preview SDK. To install this application follow the instruction.
With the memoQ plugin for Trados Studio, interoperability is taken to the next level: the plugin allows users of Trados Studio to access translation memories both from Language Terminal and from memoQ servers.
This is a filter configuration to import Schema ST4 files into memoQ for translation. It tells memoQ which parts of a file to extract translation, and how. To be able to use it, first import it under the Filter configurations section of the Resource console in memoQ. Then to import actual documents, use the “Import with options” command in any memoQ project, and choose this configuration.
This update includes a bugfix that enhances the tool’s stability and performance.
BUG-14486 – Add health check endpoint to content connector service
Please Note:
If migrating from version 5.1.3 or older, use the Migration Tool to ensure compatibility and avoid database mismatches.
The new Content connector uses MS SQL instead of the SQL CE 3.5 database.
BUG-12035: Content connector server crashes if a connector is not accessible during startup
BUG-13506: Content connector server crashes with the error message “A heap has been corrupted”
BUG-13787: Content connector: In rare cases, the Git connector has issues when pushing large files
BUG-13871: Content connector installer resets the service user to Local System
If you migrate from an older version, please use the Migration Tool.
DownloadContent connector is memoQ’s software solution for content exchange without human intervention. It reduces errors in running translation projects, and lets your organization respond much faster to content changes.
To install content connector and a redesigned management tool, you only need to download this file. From memoQ 10.0 content connector server is no longer part of the memoQ server & deployment tool.
BUG-12035: Content connector: Content connector server crashes if a connector is not accessible during startup
BUG-13506: Content connector: Content connector server might crash with the error message “A heap has been corrupted”
BUG-13787: Content connector: In rare cases, the Git connector has issues when pushing large files
BUG-13830: Content connector: Content connector server crashes if a connector is not accessible during startup
INT-725: Add new supported languages from memoQ 10.6 to Content connector
DownloadThe Content connector client is a desktop app that enables translation providers to connect to content connectors on customers’ memoQ servers. Use this app to create and manage such connections.
For Content Connector server 3.x, installed with memoQ server 9.8 and newer.
If you have memoQ server 9.7 or earlier, Content Connector Client 1.4 is available here.
The Content connector client is a desktop app that enables translation providers to connect to content connectors on customers’ memoQ servers. Use this app to create and manage such connections.
For Content Connector server 2.x, installed with memoQ server 9.7 and earlier.
If you have memoQ server 9.8 or newer, Content Connector Client 3.0 is available here.
The Content Connector Key Migration Tool allows you to seamlessly migrate connections from one Content Connector server to another without the need to re-create them manually. The tool minimizes the steps of the migration process: It preserves the properties of the individual connections and automates encryption on the target machine.
DownloadFill out the form below, and we’ll get back to you with the details.