Integration with iLangl

Revamp Your Workflow with the memoQ Ecosystem

Discover memoQ’s extensions such as memoQWeb and Customer Portal, and enjoy seamless integration with a large number of third-party applications.

Integration with iLangL

Revamp Your Workflow with the memoQ Ecosystem

Discover memoQ extensions, such as memoQWeb and Customer Portal, and enjoy seamless integration with many third-party applications.

What is iLangL?

iLangL is a cloud-based middleware platform that connects translation management systems with website content management systems via enterprise connectors.

iLangL helps reduce website localization time and costs by automating content export and import operations, decreasing manual steps for project managers, and enhancing quality throughout the localization workflow. iLangL enterprise connectors ensure that source content is safely extracted from the CMS, translated, and then transferred to a designated location.

iLangL memoQ Integration

iLangL memoQ integration allows seamless localization of website content in memoQ. 

Supported CMSs include:

  • Sitecore
  • Contentstack
  • Contentful
  • Optimizely
  • Drupal TMGMT

iLangL also supports custom integrations with other CMSs.

Take localization to the next level

State-of-the-art integration with memoQ and a high level of configuration allows you to set up any sophisticated localization scenario within memoQ. Take advantage of memoQ’s project templates, which can be used to automatically configure complete translation workflows for your localization projects.

Simplify your workflow

You can define multiple translation deliveries, with proofreaders and validators reviewing the layout and applying fixes at the designated step in the memoQ workflow. Customers will be able to do the same right after them. This means you can easily fix any issue and include the content changes in the translation memory. Such functionality ensures a smooth translation process in the production environment.

Track progress in real time

memoQ integration provides a great statistics overview as well as real-time progress report for ongoing website projects.

Enjoy easy navigation

iLangL supports memoQWeb. If you translate or manage projects via a web browser, the iLangL plugin allows easy navigation through the memoQWeb editor.

See your translation in context

Translating content without context is a tricky business. iLangL’s brand new feature allows you to preview the translation within the website layout during the translation process, before sending it to the project manager or the client.

With the In-context Translation Preview for memoQ, you can:

  • See what the translated content will look like on the website and fix layout issues, such as the length of text elements sooner rather than later. All layout elements are transferred from the source page so you can preview the page exactly as it will appear.
  • Check the content before delivering it to the website. Do you need to check how the final translated version will look on the website? Thanks to preview links in the Import Summary, clients and project managers can see how the translated content from each job will fit into the website layout before transferring the content to CMS.
  • Leave notes for translators or project managers. The client, project manager, or translator can add comments on the translation preview page wherever clarification is needed.
  • Identify with ease what content needs to be translated. Content requiring translation is highlighted in yellow.

Why use the In-context Translation Preview for memoQ?

  • Improve translation quality: amend the text to fit the page layout early on.
  • Increase speed of delivery: seeing the content in context will help translators get the wording right the first time.
  • Make your workflow more efficient: no more discrepancies between content and layout, nor long email back-and-forths with the client.

iLangL Cloud – Localization bridge between Episerver and memoQ from iLangL on Vimeo.