Bienvenue dans memoQ 11.2!

La nouvelle version de memoQ 11.2 comprend un schéma de couleurs inversé pour une meilleure accessibilité, ainsi que la prise en charge du thaï comme langue source dans les bases terminologiques et les mémoires TM+. En outre, TM+ est désormais la valeur par défaut pour les nouvelles mémoires de traduction dans WebPM, et le modèle générique TAUS v2 permet d’améliorer la précision de l’estimation de la qualité. Découvrez ces mises à jour pour optimiser votre flux de travail de traduction!

Schéma de couleurs inversé dans l’application de bureau memoQ

  • Le schéma de couleurs inversé a été conçu en réponse aux demandes d’amélioration du confort visuel des utilisateurs, dans l’optique d’aider les utilisateurs souffrant de déficiences visuelles, mais aussi les traducteurs qui, après de longues heures devant l’écran, peuvent ressentir une fatigue oculaire.
  • Le schéma de couleurs inversé de memoQ s’inspire de l’option Couleurs inversées de la loupe Windows pour améliorer l’expérience visuelle tout en donnant la priorité à l’accessibilité.
  • Le contraste élevé de la loupe a été atténué pour réduire la fatigue oculaire.
  • Les utilisateurs de memoQ ont désormais le choix entre le schéma de couleurs par défaut et le schéma de couleurs inversé sous Options/Apparence, et peuvent personnaliser les couleurs dans chaque schéma. Par défaut, les couleurs originales des types de résultats de traduction (tels que TM, TB et LiveDocs) sont conservées dans le schéma de couleurs inversé, mais les utilisateurs peuvent également les modifier selon leurs besoins.
  • Le schéma de couleurs inversé ne s’applique qu’à la fenêtre principale de memoQ.  Pour une expérience optimale, utilisez memoQ en mode plein écran et assurez-vous que toutes les fenêtres memoQ sont sur le même écran. Vous obtiendrez ainsi une inversion uniforme des couleurs.

Le thaï comme langue source dans les bases terminologiques et les mémoires TM+

  • À la demande de nos utilisateurs, nous avons ajouté le thaï comme langue source pour les bases terminologiques et les mémoires TM+. Veuillez noter qu’il ne fait pas partie des langues sources disponibles dans les mémoires de traduction classiques et les LiveDocs.

TM+ par défaut pour les nouvelles mémoires de traduction dans memoQweb

  • À partir de cette version, toutes les mémoires de traduction créées dans memoQweb  seront désormais des TM+ par défaut au lieu de TM classiques.

Précision accrue avec le modèle générique TAUS v2

  • Le modèle générique TAUS v2 offre une précision nettement améliorée pour l’estimation de la qualité, garantissant ainsi de meilleurs résultats de traduction.

Fin du soutien de la version 10.2 (LTS) le 31 janvier 2025

Le soutien de memoQ 10.2 (LTS) prendra fin le 31 janvier 2025. La nouvelle version LTS, memoQ 11.2, sera prise en charge au moins jusqu’au 31 janvier 2026. Il est conseillé aux utilisateurs de memoQ 10.2 de procéder à une mise à jour dès que possible afin d’assurer une transition fluide.

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Change logs

novembre 7, 2024
BUG-10177 - LiveDocs: Importing content from one LiveDocs corpus into another does not retain metadata
BUG-12252 - QA give false positive results about numbers both being and missing in the same entry if numbers are after a slash or before a full stop.
BUG-13578 - Multilingual XLSX: Import may fail if the source side's ending/starting whitespace is different from the target side's ending/starting whitespace
BUG-13622 - Preview: Links that open a new window in the preview pane were not working
BUG-13753 - Multilingual XML filter: XPath is not working if the path elements contain namespace specification
BUG-13773 - TM+: Adding an entry to a TM+ may fail when the translatable document has non-Latin characters and the Store document name option is turned on
BUG-13821 - Phrase XLIFF filter: memoQ could not import .mxliff files that had empty "group" elements
BUG-13840 - Issues with installing memoQ 11.0 on Mac using Parallels
BUG-13846 - Translation editor: The preview pane's WebView2 plugin might cause memoQ 11 to crash at startup or during translation
BUG-13857 - Improve memoQ AGT's warning text for "no translation returned"
BUG-13858 - When a document is opened for translation, locking segments during pre-translation might cause an error
BUG-13859 - Translation editor: filtering with the "Only whole words" option does not return results when a word is next to a memoQ tag
BUG-13874 - LiveDocs: Alignment might merge additional lines
BUG-13885 - In some cases, memoQ Terminal Server Configuration Tool fails to install
BUG-13892 - Transit package import may fail with cultureID-related message
BUG-13942 - PowerPoint filter: Import may fail if there are elements in the file which are not in memoQ's schema validator files
BUG-13986 - Translation editor: Document progress might not appear correctly when working in views
BUG-14023 - memooQweb: For security reasons, AutoComplete is now turned off by default in webtrans
BUG-14057 - In some cases, memoQ Terminal Server Configuration Tool fails to install
BUG-14078 - memoQWeb doesn't start if the memoQ TMS server is not connected to the internet
BUG-14092 - Automated actions: Sequenced automated actions may not wait for each other to finish
BUG-14098 - Under rare conditions, statistics creation can take significantly more time than expected
BUG-14154 - memoQweb: webtrans shows extra tags on the target side as "*"
BUG-14281 - Machine translation: Cannot edit an online MT resource which configures a plugin that is unavailable in the memoQ TMS
BUG-14326 - XLIFF1 filter: memoQ-specific extra tag (<mmq-notelocation>) inserted when exporting an XLIFF 1 document
BUG-14354 - Business Analytics: Configuration might fail with error while collecting reports
BUG-14365 - WebTrans: Terminology-related QA issues might not appear for specific change-tracked target segments
BUG-14371 - Pre-translate: TM crashes for some entries with unusual characters like "³" when followed by numbers.
BUG-14386 - memoQweb: webtrans might not show formatting and track changes correctly after scrolling
BUG-14395 - memoQweb: Copy next tag sequence in webtrans keeps inserting the first tag in the segment
BUG-14402 - Unable to create new TBs if the UI language is Traditional Chinese
BUG-10177 - LiveDocs: Importing content from one LiveDocs corpus into another does not retain metadata
BUG-12252 - QA give false positive results about numbers both being and missing in the same entry if numbers are after a slash or before a full stop.
BUG-13578 - Multilingual XLSX: Import may fail if the source side's ending/starting whitespace is different from the target side's ending/starting whitespace
BUG-13622 - Preview: Links that open a new window in the preview pane were not working
BUG-13753 - Multilingual XML filter: XPath is not working if the path elements contain namespace specification
BUG-13773 - TM+: Adding an entry to a TM+ may fail when the translatable document has non-Latin characters and the Store document name option is turned on
BUG-13821 - Phrase XLIFF filter: memoQ could not import .mxliff files that had empty "group" elements
BUG-13840 - Issues with installing memoQ 11.0 on Mac using Parallels
BUG-13846 - Translation editor: The preview pane's WebView2 plugin might cause memoQ 11 to crash at startup or during translation
BUG-13857 - Improve memoQ AGT's warning text for "no translation returned"
BUG-13858 - When a document is opened for translation, locking segments during pre-translation might cause an error
BUG-13859 - Translation editor: filtering with the "Only whole words" option does not return results when a word is next to a memoQ tag
BUG-13874 - LiveDocs: Alignment might merge additional lines
BUG-13885 - In some cases, memoQ Terminal Server Configuration Tool fails to install
BUG-13892 - Transit package import may fail with cultureID-related message
BUG-13942 - PowerPoint filter: Import may fail if there are elements in the file which are not in memoQ's schema validator files
BUG-13986 - Translation editor: Document progress might not appear correctly when working in views
BUG-14023 - memooQweb: For security reasons, AutoComplete is now turned off by default in webtrans
BUG-14057 - In some cases, memoQ Terminal Server Configuration Tool fails to install
BUG-14078 - memoQWeb doesn't start if the memoQ TMS server is not connected to the internet
BUG-14092 - Automated actions: Sequenced automated actions may not wait for each other to finish
BUG-14098 - Under rare conditions, statistics creation can take significantly more time than expected
BUG-14154 - memoQweb: webtrans shows extra tags on the target side as "*"
BUG-14281 - Machine translation: Cannot edit an online MT resource which configures a plugin that is unavailable in the memoQ TMS
BUG-14326 - XLIFF1 filter: memoQ-specific extra tag (<mmq-notelocation>) inserted when exporting an XLIFF 1 document
BUG-14354 - Business Analytics: Configuration might fail with error while collecting reports
BUG-14365 - WebTrans: Terminology-related QA issues might not appear for specific change-tracked target segments
BUG-14371 - Pre-translate: TM crashes for some entries with unusual characters like "³" when followed by numbers.
BUG-14386 - memoQweb: webtrans might not show formatting and track changes correctly after scrolling
BUG-14395 - memoQweb: Copy next tag sequence in webtrans keeps inserting the first tag in the segment
BUG-14402 - Unable to create new TBs if the UI language is Traditional Chinese
BUG-10177 - LiveDocs: Importing content from one LiveDocs corpus into another does not retain metadata
BUG-12252 - QA give false positive results about numbers both being and missing in the same entry if numbers are after a slash or before a full stop.
BUG-13578 - Multilingual XLSX: Import may fail if the source side's ending/starting whitespace is different from the target side's ending/starting whitespace
BUG-13622 - Preview: Links that open a new window in the preview pane were not working
BUG-13753 - Multilingual XML filter: XPath is not working if the path elements contain namespace specification
BUG-13773 - TM+: Adding an entry to a TM+ may fail when the translatable document has non-Latin characters and the Store document name option is turned on
BUG-13821 - Phrase XLIFF filter: memoQ could not import .mxliff files that had empty "group" elements
BUG-13840 - Issues with installing memoQ 11.0 on Mac using Parallels
BUG-13846 - Translation editor: The preview pane's WebView2 plugin might cause memoQ 11 to crash at startup or during translation
BUG-13857 - Improve memoQ AGT's warning text for "no translation returned"
BUG-13858 - When a document is opened for translation, locking segments during pre-translation might cause an error
BUG-13859 - Translation editor: filtering with the "Only whole words" option does not return results when a word is next to a memoQ tag
BUG-13874 - LiveDocs: Alignment might merge additional lines
BUG-13885 - In some cases, memoQ Terminal Server Configuration Tool fails to install
BUG-13892 - Transit package import may fail with cultureID-related message
BUG-13942 - PowerPoint filter: Import may fail if there are elements in the file which are not in memoQ's schema validator files
BUG-13986 - Translation editor: Document progress might not appear correctly when working in views
BUG-14023 - memooQweb: For security reasons, AutoComplete is now turned off by default in webtrans
BUG-14057 - In some cases, memoQ Terminal Server Configuration Tool fails to install
BUG-14078 - memoQWeb doesn't start if the memoQ TMS server is not connected to the internet
BUG-14092 - Automated actions: Sequenced automated actions may not wait for each other to finish
BUG-14098 - Under rare conditions, statistics creation can take significantly more time than expected
BUG-14154 - memoQweb: webtrans shows extra tags on the target side as "*"
BUG-14281 - Machine translation: Cannot edit an online MT resource which configures a plugin that is unavailable in the memoQ TMS
BUG-14326 - XLIFF1 filter: memoQ-specific extra tag (<mmq-notelocation>) inserted when exporting an XLIFF 1 document
BUG-14354 - Business Analytics: Configuration might fail with error while collecting reports
BUG-14365 - WebTrans: Terminology-related QA issues might not appear for specific change-tracked target segments
BUG-14371 - Pre-translate: TM crashes for some entries with unusual characters like "³" when followed by numbers.
BUG-14386 - memoQweb: webtrans might not show formatting and track changes correctly after scrolling
BUG-14395 - memoQweb: Copy next tag sequence in webtrans keeps inserting the first tag in the segment
BUG-14402 - Unable to create new TBs if the UI language is Traditional Chinese

Initial 11.2 release was 11.2.8