Avec la version 9.10 de memoQ, nous vous offrons la fonction d’analyse opérationnelle. Attendue par plusieurs depuis longtemps, elle est désormais mise en œuvre pour vous aider à suivre vos projets. De plus, vous trouverez plusieurs petites fonctionnalités et améliorations basées sur les suggestions des utilisateurs.
Vous pouvez maintenant obtenir plus de renseignements concernant vos projets de traduction grâce à notre nouvelle fonction d’analyse opérationnelle. Créez facilement des rapports et téléchargez-les en un clic. Le fichier .csv obtenu contient des renseignements détaillés sur vos projets memoQ (source, client, traducteur, filtres, échéances, etc.). Une fois que vous avez obtenu le fichier .csv, vous pouvez utiliser votre propre outil d’analyse pour obtenir les renseignements dont vous avez besoin.
La fonction d’analyse opérationnelle n’est disponible que pour les utilisateurs du serveur memoQ. Vous pouvez créer les rapports et les télécharger à partir de l’interface memoQWeb. Pour créer vos rapports ou y accéder, sélectionnez l’onglet Rapports du côté gauche de l’écran. Si vous avez déjà créé des rapports, ils apparaîtront ici.
Lorsque vous créez un rapport, vous devez lui donner un nom et une description, et sélectionner la période pour laquelle vous souhaitez obtenir les données. Une fois le rapport terminé, il apparaîtra parmi vos rapports et vous pourrez le télécharger sous forme d’un fichier .csv. Votre rapport contiendra des renseignements sur vos projets memoQ, notamment :
Les données du projet : projet, client, sujet, domaine.
Des renseignements sur la source des documents : date de création, provenance, connecteur de contenu, etc.
Données sur l’importation et l’exportation.
Noms de fichiers et extensions.
Taille du document et nombre de mots.
Le rapport présente les renseignements tels qu’ils sont au moment de sa création. Si vous désirez obtenir un rapport actualisé ultérieurement, vous devrez en créer un nouveau. Sur le tableau de bord Analyse opérationnelle, vous pouvez également voir la date de création de chaque rapport, ce qui vous permet de les organiser et d’y faire des recherches, au besoin.
Une fois que vous avez téléchargé un rapport à partir de l’analyse opérationnelle, vous pouvez le téléverser dans l’outil d’analyse de votre choix (comme Excel ou Power BI) pour le modifier de nouveau et obtenir les renseignements dont vous avez besoin.
Améliorations apportées à la traduction automatique
Bonne nouvelle pour ceux qui utilisent la traduction automatique dans leurs projets! Nous avons ajouté deux nouvelles fonctions (réglage du niveau de langue et utilisation de glossaires) à notre plugin DeepL et créé un plugin pour memoQ, à utiliser avec le moteur de traduction automatique eTranslation.
DeepL devient plus sophistiqué
Notre plugin DeepL présente maintenant deux nouvelles fonctionnalités.
La première est une fonction de niveau de langue : vous pouvez choisir d’obtenir une traduction dans un ton formel ou informel. Ce paramètre n’est disponible que pour certaines langues.
La deuxième est la fonction de glossaire. Lorsque vous installez votre plugin DeepL, vos glossaires seront affichés dans le volet et pourront être importés dans votre projet. Vous ne pouvez utiliser qu’un seul glossaire par paire de langues et pour mettre un glossaire à jour, vous devez le supprimer et importer la version actualisée. memoQ (ou autres outils de TAO) ne peut pas utiliser les glossaires créés sur le site Web de DeepL, et vice versa.
Bienvenue, eTranslation
Pour mener à bien les projets transfrontaliers de l’Union européenne (UE) (p. ex. des documents officiels du secteur public ou du domaine juridique), qu’il s’agisse de documents formatés ou d’un texte brut, de nombreux professionnels de l’UE utilisent eTranslation, un moteur de traduction automatique, avec confiance. À partir de la version 9.10 de memoQ, vous trouverez le moteur eTranslation de l’Union européenne parmi nos plugins pris en charge. eTranslation est disponible dans toutes les langues de l’UE et le nombre d’autres langues prises en charge ne cesse d’augmenter.
Autres fonctionnalités et améliorations demandées par les utilisateurs
Enfin, memoQ 9.10 présente également des fonctionnalités simples, mais puissantes, choisies parmi les demandes des utilisateurs. À l’aide de la version 9.10, vous pouvez trier les termes dans une entrée de base terminologique. Désormais, vous pouvez même importer une base LiveDocs précédemment exportée en un seul clic ou sélectionner les documents à importer dans le fichier .zip exporté.
Améliorations relatives à la base terminologique
Nous introduisons deux fonctionnalités utiles et pratiques pour les bases terminologiques (BT).
Dans une entrée de BT, vous trouvez les termes en langue source et ceux en langue cible. Parfois, un terme source est équivalent à plusieurs termes cibles, ou vice versa. Dans ce cas, les termes sont sauvegardés selon l’ordre dans lequel vous les avez ajoutés. Nous ajoutons maintenant la possibilité de modifier l’ordre dans lequel ces termes sont enregistrés. Pour ce faire, il suffit de cliquer sur le terme à trier et d’utiliser les flèches à droite pour le placer à la position désirée .
Comme l’a rapporté l’un de nos utilisateurs : « Lors d’une journée occupée, il arrive qu’après avoir utilisé les touches Ctrl+E pour ajouter un terme, j’oublie de cliquer sur le bouton Ajouter avant de fermer la fenêtre. Le changement n’est alors pas sauvegardé et je dois tout recommencer. » Dorénavant, si vous fermez la fenêtre sans sauvegarder les modifications, memoQ vous prévient.
Importation simplifiée des bases LiveDocs exportées
Jusqu’à présent, lorsque vous exportiez des bases LiveDocs depuis memoQ en tant que fichier .zip, vous ne pouviez pas réimporter le fichier dans memoQ sans l’ouvrir d’abord. À partir de la version 9.10, vous pouvez importer tout le contenu du fichier .zip exporté ou sélectionner les documents des bases LiveDocs que vous souhaitez inclure dans votre importation.
Improve “Verify well-formedness against source” QA option for inline tags to catch … situations (closing before opening)
Project listing for memoQ desktop client is suboptimal
Project listing for memoQWebNext is suboptimal
BUG-10337: A memory leak occurs when creating statistics with homogeneity in online projects
BUG-10585: Creating a view in a local copy of a project for both unlocked segments and non-repetitions includes the repetitions
BUG-10490: If saving a document during import takes longer time than expected multiple times, a deadlock may prevent completing document import tasks
BUG-10607: If you ignore a word marked by the spell checker in the translation grid via the context menu, the red underline will not be removed
BUG-10547: Machine Translation: Microsoft MT: Tigrigna and Tatar may be reported as unsupported languages
BUG-10674: Machine Translation: ModernMT: Various tag issues fixed by the plugin’s provider
BUG-10623: memoQWeb: Marked text with comment disappears from the source segment when you edit the target segment in WebTrans
BUG-10618: memoQWeb: Row history may display wrong author and timestamp for segments the current user did not edit, as well as ordering of changes may be reversed
BUG-9723: memoQWeb: You may be unable to change deadline for parts of sliced documents
BUG-9966: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: You may be unable to import a document along with master slides
BUG-10049: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may not receive a warning during document import if memoQ cannot create a preview for your document as its size would exceed the 10 MB limit
BUG-10559: Normalized edit distance is accidentally called average edit distance in Edit distance reports made via Statistics
BUG-10692: QTerm: If you import terms to a termbase which has a previous version of entries, the wildcards (asterisk and stem pipe) are kept even if they are not present in the file to import, and match type is also kept
BUG-10392: QTerm: If you try to search and replace metadata, memoQ may ignore some meta-fields, such as the entry-level Note and the term-level Example field
BUG-10504: QTerm: You cannot properly import SDL Multiterm termbases with multiple images added to a single term
BUG-10570: The Web search window may not respond when you invoke it from the translation grid
BUG-10469: When you import a project package with embedded termbases containing entries with empty Creator field, memoQ may end up creating empty termbases
BUG-10630: XLIFF 2 filter: You may not be able to import files with zh present as a language code
BUG-10600: You may not be able to create an online project using a template unless all target sublanguages matches the languages in the manually added termbases
BUG-10465: You may not be able to create an online project using a template unless all target sublanguages matches the sublanguages in the manually added termbases
BUG-9839: You may not be able to perform pre-translation unless you select a TM/corpora (for example, you cannot pre-translate documents with leveraging only fragment assemblies)
BUG-10655: You may not be able to register local TMs
April 25, 2022
Improvement: Machine Translation: Google Cloud Translation Advanced plugin: You can now configure which regional service endpoint to use
Improvement: More history timespan options made available for Business Analytics reports
Improvement: SRT filter: You can specify a custom shortcut to insert a line break in a segment when you need a multiline translation
Improvement: Performance and reliability improved for auto-translation features
Improvement: memoQ remembers the options you select on the Bilingual export wizard dialog to streamline subsequent exports with the same settings
Improvement: If you click a link shown for an entry in a QTerm termbase, memoQ opens the default browser instead of forcing Microsoft Internet Explorer to launch
Improvement: The preview of the Web search feature uses the same web browser technology that the document preview uses instead of Microsoft Internet Explorer
BUG-10266: Machine Translation: DeepL MT: An issue in the MT provider service may cause pre-translation or lookup to fail for certain segments
BUG-10198: XLIFF filter: You may not be able to import XLIFF documents with sublanguage codes not supported and not recognized by memoQ
BUG-9877: Help: The Help button in Content Connector client takes you to a wrong page
BUG-10326: Machine Translation: DeepL MT: You may receive incomplete translations for long segments
BUG-10166: You may receive an error if you add an abbreviation and then re-segment the document while a filter is in effect
BUG-10247: Content Connector: Git connector: You may receive an error claiming that the remote branch called ‘translation’ specified in the localBranchName parameter cannot be found
BUG-10453: Machine Translation: DeepL MT: If you remove a glossary and import a new one for the same language pair, you may not be able to use the new one
BUG-10348: WorldServer Project Package (WSXZ) filter: Files in the package will have the name of the package instead of the original file names
BUG-9973: Customer Portal: memoQ may ignore the “Include spaces” setting specified for an analysis reports as automated actions in project templates to be used by Customer Portal, and the default “Yes” value is assumed
BUG-10258: You may not be able to import Outlook Mail (msg) files for alignment to a LiveDocs resource
BUG-10350: Machine Translation: eTranslation MT: You may receive a false warning about an unsupported language
BUG-10218: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: If a field value starts with a space and a newline (” n”), the new-line tags are moved to the end of the fields or are removed
BUG-4541: If a top-level domain (TLD) consists of 4 or more characters, the “Populate number-only segments” feature will only insert part of the TLD to the target segment
BUG-10144: TM-driven segmentation in pre-translation may cause an error if statistics is disabled
BUG-10214: memoQ Server WS-API: Project history does not show document history in the History panel if the project has been created via WS-API using a template, and the document name contains special characters
BUG-3490: A project manager holding membership in the “Project managers” group may be unable to clone a package-based online project for access denial, even if the project has been created by that user
BUG-10288: You may run into an error when trying to perform a QA check, and an item in the active non-translatables list contains an “ß” character, and the same word is written with “ss” characters in the document
BUG-10172: QTerm: You cannot add a termbase to a project unless it contains all of the project’s languages
BUG-10153: Regex text filter: You may be unable to export exceptionally large (100+ MB) files
BUG-10216: Some sublanguages are not recognized or are wrongly mapped when you try to import an SDL Multiterm XML file into a memoQ or QTerm termbase
BUG-10273: Web search uses a deprecated version of the web browser control, which may be refused by some IT Security departments
BUG-10117: memoQWeb: You cannot open a document for translation from the memoQ PM desktop client if the connected memoQ server has only PM licenses available, and does not have available Translator Pro or Web licenses
February 16, 2022
Improvement: If you have a non-translatable term and a source segment contains a word beginning with that term and some numbers, the “Populate number-only segments” command considers it as a number-only segment and inserts the non-translatable in the target segment
Improvement: ModernMT plugin upgraded from version 1.7.4 to 1.7.6
Improvement: The auto-pick list observes term sorting settings
BUG-10217: Help: There’s an incorrect link in the German help pages
BUG-10114: If a user is not member of the Project Managers group, but is set as project manager in a specific project, the user is not able to assign documents within that project to project members in the desktop client
BUG-10075: Inconsistent warning shown in the Advanced find and replace dialog concerning case sensitivity and regular expression status
BUG-10029: Language Terminal: You may be unable to synchronize LT users to memoQ server
BUG-10175: Machine Translation: DeepL MT: You may not be able to import glossary files containing ampersand characters
BUG-9856: memoQ may become unresponsive when you display the View pane and switch to preview
BUG-9726: memoQWeb: A short timeout in WebTrans may cause the user to lose some translations
BUG-10140: memoQWeb: An obsolete compatibility error message suggests using legacy browsers
BUG-10174: memoQWeb: Copying source tags to the target may result in wrong or seemingly wrong tag order
BUG-10046: memoQWeb: For an incorrect time zone handling, you may not be able to open and deliver a document shortly before the deadline
BUG-10070: memoQWeb: Update may fail if .NET Core Hosting Bundle v3.1 is installed and v2.2 is not installed
BUG-9600: memoQWeb: You cannot define different Hunspell dictionaries for different sublanguages and have memoQ remember your choices
BUG-9919: Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSX) filter: New line tags may become x000D characters in exported Excel documents
BUG-10031: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: Some special characters may cause the export to fail when tracked changes is enabled
BUG-10109: Regular expressions containing the itag or mtag tokens are considered invalid by the Regex Assistant
BUG-10167: RTL/LTR markers cannot be inserted with shortcut or from custom ribbon group
BUG-10170: SDL Trados Studio Package (SDLPPX) filter: You may be unable to export an SDL package to an SDLRPX file
BUG-10176: Security: Members of the Project Managers group may change the password of the admin user
BUG-9956: The “Longest source term hides shorter matches” option hides the longer matches in favor of shorter ones
BUG-10123: Translated segments may not be auto-propagated properly to segments with different formatting
BUG-10128: Words you’ve just added to an ignore list may keep the red underline suggesting they contain an error for a while
BUG-9963: Wrong target text is highlighted for warnings on non-translatables missing in the HTML version of the QA report
BUG-10142: XLIFF 2 filter: You may fail to import documents with segments containing only non-breaking spaces
BUG-10165: You can inadvertently update a project’s translation memory if you confirm changes made to the local copy of an already archived or deleted online project
BUG-9386: Your license file may render invalid even if you don’t change or don’t significantly change your computer’s hardware
January 26, 2022
Improvement: Optimized how package task lists are read from the database
BUG-9875: Cannot resize all grid columns in the “TM settings” dialog
BUG-9981: Content Connector: CC may be unable to deliver translations to GitHub after the repository changed
BUG-9468: Content Connector: Files may not arrive back to the GitHub content source after delivering them in memoQ
BUG-10098: Content Connector: You may receive a “Failed to store translation. Cannot push non-fastforwardable reference” error when memoQ tries to delete a file via the Git Connector
BUG-9883: Documents exported to Table RTF format may become corrupted under special circumstances
BUG-9881: Figures in statistics reports/tables fail to exhibit proper local decimal separator, and always use the dot
BUG-9855: If a project is created via Customer Portal, memoQ does not observe the configured document import filter settings
BUG-10025: If you import documents via Customer Portal with default settings, embedded images are also imported
BUG-9823: memoQ fails to export an MQXLIFF document from an online project to a location in the course of an automated action defined in a project template if the same document has already been exported there previously
BUG-4219: memoQ server may report timeout while looking up translation memory entries
BUG-9700: memoQ Server: An issue with XLIFF export may prevent you from archiving a project
BUG-10005: memoQWeb: If you click a link in a discussion, you are taken to a wrong segment in the translation grid
BUG-9978: memoQWeb: The URL to a segment in a translation document associated with a link in a discussion is wrong
BUG-4937: Microsoft Visio (VSD, VSDX) filter: An error in a 3rd party library may prevent you from importing or exporting certain Visio documents
BUG-9913: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may find Microsoft Office Word struggling to open a document exported from memoQ if it contained imported charts and alternate chart text
BUG-9778: Project progress indicator may not be correct for empty projects
BUG-9940: QTerm: If you export a multilingual termbase to Multiterm format, the exported file may miss some languages and the corresponding terms
BUG-9786: QTerm: Trying to delete multiple terms in an entry, all displayed on the same page, may result in an error
BUG-9747: SDL Trados Document (SDLXLIFF) filter: memoQ may fail to import groups of translation units if more than one of them at the same level are non-empty
BUG-9970: Some of the settings for find and replace operations were not saved and were therefore reset to their defaults when you closed memoQ
BUG-4791: Terminal Server Config Tool: You may receive an error when you try to change the spell-checker from Hunspell to Word, or when you visit the Auto-update tab in the Terminal Server Configuration Tool
BUG-9891: The filter named “Projects that need your attention” for online projects failed to show active projects
BUG-9849: XLIFF2 filter: You may receive an error during export, even though the exported document is created
BUG-9724: You may be unable to import an update package for a language added to the project later for missing segmentation rules
BUG-9916: You may be unable to open a project created using Customer Portal in memoQ TPro or PM
BUG-4083: You may receive unexpected results when importing terms to a termbase from an Excel file containing forbidden terms if the term separator is formatted red just like the forbidden terms themselves