BUG-12679: A wrong help topic opens when you click the Help icon in the Image transcriptions page
BUG-12419: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: memoQ tries to invoke Language Terminal for conversion when importing an IDML file if the file name also contains the INDD extension somewhere before IDML
BUG-12800: Calls to the CMS API are blocked by CORS policy
BUG-12684: CMS API: For an inconsistency in handling dates and times, local times are converted to the time zone of memoQ TMS, while dates specified as UTC are left intact
BUG-12701: Creation of projects and QA reports may fail under heavy load for an error in how strict file exclusion policy the light resource manager employs
BUG-12686: For an issue with managing language settings in project templates, you may not be able to configure translation memories belonging to sublanguages as additional translation memories
BUG-12369: HTML filter: When importing PHP strings is turned on, the opening angle bracket is converted to the < HTML entity during export
BUG-12784: If track changes is turned off for the translator during project creation, but turned on for Reviewer 1, it will not be available for Reviewer 1 either.
BUG-12392: If you convert a legacy translation memory to TM+ with Korean source, you won’t get expected hits when performing a lookup
BUG-11393: If you insert a concordance search result while tracking changes is turned on, the insertion won’t get tracked
BUG-12719: Machine Translation: ModernMT: An update to the MT provider’s language codes caused a mismatch between memoQ and ModernMT when negotiating Farsi language
BUG-12655: memoQ may report a communication issue with memoQ TMS when you try to add new entries to a TM+ translation memory in the Translation Memory Editor
BUG-4773: memoQ reverts to not look for updates automatically after installing and update
BUG-12767: memoQ TMS: If you have a multilingual project, auto-translation for the same segment for a specific language is invoked as many times as many target languages in your project have an auto-translation rule configured
BUG-12761: memoQWeb: Confirming a segment into a double-context TM saves the pre-context and post-context to the document
BUG-12728: memoQWeb: Data stored in meta fields of LiveDocs corpora are not shown for LiveDocs hits in the Concordance window as those of TM hits are
BUG-11187: memoQWeb: If you select and overwrite a word to which a comment has been added, the comment gets deleted rather than staying attached to the first letter of the new word as in memoQ desktop clients
BUG-12776: memoQWeb: When you add a comment to a segment, the time and date on the dialog is recorded according to your local time, however it is saved using the server’s local time and this value is displayed later
BUG-11382: memoQWeb: When you run QA and it finishes without finding any issues, a misleading dialog may appear with a blank issue list
BUG-12594: QTerm: Closed discussions may be displayed in the Translation results pane for the related term when the current source segment contains that term
BUG-11602: Regex tagger built on memoQ considers any character following a {memoQ tag} as a character at the beginning of a line
BUG-12707: Regex Tagger filter: An error in saving the values of the Tags and entities filter configuration page may corrupt the filter configuration file
BUG-12725: Regex tagger filter: Tagging may behave differently in different memoQ versions
BUG-12845: Regex Tagger filter: You may receive an error when you try to edit a filter configuration and have an example text containing one or more tab characters
BUG-12538: Regex Tagger filter: You may receive an error when you try to edit a previously created filter configuration for a faulty change in handling new line constructs
BUG-12750: The Customize smart quotes dialog uses a font type different from what is set in Options > Appearance > Editor fonts > Font family and size, and this difference may mislead you to think memoQ applies wrong smart quotes in the translation grid
BUG-11017: When the operation of editing a LiveDocs corpus times out after an idle time of 5 minutes, you may lose your selection in your alignment pair
BUG-11094: When you resize the Concordance window, the Meta information column is not resized, while the others are
BUG-12848: XLIFF 2 filter: An issue with whitespace management may prevent you from exporting documents to JA, ZH and TW
BUG-12190: XLIFF 2 filter: You may not be able to import a document if multiple note attributes have the same ID
BUG-12038: XLIFF filter: You may be unable to import a document if it contains a trans-unit element with empty source element
BUG-12780: You may be unable to get search results from a termbase if the results would include an entry with an empty target term
BUG-12743: You may not receive search results from a termbase for an issue with ordering hits
BUG-12715: You may receive a “Range’s end must not be beyond plain text’s end” error when you navigate to a segment and wait for fragments to appear in lookup results