TexTra MT
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TexTra (Min’na no Jidou Honyaku) is a Japanese MT service that offers neural and statistical machine translation for English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), and Korean. It offers high-accuracy machine translation services based on state-of-the-art research.
“みんなの自動翻訳@TexTra®” was developed by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT).
memoQ sends a text to this machine translation engine, one segment at a time. The results are then displayed in the translation results and the translator can decide whether to use them.
To start using TexTra MT in memoQ, you need to enable its plugin in Options | MT settings and if you have access, just type or paste your username, API key, and API secret. If not, go to their website and complete the registration to receive your credentials. For a step-by-step guide on how to use Mirai Translate in memoQ, please click here.