memoQは、お客様から寄せられる機能のご要望や直接のお問い合わせ、memoQfestで人気を博しているユーザーストライクバックセッションなどから、いまどのような機能が求められているのかを学んでいます。今回のリリースでは、前翻訳用にリソースを選ぶワークフローを効率化してほしいという根強いご要望に応えました。memoQ 9.2では、翻訳前にすべての翻訳メモリ/ライブ文書を選択解除して追加しなおすことなく、前翻訳に使用する翻訳メモリ/ライブ文書を選択できる別オプションが追加されます。

今までの文章校正では、セグメント内に間違いが見つかると、そのセグメント全体に下線が引かれていましたが、この動作が改善されました。memoQ 9.2の文章校正はインテリジェントに機能し、セグメント全体ではなく、文法エラーに関係するすべての単語を強調表示します。この機能があることにより、強調表示された範囲に文法エラーについてヒントが表示されるので、作業がとても楽になります。

GitおよびGitベースリポジトリとのインテグレーションや、機械翻訳関連の改善、パスワードセキュリティの強化もmemoQ 9.2の特徴です。
- memoQ 9.2では、GitHubやGitLab、BitBucketなどのGitおよびGitベースソースリポジトリとのインテグレーションがGitコネクタを使って導入され、memoQの既存のSVGコネクタが補強されています。 この新しいインテグレーションは、現在のコンテンツコネクタの機能を同コネクタに実装することでシングルブランチインテグレーションを処理するので、memoQの通常の機能に加え、自動化の可能性(複数接続、ディレクトリ、ファイルレベルのフィルタリングルール、エクスポートルールの管理)も広がります。 memoQのコンテンツコネクタの詳細については、こちらをご覧ください。
- memoQ 9.2では、プロジェクトの設定言語ペアをサポートしていない機械翻訳プラグインを選択しようとすると、警告メッセージがポップアップ表示されます。 これは、間違った機械翻訳プラグインを目的の言語ペアに誤って適用してしまうことを防ぐための機能です。
- 機械翻訳関連の問題をすべてmemoQのクライアント/サーバーログに記録し、memoQで機械翻訳のルックアップやタイムアウトのエラーが発生したときに、より関連性の高いメッセージを表示することで、機械翻訳関連のエラーメッセージの表示方法が改善されました。 これにより、ユーザーや技術スタッフ、サポートスペシャリストが機械翻訳関連の問題をトラブルシューティングするのに役立ちます。
- Textra Machine Translationのプラグインが最新リリースにアップデートされました。
- パスワードポリシーが強化されています。
memoQ 9.2.7
2月 10, 2020
BUG-2774: Adobe FrameMaker (MIF) filter: Some text contents are not imported from a specific document even if they are not hidden
BUG-2888: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: Could not import a specific IDML file
BUG-2968: Language Terminal: Cannot create LT-connected online project if your source/target language is "Spanish (Latin America)"
BUG-2403: Listing TMs in Resource Console, the online project management window and template editor may take too long if you have thousands of TMs even if the list will contain a few items
BUG-2820: memoQ Server WS-API: TranslationDocumentUserRoleAssignmentDetails returns "multiple" for accepted documents instead of assignee's name
BUG-2585: memoQ shows the "No period. Are you sure?" message under the Abbreviation field in projects with German source language when you select the "Word after number" option in the "Add abbreviation" window
BUG-2912: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Can not export Excel file with one member of an rpr tag pair missing in the target
BUG-2938: Some mistakes in help
BUG-2454: SSO: Synchronization of Active Directory groups with no members or with only one member may fail
BUG-3018: SSO: Synchronization of Active Directory groups with no members or with only one member may fail
BUG-2967: SSO: Synchronization of Active Directory groups with only one member may fail
BUG-1386: Under very rare circumstances, including specially crafted segment content, you may be unable to run Statistics with homogeneity on some documents
BUG-2949: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: Line breaks aren't preserved when translating between language pairs with different LTR-RTL property
BUG-2168: You may receive 101% matches for number-only segments when you expect a lower match rate
BUG-2888: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: Could not import a specific IDML file
BUG-2968: Language Terminal: Cannot create LT-connected online project if your source/target language is "Spanish (Latin America)"
BUG-2403: Listing TMs in Resource Console, the online project management window and template editor may take too long if you have thousands of TMs even if the list will contain a few items
BUG-2820: memoQ Server WS-API: TranslationDocumentUserRoleAssignmentDetails returns "multiple" for accepted documents instead of assignee's name
BUG-2585: memoQ shows the "No period. Are you sure?" message under the Abbreviation field in projects with German source language when you select the "Word after number" option in the "Add abbreviation" window
BUG-2912: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Can not export Excel file with one member of an rpr tag pair missing in the target
BUG-2938: Some mistakes in help
BUG-2454: SSO: Synchronization of Active Directory groups with no members or with only one member may fail
BUG-3018: SSO: Synchronization of Active Directory groups with no members or with only one member may fail
BUG-2967: SSO: Synchronization of Active Directory groups with only one member may fail
BUG-1386: Under very rare circumstances, including specially crafted segment content, you may be unable to run Statistics with homogeneity on some documents
BUG-2949: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: Line breaks aren't preserved when translating between language pairs with different LTR-RTL property
BUG-2168: You may receive 101% matches for number-only segments when you expect a lower match rate
memoQ 9.2.6
1月 15, 2020
BUG-2656:Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter:memoQ changes hyphenation language of contents placed on hidden InDesign layers and not imported to memoQ
BUG-2822:Help button for the Edit search provider dialog not working
BUG-2854:memoQ doesn't recognize installed MS Word Romanian dictionary
BUG-2654:memoQ handback package can't be returned if some actors used external preview tools while working on the included documents
BUG-2737:memoQWeb:Pre/post context information may be saved into double-context TMs even when they should not be
BUG-2650:Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter:Chart labels may be imported from hidden slides even if you don't want hidden contents to be imported
BUG-2787:Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter:Files where the layout masters already contain drawings can not be imported
BUG-2910:More memoQ server crashes due to TM Engine exceptions
BUG-2877: specific PPT fails to upload to memoQWeb
BUG-2485:The Advanced Find and replace dialog shows unlocalized items
BUG-2780:The Japanese version of the Auto Pick menu contains a mistranslation
BUG-2335:Unable to get match in the Concordance window for Hebrew
BUG-2295:You may receive a false QA error for CCJK target languages claiming for the absence of non-translatable words if they are written using a different alphabet and are not surrounded by spaces
BUG-2822:Help button for the Edit search provider dialog not working
BUG-2854:memoQ doesn't recognize installed MS Word Romanian dictionary
BUG-2654:memoQ handback package can't be returned if some actors used external preview tools while working on the included documents
BUG-2737:memoQWeb:Pre/post context information may be saved into double-context TMs even when they should not be
BUG-2650:Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter:Chart labels may be imported from hidden slides even if you don't want hidden contents to be imported
BUG-2787:Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter:Files where the layout masters already contain drawings can not be imported
BUG-2910:More memoQ server crashes due to TM Engine exceptions
BUG-2877: specific PPT fails to upload to memoQWeb
BUG-2485:The Advanced Find and replace dialog shows unlocalized items
BUG-2780:The Japanese version of the Auto Pick menu contains a mistranslation
BUG-2335:Unable to get match in the Concordance window for Hebrew
BUG-2295:You may receive a false QA error for CCJK target languages claiming for the absence of non-translatable words if they are written using a different alphabet and are not surrounded by spaces
memoQ 9.2.5
12月 5, 2019
BUG-2364:Help improperly states it's possible to chain an HTML filter after a Multilingual Delimited Text filter in cascading filters
BUG-2741:Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSX) filter:You may be unable to import documents with cells containing invisible values
BUG-2696:Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter:You may not be able to export documents with XML namespaces not defined in the root node
BUG-2681:Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter:You may be unable to import documents under rare circumstances if styles to exclude are specified
BUG-2741:Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSX) filter:You may be unable to import documents with cells containing invisible values
BUG-2696:Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter:You may not be able to export documents with XML namespaces not defined in the root node
BUG-2681:Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter:You may be unable to import documents under rare circumstances if styles to exclude are specified
Initial 9.2 release was 9.2.5