
memoQ Day | Stuttgart

November 4, 2024
Stuttgart, Germany

About The Event

Following the success of the memoQ Days series all over the world, the memoQ team returns to Germany with a free networking and learning event. We look forward to meeting our current and future TMS users on Monday, November 4, 2024, in Stuttgart.

Some of the topics we plan to cover:

What are the main concepts behind memoQ, the world’s most comprehensive TMS? Where is memoQ headed? What is the secret that propelled memoQ to its current market leading position? How can memoQ optimize your organization’s translation processes whether you are a translation service provider or an enterprise? How can you improve ROI and reduce overheads immediately after introducing memoQ at your organization?

memoQ’s mini-conference in Stuttgart will not be a typical learning event. Those who attended memoQ events in the past surely remember that networking is an integral part of memoQ events. We are happy to continue this tradition by offering a great mixture of learning and networking opportunities, with drinks and snacks included.



The event will take place at Parkhotel Messe Stuttgart Airport.


Meet The memoQ team!

Our team is looking forward to meeting you in Stuttgart!


Ulrich Fricke
Head of DACH & Benelux Region
Anna Pawlik
Senior Customer Success Manager, Hub DACH & Benelux Region
Daria Gramiak-Gedlek
Business Development Manager, Hub DACH & Benelux Region
Katalin Dunay
Customer Success Manager, Hub DACH + Benelux Region
Christian Grosspietsch
Solution Engineer, Hub DACH + Benelux Region

Program | November 4, 2024

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM - Registration and welcome coffee

10:00 AM - 10:10 AM - Welcome to memoQ Day Stuttgart

10:10 AM - 10:35 AM - Introducing globalese by memoQ

(by Balázs Kis, Chief Evangelist & Gábor Bessenyei, Senior Product Manager, memoQ)

memoQ Ltd., a leading translation technology provider, has acquired Globalese GmbH, the developer of a powerful platform for training AI-powered, custom neural machine translation models. With this acquisition, memoQ is committed in expanding its enterprise translation management solution to include cloud-based and on-premises training and deployment of machine translation.
Join us to learn more about the newly acquired Globalese product (now known as globalese by memoQ), and how this powerful solution can help you transform your localization processes with advanced machine translation capabilities.


10:35 AM - 11:00 AM - In-country Review: What it is and what it can do for you

(by Christian Grosspietsch, Solution Engineer, Hub DACH+, memoQ)

In-country review can serve multiple purposes, depending on text type, target audience, and even industry. In-country reviewers can bring vital expertise when it comes to the target industry. This is especially important in the case of regulated industries, where correct and consistent terminology is crucial. Learn more about memoQ's ICR tool and understand how it can further optimize your localization processes!

11:00 AM - 11:35 AM - Coffee break & networking

11:35 AM - 12:00 PM - Presentation by Intento

12:00 PM - 12:25 PM - memoQ's Product Roadmap

(by Árpád Figyelmesi, Head of Product, memoQ)

memoQ's Head of Product Árpád Figyelmesi will present to you our outlook on the near and further future of the memoQ development.

12:25 PM - 12:50 PM - Townhall with Q&A

12:50 PM - 14:20 PM - Lunch & networking, closing

Our Partners

A big thank you to our partners for helping us make this event happen!




Save the date and register by October 25!

Book your free seat by October 25, 2024 by completing the form in the top right corner.





Contact us!

Do you have any questions regarding events? Send us an email and we will get back to you shortly!  




See you in Stuttgart!

Book your free seat now!

Why Should You Meet Us?


Learn more about memoQ's solution

Get to know the people behind memoQ

Have a nice coffee and get other goodies

Write us if you have questions, we are more than happy to answer them.

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