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After memoQ’s acquisition of Globalese, we would like to invite you to an exclusive webinar to introduce the newly acquired Globalese product, now known as globalese by memoQ. This powerful solution is set to transform your localization processes with advanced machine translation capabilities. Join the webinar and learn:  How the acquisition aligns with the latest trends […] En savoir plus
Introducing globalese by memoQ
Balázs Kis, Gábor Bessenyei, Jay Marciano
Nehmen Sie an Angelika Zerfass’ Webinar teil, um die nützlichen memoQ-Plugins kennenzulernen. Lernen Sie, wie Sie diese Plugins installieren und nutzen, um Ihre Übersetzungsarbeit zu optimieren. En savoir plus
Plugins für memoQ – eine Auswahl
Angelika Zerfass
In-country review (ICR) is an important quality assurance step in the localization process, which is very often performed outside of a translation tool, making the whole process manual and time-consuming. En savoir plus
In-country Review Explained
Inés Berbudeau - Technical Solutions Specialist