Organizations seeking to acquire a translation management system (TMS) can choose from a variety of competing offerings. Although different TMS applications largely serve the same purpose, no one system does everything. Choices—and sometimes sacrifices—must be made. There are many reasons for choosing one system over another. Some reasons are budgetary: for example, the system you prefer might be more of an investment than you want to make at the moment, so you choose another option.
Some reasons are functional, including considerations such as:
On the other hand, some reasons can be workflow or functionality gaps that need to be filled, such as:
If your company has a TMS solution that falls short of your needs, you should consider adding a companion solution to enhance your overall efficiency.
Download our eBook and learn how memoQ can complement your needs!
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The memoQ TMS-FlowFit integration is used by a multitude of enterprises as well as language service providers. It combines memoQ’s productivity features with FlowFit’s project management functionality.
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“memoQ stood up to our testing and we felt confident that it would support us as our team, our practice and our client base grew.”
Learn about how Jerome Translations picked memoQ after evaluating four different translation management systems.

Our latest eBook is intended as a guide for professionals who are accustomed to using memoQ in an office but now must work with memoQ remotely.
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