Realizing the need for a TMS
Over fifteen years ago, Jerome Translations could rely on Microsoft Office software when assignments were small and clients were few. However, as their business and team grew, they started looking for a translation management system that could speed up their processes via automation and make their work more efficient, profitable and enjoyable.
By the time Jerome Translations started working on larger and more complex projects, they were already in the phase of testing various translation management systems. In 2012, they shortlisted four products for evaluation: memoQ, Fluency, OmegaT, and Trados.
Happy memoQ users since 2013
“Our experience with installing and using memoQ was extremely smooth. It seemed very straightforward compared to the competing products we had tried. The product stood up to our testing and we felt confident that it would support us as our team, our practice, and our client base grew.” shares Jacqueline McClure-Zerbe, owner and Editor-in-Chief of Jerome Translations
Features/modules that help Jerome Translations the most
- Proprietary database (TMs and TBs), safely stored in their private instance of memoQ cloud
- Custom term bases for a range of clients/subject areas
- Statistics, run on each new document to estimate effort and prepare a quote
- Pre-translation and integration with DeepL
- Concordance to maintain consistency within a document and across multiple documents
- LiveDocs to leverage a corpus
- memoQweb to work with revisers
- Quality assurance to catch errors before delivery
- Integration with Antidote to make French revision a cost-effective process
“Another problem that memoQ helps address is how to keep our services as affordable as possible. For repeat clients, we always leverage their prior translations. Neither party is served when someone retranslates material that has already been translated, edited and proofread as part of a previous assignment. We can go back months and years to help our clients keep
their customer-facing documents up to date. Small changes on their side are met with a quick turnaround on our end. Clients enjoy this aspect of our service and reward us with repeat work.”
Get to know the whole story in detail, download the eBook now!
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