Omniscien Technologies

Revamp Your Workflow with the memoQ Ecosystem

Discover memoQ’s extensions such as memoQWeb and Customer Portal, and enjoy seamless integration with a large number of third-party applications.

What is Omniscien Technologies?

Omniscien Technologies is a major supplier of high-performance and secure high-quality machine translation, machine learning, and language processing technologies and services. 

With its cutting-edge Language Studio™ platform, Omniscien Technologies has gained the reputation as a trailblazer in professional language processing and machine translation. Language Studio™ offers unparalleled levels of customization and control in language processing, machine translation as well as pre- and post-processing, enabling customers with even the most complex data to achieve both high quality and high-volume output to satisfy every use case. 

Covering more than 550 global language pairs and with vertical industry-specific solutions, Omniscien Technologies remains the partner of choice for customers with complex and high-volume bespoke data processing and machine translation needs. To learn more about Omniscien Technologies, visit their website

How does it work with memoQ?

Omniscien Technologies is integrated with memoQ server. You must have an account with Omniscien Technologies which has been set up with an engine for the language pair you want to work with. The Omniscien Technologies integration works by sending one or more documents to your Language Studio™ engine. These are then machine translated and a bilingual XLIFF document is returned to memoQ. This document can then be post-edited in memoQ.

How to use this service in memoQ?

In order to use Omniscien Technologies you need to have a memoQ server installed and an Omniscien Technologies account. There is a separate license for Omniscien Technologies with memoQ server. When this has been added, you will see an entry for Omniscien Technologies in the server administrator section. Once you have everything configured for Omniscien Technologies, you can machine translate your documents by going to the Translate Tab and select Omniscien Technologies for starting a new job.