End-User License Agreement

Software End-User License Agreement

by and between

memoQ Ltd.

Seat address: H-1074 Budapest, Rákóczi út 70-72. Hungary

EU VAT ID: HU25429356




Individual or Organization using and installing memoQ product

(“the User”)

Updated: May 2023

Important – to the attention of the User: Please read this license agreement (‘License’, ‘Agreement’) carefully before using any memoQ product. Installing, downloading, copying, otherwise using or exercising other rights linked to this product indicates your acknowledgment that you have read this license and agree to be bound by and comply with its terms. If you do not agree, do not install, download, copy, use, or exercise other rights linked to the product, and please also delete all copies from the relevant computers, repositories, and notify memoQ Support ( who will deactivate the license.

Attention: This is a license, not a sale. This product is provided to User under the following terms and conditions which define what the User may do with the product. The terms and conditions also include limitations on warranties and/or remedies.

Proof of license: The proof of license is the physical or electronic copy of the invoice in the User’s possession. In the absence of that, the User must either have a special license agreement or an academic program agreement, or fall in a valid trial period of the software. In the latter case, the proof of license is the copy of the e-mail that the User receives from memoQ when signing up for the product trial. In the absence of proof of license no rights may be available to the User.

Valid without signature: This license agreement is valid without express signature by either party.

A. Grant of License

a) The User enrolls in a free trial period of the Product, and does not purchase a perpetual – non-expiring – or subscribe for license during or at the end of the trial period. The length of the trial period depends on the type of product, and is indicated on the corresponding download page under The expiry is always counted from the date of the first activation, i.e. the day the license for the Product was first requested from the central memoQ activation server over the internet;

b) The User acquires the license through subscription or a lease. In this case, the license expires on the last day of the current subscription or lease period unless the subscription fee is paid for one or more subsequent periods, or else if the lease is extended and the associated fees are paid;

c) The User enters into a special, individual agreement with memoQ, and the agreement specifies an expiry date;

d) The User borrows the license for a specific unit of work through another organization that uses a memoQ translation management system. This license exists in the form of an Enterprise License Management (ELM) or Concurrent-Access Licensing (CAL) license. In this case, the license expires when at deadline specified by the organization that the User receives the work from. This organization can also revoke the license before the deadline.

e) The User is an educational institution or facility, and enters into an Academic Program Agreement with memoQ. The Academic Program Agreement requires that the licenses be renewed once each academic year. In this case, the User receives Academic Licenses which are valid from the beginning of an academic year till the day before the beginning of the next academic year. The beginning of the academic year is defined by the User’s own rules or the law of the User’s territory.

B. Scope of Agreement

C. Intellectual Property and Declaration of Ownership

D. User’s Rights

E. Restrictions

F. Third-Party Modules (Plugins) and Third-Party Online Services

G. Termination

a) The license is time-limited, and it expires, and the User has no other valid licenses;

b) memoQ may terminate the Agreement if the User fails to comply with all terms and conditions herein or defined separately,;

c) The agreement or relationship in view of which the license is granted, or the parties entered into License Agreement is terminated.

d) The User decides to return the license to memoQ;

e) The User and mutually agree to terminate the Agreement.

f)  The license is against memoQ’s lawful business interest, and thus terminates the Agreement. memoQ must provide sufficient reason and evidence for such termination. Parties may agree to the partial refund of license fees.

H. Limited Warranty

a) if the User is using a non-documented workflow or functionality, or

b) the User was specifically advised against the workflow or methodology they are using, especially if the User was warned of the potential damages, or

c) the User has modified any of the Product’s configuration files in a way that is not documented in the Product’s Help system, unless explicitly instructed by memoQ’s Support services to do so, or

d) the User previously rejected memoQ’s offer of consultancy, ‘sanity check’, training, or any other form of business services, or ignored the advice or consultancy received from these services, or

e) the User allowed untrained or unauthorized personnel to access and manage their systems, or

f) the User denies access to their systems to memoQ, or refuses or fails to supply sufficient data for memoQ to diagnose and solve the problem, or

g) the User prevents memoQ from accessing data, systems, or personnel necessary to investigate the warranty claim, or

h) the User refuses, neglects or prevents the upgrade or the update of their systems to the latest supported version and build, provided that such upgrade or update was published and offered to User by memoQ in a timely manner, or

i) it is proven that the testing and quality assurance process on memoQ’s side was carried out in compliance with the ISO 9001:2008 documentation against which memoQ Ltd.’s processes are certified.

I. Product Support

a) Support means that, during the term of the Service Agreement, the User can access an online helpdesk service where helpdesk agents provide assistance in resolving issues related to the Product.

b) Maintenance means that, during the term of the Service Agreement, the User is entitled to install and use (upgrade to) the latest version of the Product.

J. Data Requirements and Data Protection

a) Full name or first and last name

b) A valid e-mail address where the User must be reachable

c) Organization name if the User is a legal entity

d) Type of organization

e) Telephone number

f) Location data: city and country

g) Billing address

K. Newsletters, Syndicated Content, and Privacy

L. Modification of Licensing Terms

M. Audit Rights

N. General


List of third-party software components and their sources, for the latest long-term-support (LTS) version and the newest minor version

For memoQ version 9.7 (LTS) and 9.8

gRPC – Open-source software under the Apache 2.0 license, copyright © and maintained by its contributors

Genuine Channels by Genrix Software, Inc. © 2002–2006 Genrix Software, Inc. –

Hunspell Spelling Checker. Installed as separate program. © 2007–2011 László Németh; Foundation. Licensed under GPL/LGPL/MPL tri-license.

Json.NET by James Newton-King ©2008. The MIT License (MIT), by James Newton-King ©2008

Language detection uses word lists for a couple of languages from by Hermit Dave (ShareAlike 3.0) © 2011-2013.

MagicLibrary 1.7.4 by Crownwood Software Ltd, Bracknell, Berkshire, UK – (c) Copyright 2006 – Crownwood Software Ltd .

SharpZipLib 1.2.0 by Mike Krueger © 2001 – Copyright 2001-2010 Mike Krueger, John Reilly

xPDF © 1996-2007 Glyph & Cog, LLC. Installed as a separate program. Licensed under GPL 2.0.

MVVM Light Toolkit, v4.1.24.0. Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Laurent Bugnion. 

WPF Toolkit 3.5.50211.1. Written by JenniLe Shimmy. Copyright © 2013 Microsoft Corporation. Licensed under the Reactive Extensions EULA. 

Extended WPF Toolkit – Copyright © Xceed Software Inc. 2007-2015

CefSharp 63.0.3 by The CefSharp Authors – Copyright © 2010-2017 The CefSharp Authors. All rights reserved. 

Chromium Embedded Framework by The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors – Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Marshall A. Greenblatt. Portions Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. 

QRCoder Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Raffael Herrmann.

WebSocketSharp Copyright (c) 2010-2018 sta.blockhead.

Serilog – Open-source software under the Apache 2.0 license, copyright © and maintained by its contributors