Hello, memoQ 11.1!

This new release significantly improves memoQ AGT, including support for online projects and configuration as an online MT resource. Additionally, 13 new indigenous languages have been added to memoQ. Users can also benefit from enhancements to the in-country review tool, one-click term base entry deletion, efficient email cleanup, and more!

memoQ AGT Can Now Work with Online Projects and Be Configured as an Online MT Resource

memoQ AGT as an Online Resource 

memoQ AGT can now be configured as an online resource, enabling the central management of the API key. Linguistic teams can access the same MT settings, with the AGT API key configured by a PM. This streamlined approach enhances security and simplifies project management, ensuring a more efficient workflow.

memoQ AGT in Online Projects in WebPM 

memoQ AGT now supports online projects. Previously, memoQ AGT could only be used in local projects or in checked-out online projects. Translations can be initiated directly in WebPM, eliminating the need to check out the project manually. Project managers can now use AGT for pre-translation before handing projects over to linguists for post-editing. 

memoQ Now Supports 13 New North American Indigenous Languages:

Atikamekw, Babine-Witsuwit’en, Blackfoot, Dene, Dogrib, Innu, Michif, Mohawk, Plautdietsch, Stoney, Apache (Western), Hopi, Lakota

Other Features and Improvements

In-Country Review Tool Improvements   

Delete memoQ Term Base Entry with One Click 

Efficient Email Cleanup

LQA reports via API

TM Creation

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Change logs


October 22, 2024

We have made changes to logging in this version. Setting the memoQ TMS logging level to Verbose can cause excess logs to be created. Please make sure you only use Verbose logging if necessary, and clean up the log files frequently if needed.

BUG-14291 – Performance optimization for importing Word documents having large number of hyperlinks

BUG-11405 – Formatting of tagged text at the end of segments might be lost upon export if segments are copied/inserted one by one
BUG-12955 – Customer Portal: In certain cases, downloading files for requests/quotes is not possible
BUG-13514 – Translation Editor: When both Smart quotes and Track Changes are turned on, words might get duplicated.
BUG-13700 – Machine Translation: Intento MT: Update Intento MT plugin to new version
BUG-14107 – Limit password reset requests at 5 per 30 minutes
BUG-14110 – Terminate all active sessions of the given user if their password is changed
BUG-14185 – memoQweb: Projects’ deadline warning message is not be visible if the project is empty, wrapped up, archived, in the trash, or all translations in the project are in Completed workflow status
BUG-14197 – New data is not being added to the Business Analytics reports on a specific memoQ TMS (private cloud)
BUG-14203 – XLIFF filter: Importing specific files where source contains only whitespaces and target is not empty leads to “Invalid structural labels” error
BUG-14259 – Content connector: Fixed XLIFF import into content connected project
BUG-14268 – Project check-out can be slow if there are a lot of corpora published in memoQ TMS
BUG-14281 – Machine translation: Cannot edit an online MT resource which configures a plugin that is unavailable in the memoQ TMS
BUG-14303 – Customer Portal: Include Customer Portal disk usage in total count in Server Manager
BUG-14304 – Multilingual Delimited Text filter: Target text might not appear in the exported file
BUG-14305 – Translation editor: The color of length limit warnings is not updated properly in the status bar
BUG-14307 – DOCX filter: Word document cannot be exported if it contains a hidden table full of hyperlinks
BUG-14317 – Translation memory: Under rare circumstances, pre-translate fails with an exception (both classic and TM+)
BUG-14321 – memoQweb: Validation of users’ language pairs prevents the Administration/Users page from loading fully
BUG-14324 – Multilingual Delimited Text filter: Target text might not appear in the exported file
BUG-14326 – XLIFF1 filter: memoQ-specific extra tag () inserted when exporting an XLIFF 1 document
BUG-14327 – WS API: Issues with minor version export in the ExportTranslationDocumentAsXliffBilingual API function when FullVersionHistory is used
BUG-14339 – memoQweb: Loading a document list page might lead to internal server error
BUG-14354 – Business Analytics: Configuration might fail with error while collecting reports


September 24, 2024

BUG-13248 – WSAPI: Import via API deletes history of the file
BUG-13546 – Multilingual delimited text filter: Exported document may have different translation than the translation grid
BUG-13942 – PowerPoint filter: Import may fail if there are elements in the file which are not in memoQ’s schema validator files
BUG-13992 – Java Properties filter: Backslashes after equal signs at the end of the first line vanish upon importing and exporting Java Properties files
BUG-13994 – Machine Translation: DeepL MT: After specific segments, tag whitespace normalization results in an exception
BUG-14046 – Potential NGTM concordance crash fixed.
BUG-14070 – XLIFF 2 filter: Empty source or target element tags throw an Object reference not set to an instance of an object exception
BUG-14071 – IDML filter: Hyperlinks disappear in the translated InDesign .idml file if a link contains multiple character styles
BUG-14106 – Version history may break after importing an MQXLZ into memoQ
BUG-14165 – JSON filter: Selecting multiple attributes as comment will only import one attribute as comment
BUG-14168 – Phrase filter: Machine-translation percentages coming from Phrase mxliff are imported as pre-translation match rates
BUG-14204 – SDLXLIFF filter: Machine-translation percentages coming from Trados files are imported as pre-translation match rates
BUG-14207 – SDLXLIFF filter: Upon export, formatting may generate extra tags which are not recognized by WorldServer
BUG-14247 – Java Properties filter: Line endings are changed from LF to CRLF in exported document


September 5, 2024

BUG-13259 – Export: Under rare circumstances, a previously translated and exported file cannot be exported from a new project
BUG-13325 – memoQweb: Deadline date might appear as overdue for completed documents
BUG-13469 – Preview: HTML content in the second target language in a Multilingual XML file was not visible in the preview pane
BUG-13578 – Multilingual XLSX: Import may fail if the source side’s ending/starting whitespace is different from the target side’s ending/starting whitespace
BUG-13609 – Online projects: Mixed up labels in the Notes window’s Discussion tab
BUG-13622 – Preview: Links that open a new window in the preview pane were not working in the preview pane
BUG-13753 – Multilingual XML filter: XPath is not working if the path elements contain namespace specification
BUG-13807 – Machine Translation: Systran MT plugin: Warning about language support when using Systran MT with the Serbian language
BUG-13814 – XLSX filter: Import of Excel files with hidden sheets and big images might be very slow
BUG-13986 – Translation editor: Document progress might not appear correctly when working in views
BUG-14030 – User without Admin permission can delete translation memory entries through TM concordance
BUG-14038 – Multilingual Delimited Text filter: Import of a document may fail with “There was no XML start tag open”
BUG-14057 – memoQ Terminal server configuration tool didn’t install correctly
BUG-14078 – memoQWeb doesn’t start if the server is in an environment without internet
BUG-14081 – Machine Translation: DeepL MT plugin: Glossary terms appear in quotation marks
BUG-14092 – Automated actions: Sequenced automated actions may not wait for each other to finish
BUG-14098 – Under rare conditions, statistics creation can take significantly more time than expected
BUG-14151 – Keyboard shortcuts: LF line breaks entered by user become CRLF

Initial 11.1 release was 11.1.16