Tilde MT

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What is Tilde MT?

Tilde specializes in developing custom machine translation systems for complex languages such as Nordic, Baltic, Russian, Central and Eastern European languages. To boost translation quality and accuracy, Tilde MT systems can fully integrate your domain-specific terminology in the right inflectional forms. Contact Tilde to develop a custom MT system for your language pairs and domain.

With the services of Tilde MT, language service providers may boost translation quality, control output quality, and ensure consistent terminology by building custom machine translation systems that are tailored for specific language pairs and domains. On the other hand, enterprises may boost cross-border sales, reach global audiences, and access multilingual information. 

How does it work with memoQ?

memoQ sends a text to this machine translation engine, one segment at a time. The results are then displayed in the translation results and the translator can decide whether to use them. 

How to use this service in memoQ?

Contact Tilde directly to get a custom MT system for your language pair and domain. After Tilde develops your system, you will be given a Tilde MT username and password. To use the system in memoQ, you must enable the Tilde MT plugin in the machine translation section of the Options dialog. Then enter your Tilde MT username and password and select your system. For a step-by-step guide on how to use Tilde MT in memoQ, please click here.