globalese by memoQ is a robust platform for training AI-powered custom machine translation models. We empower enterprises and language service providers to easily create high-quality translation engines using their own data, tailored to their specific needs. Our user-friendly platform integrates with popular translation management systems and offers an API for seamless workflow integration.
globalese by memoQ models can easily be adapted to fit the desired content, style, and terminology. You can utilize your existing translations, terminology lists, and provide custom prompts to achieve the desired outcome. globalese by memoQ takes care of everything else automatically.
Reach out to us by completing the form below.
New stock corpora available for:
Invoice Custom Field:
Users can now maintain a custom field to add personalized content to invoices, such as a Purchase Order number.
Fixes & Improvements:
What’s new
What’s new
This maintenance release is bringing several fixes and improvements.
What’s new
Performance and quality improvements in the keyword list and custom prompt handling for AI boosted engines
Several fixes and improvements.
What’s new
Globalese V5.2 introduces a brand new feature called custom prompts. Users now have the ability to add personalized commands to the engine, which will impact the translation based on the desired feature.
This major update includes the following key features:
The transition to the new Microsoft Azure region will be implemented for newly trained engines or for engines with modifications to the keyword list and/or the prompt.
Several fixes and improvements.
What’s new
Performance and quality improvements for the AI boosted engines.
Several fixes and improvements.
What’s new
The highlight of this update is the introduction of dynamic terminology lists for AI-boosted engines. This feature allows for the enhancement of engine accuracy without the need for retraining. All it takes is to add a terminology list, enabling the enforcement of important keywords in translations. Learn more by clicking here.
In addition, the performance of our AI-boosted engines has been improved. This has significantly reduced the average response time for translations. We are also excited to share that a new text translation plugin is now available for Trados Studio 2022 SR1. This free plugin can be downloaded from the AppStore.
Several fixes and improvements.
What’s new
We are proud to present Globalese V5. With this latest major version, we are introducing AI-boosted engines. This next-generation engine type combines the accuracy of domain-adapted engines with the linguistic skills of large language models like GPT from OpenAI. Additionally, we now support the Link payment option from Stripe.
Several fixes and improvements
What’s new
A new option is available which allows users to disable the automated auxiliary corpora filtering functionality. As a consequence, the engine creation page was slightly re-organized. For more details, please check the documentation.
Several fixes and improvements.
On the engine creation screen, the checkbox for Stock corpora selection was moved to the Auxiliary corpora section.
Updated stock engines
What’s new
Building on functionality introduced in Globalese 4.3 and Globalese 4.4, users can now choose to select an inactive engine version to be used for document translation. This feature has been added to support users who want to test a newly trained version of an engine before activating it.
New stock corpora
What’s new
Other changes and improvements
We have improved the transparency around the engine lifecycle.
GET /v3/engines
endpoint incorrectly returned a 401 response.Changes
character caused words to split.Improvements
New stock corpora
What’s new
We wanted to make the lifecycle of an engine easier to keep track of and more transparent to our users. A new Versions tab that does just that has been added to every engine. This is similar to the existing Versions tab for corpora: it shows the properties of the engine over time — or rather, over various trained versions (since a new engine version is created every time a training finishes.). You can see the composition of corpora, the version of stock corpora or engines used, as well as which Globalese version the various engine versions were trained on. (Note that historical data may not be always accurate, but it is going to be going forward.)
Above all versions, you will also find a version named Next. (In fact, this is the only “version” displayed for new engines that have not been trained yet.) This is a special one that always shows the current state of the engine, i.e. after the last edit. This is how the engine’s next version will look like when you hit the Train button after making changes to the engine.
You will also notice a badge labelled Active. Currently this always indicates the last trained engine version, which is the one used for translation. There has been some ambiguity over what was previously displayed in the Master corpora and Auxiliary corpora tables, because once you edited an engine, it was no longer obvious what corpora were used in the active version. From version 4.3 on, we no longer have to make compromises about that.
Making clearer which version of an engine was trained how and when also enables us to introduce more new functionality related to engine versions in upcoming releases.
Where have the Train/Edit/Clone buttons gone?
We thought it makes sense to move the Train/Cancel training, Edit and Clone buttons from the header of the engine page to the Versions tab. Since it is always the next version that gets trained, edited or cloned, we believe it is the best user experience if you find these buttons together with the pertaining information.
Important changes
has changed. Please check out the updated specification.Minor changes and improvements
header from API responses.New stock corpora
New stock engines
New stock corpora
What’s new
Minor changes and improvements
New stock corpora
Minor improvements
as a format.Changes
parameter is no longer required when making API requests to engines deployed for text translation. Although it is still strongly recommended to specify the format whenever it is known, Globalese will attempt auto-detecting the format of the segments sent for translation if the format
parameter is not present in the payload.Minor improvements
Tag pairs surrounding entities that remain untranslated after machine translation are checked and corrected if necessary.
What’s new
Engines can be published and unpublished to allow or deny a wider group of users the use of individual engines for document translation.
Breaking change: from Globalese 4.1 onwards, all new engines need to be explicitly published after their first training.
Read more about this new feature here.
Minor changes and improvements
page did not log out a logged in user.Minor improvements
Minor improvements
Minor improvements
What’s new
Instant translation using custom engines
For us, the single most important new feature in Globalese 4 is the ability to deploy custom engines in the cloud for instant translation. This has been due for a while now, and opens up possibilities for a deeper and more natural integration between Globalese Cloud and CAT tools — or any custom integration leveraging the Globalese API — than ever before.
You can turn on any custom Globalese engine in the cloud and send segments in plain text or XLIFF format to be translated instantly. This means you are no longer restricted to using Globalese as a pre-translation tool, but can offer instant lookup to translators/post-editors. XLIFF-compliant input is processed as usual, as we continue to aim to provide the best tool around for tagged content.
Read more about this new feature here (or here if you are a developer). New CAT tool plugins are expected to be released in the coming weeks, but you can already start your own integration. Just let us know if you need help.
Usage-based subscription
The engine-based subscription model is getting retired, which means you will no longer have to specify how many engines you want to have upfront. Just train and translate what you need, and pay accordingly.
Existing subscriptions will remain valid and in place until their end date, or can be converted any time into usage-based subscriptions upon request. New subscriptions will exclusively be usage-based.
You can find our new price list here.
Streamlined billing and payment
With the new usage-based cloud subscription, payments are made and invoices issued automatically, while your sensitive data is handled safely, all thanks to the new Stripe integration. Invoices are automatically generated at the start of each month, or when the due amount reaches EUR 1,000 — whichever comes first. The new Billing page provides an overview of the balance and your details.
What does all of this mean to you?
First of all, these new features are available for Globalese Cloud users.
Secondly, there is no immediate impact for Cloud users either. All of our Cloud users will be continuously migrated to the new usage-based subscription scheme if they want to renew their current subscriptions once they expire. If you want that to happen today, just let us know!
Once you start a usage-based (or post-paid as we call it) subscription, you can opt in for the text translation feature. This means that by default the features available to you will be as before: engine training and document translation.
All users can continue using the existing CAT tool plugins to translate files. However, if you are eligible, we encourage you start using the new ones (as soon as they become available) for a more natural experience.
Minor changes and improvements
, was split by Studio and its subsegments had different statuses.Fixes
Minor improvements
POST /v2.1/corpora
.New stock corpora
What’s new
Minor improvements
New stock corpora
Minor improvements
What’s new
The focus in the latest release of Globalese is on corpus lifecycle management.
Corpora in Globalese are maintained centrally, meaning you only have to upload a corpus once and then you can re-use it in as many engines as you wish, in either language direction. Needless to say, some corpora change more frequently than others, and if an engine is centred around a translation memory that gets updated every day, the engine might quickly become obsolete. The way this can be tackled is to first update the corpus, and then re-train the engine so it can reflect the changes.
Up to now, updating and re-training existing engines meant taking the following steps:
The new process looks like this:
It’s even simpler if you are used to pulling your corpora from your CAT tool(s). When importing a corpus for the second time and onward, Globalese will not create a new entity, but update the existing one.
All the engines affected by a corpus update will display an indication next to the updated corpora, so when looking at an engine, you can immediately see what has changed since the last update.
When viewing a corpus, you can now see its version history on the new Versions tab to give you an idea about the volume changes across versions.
New stock corpora
New stock engines
Minor improvements
New stock corpora
New stock engines
Minor improvements
New stock corpora
Minor improvements
New stock corpora
What’s new
New stock corpora
New stock engines
Minor improvements
New stock corpora
elements were inserted into each translated segment.PUT /v2.1/corpora/{id}
API endpoint failed if the uploaded corpus had already been uploaded once.What’s new
New stock corpora
New stock engines
New functionality
Minor improvements
What’s new
We’ve introduced a quick training option to save training time where engines receive minor updates, and therefore don’t need to be fully retrained.
Read more about this new functionality here.
Notable fixes
New functionality
attribute in XLIFF files. Read official specificationMinor improvements
Globalese 3.8.3 fixes the following issues:
The major highlight of Globalese 3.8 is stock+ engines. Stock+ engines are customised stock engines, i.e. pre-trained stock engines extended with the user’s own corpora.
Note: stock+ engines are only available in the cloud environment.
Further changes
Notable fixes
The major update in this release is the switch of the underlying neural network model from RNN (Recurrent Neural Network) to TNN (Transformer Neural Network). The result is simply better translations obtained from engines trained from this release onward.
Further improvements
Starting with version 3.6, Globalese cloud users can quickly take advantage of ready-to-use generic stock engines for the most common language combinations. This addition aims to provide a quick solution in scenarios where a custom engine cannot yet be trained because there is not enough in-domain training material.
At the time of writing, stock engines are available:
Please contact Support for queries about further language combinations.
The major addition in this release is the ability to use stock corpora as the foundation for training engines in the cloud. Read more about stock corpora in this blog post.
In the past months, we have been working hard on improving the two core processes in Globalese: training and translation.
Globalese 3.4 brings overall improvements in both departments. Training an engine is now 20% to 60% faster. Translation is 20% to 40% faster overall, and we conducted extensive tests to ensure that automated metrics show at least as good a score as before retraining an engine (as always, this depends on the language combination).
Since this a significant change, you will notice that certain engines will be marked for retraining. This makes use of the engine health feature introduced in Globalese 3.3.
Note that while you can continue using your engines as they are, retraining them will give you the advantage of faster translation and higher quality.
Globalese 3.3 introduces the concept of engine health. The idea behind it is to prevent cases where you have old engines hanging around, when you could increase their output quality simply by retraining them on the same corpora.
As always, we are trying to keep it simple. Whenever we release a new Globalese version in the future that adds a significant (read: measurable) increase in engine quality, Globalese will prompt users gently to retrain engines that are going “stale” (starting with the oldest ones). If a major change is introduced that affects engine quality more dramatically, users will see a firm warning.
In both cases, old engines can still be used to translate files.
Other improvements:
Bugs fixed:
Globalese 3.2 is all about version 2.1 of the Globalese API.
The new API endpoints introduced in v2.1 let users automate corpus management and engine creation and training. Paginated results are also available for listing queries.
Other improvements include:
Globalese 3.1 introduces the concept of augmented in-domain engines trained from core and auxiliary corpora.
Minor improvements:
We are very happy to announce the release of Globalese 3, which uses neural machine learning technology to deliver MT quality unseen before.
Corpora management and the engine creation process have both been simplified. Upload, pick, train!
CAT tool integration options now include a connector to memoQ 8 servers, and a translate5 plugin. The updated SDL Trados Studio plugin is currently available upon request, but it will soon appear in the App Store as well.
As always, we invite everyone to try out Globalese 3 for 30 days.
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