Hello, memoQ 10.4!
…and hello, memoQ AGT! We are introducing memoQ 10.4 which includes improvements to AIQE and the in-country review tool as well as new features and tweaks based on our users’ feedback and requests.
memoQ AGT is an AI-based translation automation technology that unifies the benefits of machine translation and translation memories. It provides instant domain adaptation so that the translation results are tailored to the customer’s existing language resources (translation memories, terminology, term bases, aligned documents).
AIQE has become more advanced. We have added auto-selection, pre-translate auto-confirm options, and AIQE match rates are now displayed on the grid.
This is one of the most important features of AIQE. Thanks to the auto-confirm function, you can simplify and automate your translation workflow and skip unnecessary steps when using machine translation in memoQ. This is similar to how translations are handled through TMs since AIQE provides quality attributes similar to the match rate of the TM.
Implementing the AIQE into the auto-confirm functions of the pre-translate function enables fully automated translations with MT & TM translations having the quality assured.
Until now, the matches during the pre-translation of a document could come from translation memories, LiveDocs, or a selected machine translation engine.
But how to select the right MT engine for your document/project/client? From now on, AIQE can choose the best translation from different engines on the fly during pre-translation. You can run a pre-translation with multiple engines and let AIQE pick the best translation segment-by-segment.
Previously, when working with AIQE within memoQ, match rates of machine translation had only been displayed in the translation results.
With the AIQE improvements in memoQ 10.4, match rates will also be displayed on the translation grid itself. The match rate reflects the accuracy of the translation according to AIQE, and it is shown in parentheses, indicating that the match comes from a machine translation engine.
The match rate will also show up in the .XLIFF file associated with the project. This enables the user to see which MT engines the matches come from, and which one performed better in the given document. This feature is especially useful when evaluating machine translation engines.
memoQ’s backup tool has just become more convenient by allowing parallel database backup and file backup.
The memoQ server backup tool’s performance has been further improved. So far, files and databases could only be backed up separately. From memoQ 10.4 on, you can run your database backup parallel to the file backup.
In response to our customer’s feedback, the In-country review is further enhanced with some powerful new features.
The project manager can now use the Quality Assurance section of the “Configure in-country review” dialog so that they can enable and configure QA check (i.e., display issues) for the ICR user in the ICR tool, and also prevent the ICR user from delivering the document if it contains errors. With this new functionality, the PM can also define QA categories in which issues are shown to the ICR user.
In addition to the Terms and Comments tabs on the sidebar of the ICR tool, the Issues tab is now visible to the in-country reviewer, displaying warnings and errors and allowing the user to focus on specific issues and correct them in the corresponding row on the translation grid.
Issues are also communicated at the end of each row of the grid, always showing the most severe issue category found in the row. So, if you have warnings and errors in a row, only the error icon is displayed
Using the filter (funnel) icon on the toolbar, the ICR user can filter the document’s rows, allowing them to filter for rows containing the search phrase:
The preview of the translation document can be displayed or hidden using the preview icon in the document header. The preview and the translation grid are in sync, so clicking in a row on the translation grid will frame the same content in the preview and vice versa.
Project managers using the desktop client now have an “In-Country Review (ICR)” context menu for ICR assignments to access the following 3 options:
We have included some smaller features and improvements based on our users’ feedback and requests.
Extend the {affected_documents} section with placeholders for the number and target language of the affected documents in the E-mail template “Document assigned to subvendor group” and “Project distributed with subvendor group assignments.”
The function has become significantly faster with TM+ (compared to classic translation memories).
Because of the discontinuation of the TransPDF service, it is not supported by memoQ as a PDF import option anymore.
Multilingual XML filter now supports XPath 2.0 when configuring import rules.
This feature is connected to the WPML filter. From now on, you can configure what is interpreted as a short code with a regular expression.
A new IDP is added as a supported provider for SSO. Indeed, we are open to any IDPs working with OIDC, but the template allows for quicker implementation as of memoQ 10.4.
Besides the Excel filter, you can now use in-place translation when using the Multilingual XML filter.
We have added additional filter configuration options to cascade these filters: XLIFF 1, XLIFF 2, Multilingual Delimited Text filter, Multilingual XML filter.
December 12, 2023
BUG-12237: Excel file containing a drop-down list may not be imported with the muli filter
BUG-12975: Exceptions can leak out from ServerJobManager.StartJob started threadpool thread causing memoQ Server crashes
BUG-12932: For the Antidote loader dialog remaining open, the corrections you make in Antidote may not be applied in the translation grid of memoQ WebTrans in certain scenarios
BUG-12282: memoQWeb: Having an unpublished online project template may cause the project creation page to get stuck in loading phase
BUG-4794: MGS file import with default filter may fail with ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object’.
BUG-12921: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: All WordArt segments may be filled with the contents of the first segment in exported documents
BUG-12902: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to import documents with certain empty or hidden hyperlinks in it
BUG-12903: Pressing Insert on the Concordance dialog may delete the segment and replace it with the selected text
BUG-12903: Pressing Insert on the Concordance dialog may delete the segment and replace it with the selected text
BUG-12942: Preview IDs might be lost when reimporting multilingual Excel or CSV file
BUG-12883: Quick confirm and update actions from WebTrans sometimes insert the content of the previous action into the next segment
BUG-12878: Trying to display multiple LSC hits in termbases may cause memoQ to freeze under special circumstances
BUG-12179: WPML: translation is missing from exported file if the target language code of the project is not exactly same as the target language code of the project
BUG-12952: XLIFF filter: An issue in cleaning up superfluous whitespaces may prevent exporting documents
BUG-12867: You may not be able to edit specific TM+ translation memory resources for an error claiming for an unknown metadata field
November 14, 2023
BUG-12725: Regex tagger filter: Tagging may behave differently in different memoQ versions
BUG-4773: memoQ reverts to not look for updates automatically after installing and update
BUG-12800: Calls to the CMS API are blocked by CORS policy
BUG-12780: You may be unable to get search results from a termbase if the results would include an entry with an empty target term
BUG-11393: If you insert a concordance search result while tracking changes is turned on, the insertion won't get tracked
BUG-11187: memoQWeb: If you select and overwrite a word to which a comment has been added, the comment gets deleted rather than staying attached to the first letter of the new word as in memoQ desktop clients
BUG-12888: QTerm: The stemming | character is not displayed in a term when you search for it in QTerm's Home page
BUG-12784: If track changes is turned off for the translator during project creation, but turned on for Reviewer 1, it will not be available for Reviewer 1 either.
BUG-12845: Regex Tagger filter: You may receive an error when you try to edit a filter configuration and have an example text containing one or more tab characters
BUG-12684: CMS API: For an inconsistency in handling dates and times, local times are converted to the time zone of memoQ TMS, while dates specified as UTC are left intact
BUG-12679: A wrong help topic opens when you click the Help icon in the Image transcriptions page
BUG-12728: memoQWeb: Data stored in meta fields of LiveDocs corpora are not shown for LiveDocs hits in the Concordance window as those of TM hits are
BUG-10758: memoQ may inadvertently keep running in the background even when no windows are left visible
BUG-12714: memoQ TMS: An error reading properties of TM+ translation memories may cause memoQ TMS to crash during pre-translation
BUG-12824: Insufficient amount of RAM may cause the main process of MemoQ TMS to be suspended by Windows
BUG-12719: Machine Translation: ModernMT: An update to the MT provider's language codes caused a mismatch between memoQ and ModernMT when negotiating Farsi language
BUG-12855: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: If some text is formatted as bold in a cell, the whole cell may be formatted as bold in the exported document
BUG-12743: You may not receive search results from a termbase for an issue with ordering hits
BUG-12369: HTML filter: When importing PHP strings is turned on, the opening angle bracket is converted to the < HTML entity during export
BUG-12892: An issue with entity substitution exhibited under rare circumstances may cause pre-translation to fail and memoQ TMS to crash
BUG-12851: Preview SDK: A named pipe is closed when the main window is closed, even though memoQ is still running
BUG-12538: Regex Tagger filter: You may receive an error when you try to edit a previously created filter configuration for a faulty change in handling new line constructs
BUG-12707: Regex Tagger filter: An error in saving the values of the Tags and entities filter configuration page may corrupt the filter configuration file
BUG-12767: memoQ TMS: If you have a multilingual project, auto-translation for the same segment for a specific language is invoked as many times as many target languages in your project have an auto-translation rule configured
BUG-12759: An issue with entity substitution exhibited under rare circumstances may cause SQL deadlock issues in the database of memoQ TMS
BUG-12701: Creation of projects and QA reports may fail under heavy load for an error in how strict file exclusion policy the light resource manager employs
BUG-12750: The Customize smart quotes dialog uses a font type different from what is set in Options > Appearance > Editor fonts > Font family and size, and this difference may mislead you to think memoQ applies wrong smart quotes in the translation grid
BUG-12776: memoQWeb: When you add a comment to a segment, the time and date on the dialog is recorded according to your local time, however it is saved using the server's local time and this value is displayed later
BUG-12634: memoQWeb: You may see an error in the Concordance window if a TM+ translation memory is attached to the project
BUG-12771: You may not be able to activate simplified spectre processing for TM+ translation memories
BUG-12655: memoQ may report a communication issue with memoQ TMS when you try to add new entries to a TM+ translation memory in the Translation Memory Editor
BUG-12715: You may receive a "Range's end must not be beyond plain text's end" error when you navigate to a segment and wait for fragments to appear in lookup results
BUG-12392: If you convert a legacy translation memory to TM+ with Korean source, you won't get expected hits when performing a lookup
BUG-12761: memoQWeb: Confirming a segment into a double-context TM saves the pre-context and post-context to the document
BUG-12617: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: Document import may fail for specially crafted documents with multiple part labels
BUG-12848: XLIFF 2 filter: An issue with whitespace management may prevent you from exporting documents to JA, ZH and TW
Initial 10.4 release was 10.4.12