memoQ 10.0が遂に登場!

memoQの新たなマイルストーンとなったmemoQ 10.0の誕生をお祝いしましょう!Idea Portalで提案された機能、Qtermの改善、新登場のTM+、機械翻訳の強化などを詰め込んだ新しいバージョンです!



TM+はmemoQの新世代の翻訳メモリエンジンで、サーバー環境でその威力を発揮します。 主要なTMの機能と、memoQが対応する全言語をご利用いただけます。 セグメント数が1000万を超える翻訳メモリを処理でき、CPUコアの数が多いほどスケーラビリティも上がります。 従来のTMエンジンよりもTMXインポートが高速化され、ウィルス対策ソフトによるアクティビティの影響も受けにくくなっています。 またTM+は従来のTMよりも安定性が向上しており、データの破損を防ぐことを念頭に設計されています。  

  • 前翻訳、統計、ルックアップ結果の改善を含むパフォーマンスの向上
  • TM+の安定性により、大容量の複数のTMをシームレスに処理
  • TM+はmemoQ 10.0で初登場。新しい機能も順次追加予定



SYSTRAN & DeepLの改善

  • SYSTRANのNeural Fuzzy Adaptation: 各翻訳リクエストに対してmemoQのTMからあいまい一致を送ることで、SYSTRANは臨機応変に、より正確な翻訳結果を返せるようになります。
  • HTML形式のファイルをDeepLで翻訳: 既存のXMLに加え、新たにHTML形式のファイルを選べるようになりました。











  • エントリを新規追加する際に全フィールドを表示可能
  • 用語ベースのメタフィールドの順番を変更
  • エントリ内の用語の順番を変更
  • ビルトインフィールドを必須入力に設定可能

Content Connectorの統合&カーブアウト

Content Connectorが独立した製品に

Content Connector(およびその構成要素すべて)は単体でインストールおよび導入していただく独立したアプリケーションになりました。アプリケーションの機能自体は変わりませんが、より効率的にCCサーバーを管理できるようユーザーインターフェイスを調整いたしました。これによりCCサーバーや管理ツールの導入およびサーバーへのアクセスなど、ユーザーエクスペリエンスが向上します。


Other features and enhancements

  • ローカルプロジェクトをクローンし、同じ設定の空のプロジェクトを作成可能に
  • 「このプロジェクトにはFirstAccept文書があります」というメッセージを以降表示しないよう指定可能に
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3月 1, 2023
Improvement: Amazon MT plugin can also connect to the ap-southeast-2 data center located in Sydney, Australia

BUG-10108: All sublanguages in a LiveDocs corpus contribute to pre-translation even if you select your desired sublanguage
BUG-11702: Attempts to convert legacy TMs to TM+ translation memories in batches may cause memoQ TMS to crash and subsequent conversion attempts to fail
BUG-11597: Certain connection issues under rare circumstances may cause memoQ TMS to crash
BUG-11742: Deployment: Upgrade of memoQ TMS to 10.0 may fail if Microsoft SQL Server's locale is set to German
BUG-11753: Deployment: You may receive an error during upgrading your memoQ TMS to 10.0 claiming that the transaction log of memoQ's database is full
BUG-11791: If you change entry-level fields such as Note of a term in Termbase editor, and then you add a new term to the termbase, your changes to said fields get lost
BUG-9338: If you export a change tracked document with specific change ranges, such as deletions at the end or beginning of a segment, a space may be missing between two segments (sentences)
BUG-10653: Machine Translation: Google Cloud Translation Basic plugin: Translations to Central Kurdish (Kurdish Sorani) language contain Latin letters instead of Arabic MT matches
BUG-11669: Machine Translation: Microsoft MT: The plugin incorrectly reports the Norwegian to English language pair as unsupported
BUG-11692: Machine Translation: Tilde MT: You may receive an error stating the plugin does not support certain languages
BUG-12043: QTerm: An inconsistency in what order languages are displayed in various views and exports may make you believe wrong languages are listed
BUG-11718: QTerm: If you export a termbase from QTerm to Microsoft Excel format, the Excel workbook does not include the entries from the Examples column
BUG-11787: QTerm: You may be unable to add entries to a memoQ TMS 10.0 QTerm termbase from your memoQ client if the termbase has been created in a previous version of memoQ TMS
BUG-9689: SRT filter: You may receive an "Index was out of range" error and fail to import a document if you turn on "Convert to inline tags and break segment" and "Language segmentation rules" for an error in how end of empty target segments is handled during segmentation
BUG-11558: Star Transit Project (PPF, PXF) filter: memoQ may change language codes when exporting a TPF package, rendering Transit unable to update its project from the package
BUG-11605: The "Verify well-formedness against source" option in QA settings may generate QA errors for actually correct extra tag pairs
BUG-11649: The option to filter documents in a project by progress percentage may not work as expected


BUG-11282: A placeholder is displayed instead of the newly created OIDC/SSO user's email address in the email notification sent to them about registration
BUG-11403: A segment other than that with the highest match rate may be inserted during pre-translation in some fuzzy bands for an error resulting in giving higher scores to fragment hits than to fuzzy search results
BUG-11580: Localization: Machine Translation: Systran MT: Profile name in Japanese is corrupted in the Profiles drop-down list
BUG-11616: Localization: The German UI in memoQWeb's PM UI says "terminologe" for a typo error
BUG-11514: Machine Translation: Crosslang MT: You may get an exception when trying to open the plugin's configuration dialog
BUG-11333: Match rate of segments consisting only of tags and numbers are raised to 100+% in case of white-space differences (such as when the segment in your document contains no tags, but a number, whereas the TM hit contains a tag and a number)
BUG-11271: memoQ TMS may crash when you try to repair and export a corrupted termbase which cannot actually be repaired
BUG-11540: memoQ TMS Resources API: The UI-based and API-based search features of QTerm behave inconsistently for searching exact matches and when returning forbidden terms
BUG-11110: memoQ TMS: A temporary folder may be left behind after backup runs
BUG-11508: memoQWeb: Translation results from LiveDocs for a different sublanguage are shown in WebTrans
BUG-10315: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export documents containing both LTR and RTL segments in document fields
BUG-11497: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may not be able to import specific Word documents with the "Import alternative text of images" option turned on
BUG-4548: The Export (Stored Path) action returns with an error and claims that a directory cannot be found when memoQ tries to export only one document in a multilingual online project with custom code execution enabled
BUG-10949: When you simply click Close on the "Edit auto-translation rule set" dialog to close it, you get no warning that your modifications won't be saved
BUG-11551: XLIFF filter: Improper configuration of the import filter may result in the exported document to contain misplaced segments if the source contained space-only segments
BUG-11321: You may get a message reading "TM is already in exclusive use" when trying to convert a legacy TM to a TM+ TM

Initial 10.0 release was 10.0.10

memoQ 10.0の準備はできていますか?

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