Hello, memoQ 9.12

memoQ 9.12 is compact but powerful! We’re bringing you some new features to help you work in a more organized way and speed up your translation. In addition to the usual machine translation tweaks, we are introducing a new AutoMaintenance Tool for our collaboration solution.

AutoMaintenance Tool

AutoMaintenance Tool

We’re introducing our AutoMaintenance tool for memoQ server. Its main purpose is to help the SQL database maintain a good performance level by performing regular index defragmentation. From a database perspective, using indexes, and maintaining their good quality is crucial, as fragmentation of indexes can lead to SQL performance dropdowns.

Structure and usage behavior often result in memoQ database tables becoming fragmented, causing a dropdown in SQL performance.

The AutoMaintenance Tool’s main function is to create a regularly scheduled job in the SQL Agent to perform defragmentation. Additionally, it can also perform a one-time defragmentation and cleanup of the job and its temporary tables.

As SQL Express edition does not support SQL agent functionality – which is responsible for job scheduling, AutoMaintenance Tool is configured to schedule tasks with the help of Windows Task Scheduler.

The AutoMaintenance tool is available as a separate tool and can be accessed from the Downloads page. It can be used with memoQ regardless of version number.

Machine Translation

Machine Translation

Machine translation plugins are used by many memoQ users, so it’s only natural that we continuously improve them based on our users’ ideas and requests. In memoQ 9.12, we’re introducing NiuTrans and Globalese as built-in plugins. We are also introducing some updates for the Google Cloud Translation Advanced MT and the SYSTRAN plugins.

New MT plugins on board: NiuTrans and Globalese

NiuTrans is a cloud-based machine translation engine. Established in 2012, NiuTrans is used in 300+ language pairs (centered mostly around Chinese). It has recently been supported as a private plugin, but now it has become public.

To set it up, all you need to do is create a profile on the NiuTrans website to receive an API key. Once you start working on your localization project, go to MT settings in memoQ and enter the service URL, your API key, the source and target languages, and the profile name. NiuTrans is then ready to use!

Globalese is not your traditional machine translation plugin. It is not an MT engine, but a platform for building engines. So far, it has only been supported by memoQ as a private plugin, but from memoQ 9.12 on, it is also available as a public plugin (i.e., as part of the installation of memoQ).

You can directly configure Globalese engines from within memoQ. The plugin can be accessed along with all the other available MT plugins directly from memoQ’s UI.


Updates to our Google Cloud Translation Advanced MT plugin

There are two new functionalities to Google Cloud Translation Advanced. First, based on current GDPR requirements, users are now able to select any of the regional endpoints their Google Cloud account uses, including the EU regional endpoint of the Google Translate Advanced API.

Secondly, there have been changes to the glossary functionality of the plugin. To now, you had to configure a glossary on Google Cloud Platform and load it into the MT plugin to be able to access the relevant sources. To use the glossary in memoQ’s Google Advanced MT plugin, you needed some technical knowledge and to perform some background tasks.

In memoQ 9.12, we’ve made the process easier, so even those of you who don’t have an advanced technical background can access your glossaries directly from the plugin by opening the Create Glossary resource dialogue, configuring your settings, and entering your glossary data. Once the proper glossary file is uploaded to Google Cloud, the user can use the memoQ plugin to turn it into a glossary resource, make it available for Google’s MT translation, and enable it to appear in the list of glossaries in the memoQ plugin.

SYSTRAN plugin update: assign profiles to language pairs

When setting up the SYSTRAN machine translation plugin in a memoQ project, you must choose one profile (similar to a custom MT model). Profiles are usually created for specific language pairs.

In earlier memoQ versions, you only had the opportunity to choose a single profile from a dropdown menu, often not knowing the language pair associated with your profile. You had to know exactly which profile you were looking for to set it up.

In memoQ 9.12, we‘ve made this easier for you by introducing source and target language options in the plugin settings dialogue. Now all you need to do is select the source and the target languages from the lists, and memoQ will only offer those profiles that go with the selected languages—no need to remember the profile name by heart! And, more importantly, you can now associate multiple language pairs with their respective profiles, so you only need a single MT settings resource for SYSTRAN to work in any of your projects whose source and target language combination match any of the language pairs listed in the MT resource.

Other User-requested Features

Other User-requested Features

The new features of memoQ 9.12 have all been created to reduce translation time and increase convenience for our users, thus making you more productive in your work. From now on you can set new term defaults in QTerm, exclude segments from auto-propagation, automatically detect whether a match is from the source or the target text when running concordance, ignore non-translatables in QA as well as see numbers in short in-line tags.

New term defaults for QTerm term bases

In the memoQ desktop client, you can choose the default settings for prefix matching and case sensitivity for all new entries in a term base from the New term defaults window. Going forward, you can do the same in QTerm, and users with sufficient permissions can change the term base’s properties (i.e., admin rights for the specific TB can set defaults for new terms).

Exclude segment from auto-propagation

Auto-propagation of repetitions can prove to be useful and a time-saver for translators. However, sometimes a segment has to be translated differently in one specific place of the text, even though all other instances of the same segment are identical. This can create occurrences of mistranslations which can be overlooked.

In memoQ 9.12, you can choose one or more instances of a specific translation to be excluded from auto-propagation. Once you set an exception, a small label will appear indicating that the segment is excluded from auto-propagation. All project participants working on the same document will see the new label, so you don’t have to worry about using the appropriate translation in that specific instance, and other project participants can remove the exception or add new exceptions for other occurrences.

Concordance from the translation editor: automatically detect source/target

When you open and run concordance from the translation grid, memoQ now automatically detects whether the specific segment appears in the source or the target text. Moreover, the Search in Target tickbox has been replaced by the Source and Target radio buttons, which also switch automatically when you open concordance from the grid, thereby clearly communicating exactly where concordance is performed.

Ignore non-translatables during spellcheck and QA

When you set non-translatables (such as acronyms or brand names) for your translation project, they can still be identified as errors during spellcheck, and you need to skip each one as you perform the quality assurance process. In memoQ 9.12, we are introducing a new feature that lets you ignore non-translatables during spellcheck, thus reducing your translation time. You can find the setting in the QA settings window or the spell-checking dialog.

Display numbers inside short inline tags

There are some industries where source files feature long inline tags, which are sometimes also nested into each other. Some of these tags also need to be translated in certain projects (such as in the gaming industry). However, it sometimes poses a problem for the translator to work with the main text because the inline tags break the text and it is hard to see the segments in context.

memoQ already had a short inline tag option, and for 9.12, we tweaked it so that the inline tags would also feature numbers. This allows the user to still see the whole text without the long inline tags disturbing the view, and also allows to see at a glance which opening and closing tags belong together in the text.

Are you using an older version of memoQ?

Check out the new features you might have missed!

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Change logs


September 27, 2023

Improvement: memoQWeb: Enhanced the usability of the Add an LQA Error dialog in WebTrans
Improvement: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: Added support for extracting translatable contents from lnk-c tags

BUG-12025: A custom auto translation rule defined using a regular expression may capture a wrong number group
BUG-12638: Creating an analysis report or running pre-translation may fail for template-based projects with sublanguages if the Details by source or the Create project TM option is turned on
BUG-12701: Creation of projects and QA reports may fail under heavy load for an error in how strict file exclusion policy the light resource manager employs
BUG-12651: Documentation: A hyperlink in the Microsoft MT plugin settings documentation redirects to a website that no longer exists.
BUG-12369: HTML filter: When importing PHP strings is turned on, the opening angle bracket is converted to the < HTML entity during export
BUG-12272: Localization: Hungarian: The label of a checkbox on the Edit QA settings dialog is truncated
BUG-12554: Machine Translation: DeepL MT: When you try to import a glossary for Chinese, an empty list element is shown instead of the Chinese language in the list of source languages
BUG-12314: Machine Translation: Tilde MT: memoQ may crash when the Tilde MT plugin receives a Client ID from the Tilde service
BUG-12500: memoQ may ignore default settings you set up for new terms in a QTerm termbase using the “CTRL + Q” (Quick add term) keyboard shortcut
BUG-12728: memoQWeb: Data stored in meta fields of LiveDocs corpora are not shown for LiveDocs hits in the Concordance window as those of TM hits are
BUG-12490: memoQWeb: The view pane may fail to follow the translation grid’s segment selection
BUG-11382: memoQWeb: When you run QA and it finishes without finding any issues, a misleading dialog may appear with a blank issue list
BUG-12216: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: If a document contains merged cells in a table, you may find unidentified text in some source segments actually coming from the merged cells other than the first merged cell
BUG-12326: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export specific documents containing box plot elements
BUG-12376: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export specific documents if “Export all types of comments” is enabled in the filter configuration
BUG-12374: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: If an Excel document or a CSV file contains a cell or value with an inline line break consisting only of a single \r (CR) character, memoQ may fail to place quotes around the cell’s contents in the exported document
BUG-12325: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: If the translation results of multiple columns do not follow the order of the source segments, preview results may become incorrect
BUG-12594: QTerm: Closed discussions may be displayed in the Translation results pane for the related term when the current source segment contains that term
BUG-12635: QTerm: If you convert an online memoQ termbase to a QTerm termbase, local copies of affected projects checked out before the conversion may no longer be able to access the termbase
BUG-12528: Security: memoQWeb: Users can see all unassigned projects when starting a discussion topic in WebTrans
BUG-11017: When the operation of editing a LiveDocs corpus times out after an idle time of 5 minutes, you may lose your selection in your alignment pair
BUG-12536: When you apply a filter to your translation grid, memoQ does not ignore deleted comments and displays a segment even if only its deleted comments match your filter criteria
BUG-12534: When you perform manual term lookup, memoQ fails to observe the “Treat sublanguages as separate languages in TB lookup” setting and shows sublanguages in alphabetical order
BUG-11094: When you resize the Concordance window, the Meta information column is not resized, while the others are
BUG-12617: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: Document import may fail for specially crafted documents with multiple part labels
BUG-12190: XLIFF 2 filter: You may not be able to import a document if multiple note attributes have the same ID
BUG-12535: XLIFF filter: Preview information embedded in XLIFF files may be ignored by memoQ causing no default preview to be displayed
BUG-12038: XLIFF filter: You may be unable to import a document if it contains a trans-unit element with empty source element
BUG-10912: XLIFF filter: You may find redundant spaces added after line break tags in XLIFF documents with a CCJK source and a non-CCJK target language for an error in how whitespaces are normalized upon export
BUG-11370: XML filter: memoQ may be unable to create preview if there is an XSLT and a DTD file specified for visualizing data
BUG-12448: You may not be able to convert TMX files created from corrupt legacy TMs containing zero length attributes to TM+ translation memories
BUG-12333: You may not be able to register locally a TM+ translation memory created from a corrupt legacy TM containing zero length attributes, and you may not be able to launch memoQ after experiencing this issue
BUG-12271: You may receive an “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error while creating an analysis report or running pre-translation for a template-based project with sublanguages if the Create project TM option is turned on


August 2, 2023

BUG-12393: A clash with names of log files created by memoQ may cause exceptions related to TM+ translation memories
BUG-12135: An issue related to naming log files may cause memoQ Server to crash while converting legacy TMs to TM+ translation memories
BUG-12215: An issue with accessing log files due to an error in how log files are named may cause memoQ Server to crash
BUG-12365: If you filter for some text in the translation grid and activate both highlighting matches as well as searching in comments, matches in segments won't be highlighted if there is also a match in the comments attached to that segment
BUG-12213: Listing a huge number of legacy translation memories may exhibit poor performance
BUG-12445: Machine Translation: Systran MT: A change in the language codes sent by the plugin may cause an error when you try to configure or use the plugin with a Chinese or Hausa source or target language
BUG-11383: memoQWeb: Coloring of some progress bars are not in sync with respective numeric progress values
BUG-12259: memoQWeb: If you filter the translation grid and move to a filtered segment, the Translation results pane may still reflect the hits for the segment you've been right before activating the filter instead of the one you are in now
BUG-12355: Really huge numbers of alerts may cause memoQ Server to crash and to report database-related errors
BUG-12203: Rejecting or accepting one or more segments unintentionally makes them confirmed, and you can accept or reject locked/read-only segments as well
BUG-3431: Video Preview Tool: The reading speed measured in chars/second may be underestimated for multiline subtitles
BUG-12410: When you import a TBX file to a memoQ termbase, the values from the Definition field are not imported
BUG-11487: When you try to perform a batch TMX import, sublanguages of TMX files may not be recognized if the language of the target TM doesn’t include a sublanguage (locale)
BUG-10084: WorldServer document (XLF, XLZ) filter: You may find duplicated segments in exported documents if the original file is not segmented and contains a trans unit with a source, but without translatable contents, yet featuring one or more tags
BUG-9766: XLIFF 2 filter: Import fails if a document has no source and no target language specified
BUG-12439: XLIFF2 filter: An error in whitespace corrections and normalizations performed upon export may prevent you from exporting certain XLIFF files to CCJK target languages
BUG-12090: XLIFF2 filter: An issue with whitespace normalization for CCJK languages may cause memoQ to change certain segment IDs upon exporting a document
BUG-12049: You may not be able to restore a project archive if it includes an XLIFF-based file containing a tag with an anonymous attribute and an empty value, such as <tag ="">
BUG-11250: You may not be able to type in the Forbidden characters text box within the QA settings dialog
BUG-11611: You may receive a false positive QA warning claiming the translation of a source term is missing from the target when you have a source term with multiple target terms and you include more target terms in the translation
BUG-12368: You may receive an error under rare circumstances when trying to run QA against a corpora


May 16, 2023

Predictive typing suggestion includes closing brackets when reasonable

BUG-12061: A forbidden term may show up as a suggestion in the Translation pane if it’s the longest suggestion, too
BUG-12056: Customer Portal: Localization: The Japanese UI has an issue
BUG-11791: If you change entry-level fields such as Note of a term in Termbase editor, and then you add a new term to the termbase, your changes to said fields get lost
BUG-11785: Machine Translation: DeepL MT: You may receive an error message when you try to use DeepL in a project with Norwegian (Bokmål) target language
BUG-11669: Machine Translation: Microsoft MT: The plugin incorrectly reports the Norwegian to English language pair as unsupported
BUG-11692: Machine Translation: Tilde MT: You may receive an error stating the plugin does not support certain languages
BUG-11589: memoQWeb: If you deliver a document, the “Deliver document” dialog may look the same as if you were not delivering it
BUG-12102: memoQWeb: memoQ TMS may crash when you try to create a project from memoQWeb and an unexpected error occurs in a job management facility
BUG-10402: PHP filter: memoQ is not able to properly interpret the opening pair
BUG-12043: QTerm: An inconsistency in what order languages are displayed in various views and exports may make you believe wrong languages are listed
BUG-11718: QTerm: If you export a termbase from QTerm to Microsoft Excel format, the Excel workbook does not include the entries from the Examples column
BUG-11558: Star Transit Project (PPF, PXF) filter: memoQ may change language codes when exporting a TPF package, rendering Transit unable to update its project from the package
BUG-11649: The option to filter documents in a project by progress percentage may not work as expected
BUG-11784: The same language code is used for Bosnian (Cyrillic) and Bosnian (Latin) when exporting a memoQ termbase to a MultiTerm XML termbase
BUG-12044: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: Exported documents may miss img tags present in the source documents
BUG-11623: XML filter: If you try to import a document with preview and with an associated XSL file, and the size of the preview file exceeds 10 MB, the process may get stuck for a very long time instead of the operation being terminated with an appropriate warning
BUG-11720: YAML filter: Keys containing colons aren’t parsed correctly and only the part after the last colon is kept
BUG-11782: You may not be able to add a remote termbase to a project originating from your customer’s memoQ TMS when your and their TMS instances are interconnected
BUG-12173: You may receive an error when you try to select a fragment assembly hit on the Translation results pane


March 22, 2023

BUG-11282: A placeholder is displayed instead of the newly created OIDC/SSO user’s email address in the email notification sent to them about registration
BUG-10108: All sublanguages in a LiveDocs corpus contribute to pre-translation even if you select your desired sublanguage
BUG-11597: Certain connection issues under rare circumstances may cause memoQ TMS to crash
BUG-9338: If you export a change tracked document with specific change ranges, such as deletions at the end or beginning of a segment, a space may be missing between two segments (sentences)
BUG-11580: Localization: Machine Translation: Systran MT: Profile name in Japanese is corrupted in the Profiles drop-down list
BUG-11616: Localization: The German UI in memoQWeb’s PM UI says “terminologe” for a typo error
BUG-11514: Machine Translation: Crosslang MT: You may get an exception when trying to open the plugin’s configuration dialog
BUG-10653: Machine Translation: Google Cloud Translation Basic plugin: Translations to Central Kurdish (Kurdish Sorani) language contain Latin letters instead of Arabic MT matches
BUG-11540: memoQ TMS Resources API: The UI-based and API-based search features of Qterm behave inconsistently for searching exact matches and when returning forbidden terms
BUG-11508: memoQWeb: Translation results from LiveDocs for a different sublanguage are shown in WebTrans
BUG-10315: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export documents containing both LTR and RTL segments in document fields
BUG-11497: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may not be able to import specific Word documents with the “Import alternative text of images” option turned on
BUG-9689: SRT filter: You may receive an “Index was out of range” error and fail to import a document if you turn on “Convert to inline tags and break segment” and “Language segmentation rules” for an error in how end of empty target segments is handled during segmentation
BUG-11605: The “Verify well-formedness against source” option in QA settings may generate QA errors for actually correct extra tag pairs
BUG-4548: The Export (Stored Path) action returns with an error and claims that a directory cannot be found when memoQ tries to export only one document in a multilingual online project with custom code execution enabled
BUG-11551: XLIFF filter: Improper configuration of the import filter may result in the exported document to contain misplaced segments if the source contained space-only segments


February 8, 2023

Improvement: A clearer message will inform you if you want to create a CMS project or a CC-connected project from a project template with package workflow enabled, which is not supported
Improvement: Content Connector: The list of deleted documents is only downloaded on demand to improve the performance and the experience of opening CC-connected projects
Improvement: Date filters on the Projects dashboard (such as Deadline and Created on) supports spaces in dates (such as “01. 03. 2023”) even if the strict standard defines the date format without spaces
Improvement: Machine Translation: Google Cloud Translation Advanced plugin: memoQ remembers the glossary you select and will select it by default the next time
Improvement: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: All legitimate XLIFF elements such as or are supported
Improvement: You can govern how you want automatic jump to work after confirming a segment
Improvement: You can tell memoQ to perform concordance search always in the source language, always in the target language, or in the language belonging to the segment in which you invoked the function
Improvement: Amazon MT plugin can also connect to the ap-southeast-2 data center located in Sydney, Australia

BUG-11282: New OIDC/SSO user placeholder displayed instead of the user’s email address
BUG-11356: A caching issue may cause memoQ to think a remote TM does not belong to the project when you try to import an update package to an online project on a memoQ TMS connected to another memoQ TMS instance
BUG-11331: Ampersands (&) are not displayed in TM entry meta fields in the TM Editor
BUG-11420: An error in the LQA model editor dialog could make you think memoQ does not apply your changes to the LQA settings
BUG-11362: Deployment: No certificates are displayed in the parent server’s “Registered child certificates” window within Deployment Tool
BUG-10805: HTML filter: Preview may get stuck at the “Loading” phase for documents containing < iframe > elements
BUG-11259: If you delete a language from a termbase and then export it to CSV or Excel format, the deleted language may appear in the exported file, later causing import error
BUG-11196: Machine Translation: Microsoft MT: The engine returns Portuguese (Brazil) matches instead of Portuguese (Portugal)
BUG-10971: memoQ Server WS-API: You may receive an error about an invalid XML file when trying to import a Microsoft Office document containing characters treated invalid in XML files
BUG-9942: memoQ skips term consistency check between source and target if a term appears more than once in the source segment
BUG-11110: memoQ TMS: A temporary folder may be left behind after backup runs
BUG-11228: memoQ XLIFF (MQXLIFF, MQXLZ) filter: An error in handling empty change tracked sections in target segments may prevent memoQ to import MQXLZ documents processed in SDL Trados Studio to fail with an error reading “No change tracked nesting is allowed except deletion in insertion”
BUG-10942: memoQ XLIFF (MQXLIFF, MQXLZ) filter: If you use an MQXLZ file to update a document imported with a filter or filter chain producing a document where split and join operations are not allowed, and some segments were still joined or split by someone, some segments affected in splitting may be skipped
BUG-11332: memoQWeb: If memoQWeb is configured to close sessions after some idle time instead of keeping them alive and the option to close idle documents to limit resource usage is turned on, users may not be able to access projects on memoQWeb after some idle time passed
BUG-11301: memoQWeb: Localization: If you switch the PM interface to Chinese or Japanese, the names of project archive files may be displayed wrongly
BUG-11328: memoQWeb: No log entry is created when a translation document cannot be loaded in WebTrans
BUG-11375: memoQWeb: You may not be able to configure the default TM match if you have a TM settings attached to the project with no filters of either the strict or soft type defined
BUG-11268: Merging terms in a termbase may cause deletion of existing terms under special circumstances
BUG-10930: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: You may receive an error if you want to import sections from a PowerPoint document containing new type of comments
BUG-11114: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export a document (and archive projects containing such documents) if you imported the document using a cascading filter configuration which includes a Regex tagger filter, and the document contains emojis
BUG-11197: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export a document for claimed tag pairing error under rare circumstances if the document contains hidden text
BUG-11242: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: You may receive a System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException error when trying to import a Microsoft Excel document if you are importing multiple documents simultaneously
BUG-11251: QTerm: In the scenario of connected memoQ TMS instances, you may receive a termbase lookup error when you use a filter received from the parent (customer’s) TMS instance
BUG-11273: QTerm: The Replace metadata feature may sometimes miss updating some metadata
BUG-10768: SDL Trados Document (SDLXLIFF) filter: SDL Trados Studio may not recognize some SDLXLIFF documents processed in memoQ for an error in managing unexpected tags in segments
BUG-11240: The Replace All button of the Advanced Find and Replace dialog is enabled even if you specify a scope not including fields (Target text and, depending on your settings, Source text) supporting replacement
BUG-11357: Trying to insert a TM match patched (improved) by memoQ using the CTRL+number hotkey may cause an error under specific circumstances
BUG-11311: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: Files containing elements in CDATA blocks can not be imported
BUG-10994: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: You can not export documents containing CDATA elements with unclosed embedded HTML tags
BUG-9675: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: You may not be able to import documents containing legitimate XLIFF elements such as or
BUG-10984: XLIFF filter: An error in the logic of source language detection for multiple files may prevent importing multiple documents in template-based projects in some circumstances if the source language cannot be determined for each file
BUG-11321: You may get a message reading “TM is already in exclusive use” when trying to convert a legacy TM to a TM+ TM

memoQ 9.12.4

November 23, 2022

The fragment assembly and “Populate number-only segments” feature recognizes numbers in superscript and subscript positions

BUG-11071: Adobe FrameMaker (MIF2) filter: Values of marker tag attributes are not imported
BUG-10781: An “Inline tag not allowed in this context” error message may appear and it may block you from restoring an archived project if it contains XML documents with illegal whitespace characters
BUG-10785: Document history incorrectly shows the “Only unambiguous TM or corpus matches data” option was turned on when an auto-action performed pre-translation
BUG-11179: If you clear the filter in the translation grid by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F, you are taken to the first segment instead of remaining on the selected one
BUG-10724: If you filter for projects with all documents delivered, the list of projects becomes empty
BUG-9417: If you try to look up a term in a termbase created in a pre-9.7 version of memoQ, a message may wrongly warn you there are uncommitted changes to the term
BUG-11029: If you try to look up a term in a termbase using CTRL+P, you may receive a message about uncommitted changes even if you did not change anything for termbases created in a pre-9.7 version of memoQ
BUG-10935: LiveDocs structural alignment fails for the rest of the document if a context ID does not have a match, even though there are matching IDs for every other string pairs
BUG-10788: Localization: A word got trimmed in the German version of the “Add new length information rule” dialog box accessible from the Length tab of the “Edit QA settings” dialog
BUG-11106: Localization: Error in the Chinese translation of the word Final menu label in the Track Changes drop-down menu of the Tracking tab group
BUG-10846: Localization: The German translation of the “Find different numbers, too” checkbox of the Concordance window is incorrect
BUG-11086: Machine Translation: DeepL MT: You may receive a false warning about exceeding size limit when importing a glossary
BUG-11183: Machine Translation: Microsoft MT: The list of supported languages before the pre-translation is read wrongly for an issue during checking access tokens
BUG-11162: Machine Translation: Systran MT: Not all supported languages may be listed for a profile
BUG-10641: Machine Translation: Tilde MT: You may receive an error when you try to configure the Tilde MT plugin in online MT settings resource
BUG-11109: memoQ may hang up for a longer time if you try to edit an online document filter configuration with reference files specified, and the reference files do not exist anymore
BUG-11117: memoQWeb: Penalties defined in the attached TM settings are applied when the filter conditions are not met (instead of being applied when met)
BUG-11178: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: If a document has been imported with a pre-9.12 memoQ and you attempt to export it in memoQ 9.12 or later, a compatibility issue due to an improvement in handling alternative texts of images may prevent you from exporting the document
BUG-10890: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: If a document has been imported with a pre-9.12 memoQ and you attempt to export it in memoQ 9.12 or later, a compatibility issue due to an improvement in handling alternative texts of images may prevent you from exporting the document with an exception of MemoQ.DocConverters.OpenXML.SchemataCreator.InputNotValidException
BUG-11091: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: You may get an “Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.” error if you try to import Microsoft Office Excel files with unexpected newline characters present in an XML file within the XLSX package
BUG-11103: Star Transit Project (PPF, PXF) filter: You may fail to export packages containing documents with unsupported custom language codes
BUG-11167: Star Transit Project (PPF, PXF) filter: You may fail to export packages containing documents with unsupported language codes
BUG-10076: Star Transit Project (PPF, PXF) filter: You may not be able to import documents from Transit projects with Thai as the target language
BUG-10983: The “Users can request password reset” checkbox of the “Configuration and logging” tab of the “Server administrator” console gets ticked off after you close and re-open the dialog
BUG-5132: The Files page of the Online PM window the Archived project page of the main Dashboard do not convert the UTC creation dates to the local timezone of the current memoQ desktop client
BUG-10297: The Sign in button of the SSO OIDC login page has duplicated text
BUG-10915: Wrong characters may be highlighted among the results of a Japanese Concordance search because of an error in recalculating highlight positions for segments with tags
BUG-10821: You may receive a false QA error claiming for the absence of non-translatable words if they are written using a different alphabet and are not surrounded by spaces
BUG-11207: You may receive an error if you try to perform QA on a view for an error in how memoQ tries to identify the assignment role of the current user for a segment in an effort to determine the enabled state of the change tracking feature


October 18, 2022

Improved memory management in certain scenarios
memoQ servers switch to use a server-optimized memory maintenance algorithm to improve server performance
Performance improvements made to determining unambiguity of TM hits during pretranslation
The term “master entry” has been replaced with “main entry” for translation memories and term bases

BUG-10850: A closing bracket is missing in the Task overview window
BUG-10111: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: You may not be able to import IDML documents under specific conditions when two styles could be collapsed to save tags, but an interim element in the middle causes the operation to fail
BUG-10736: Automatic lookup and insertion may not fill all subsequent repetition segments if automatic jump is enabled in “Go to next settings”
BUG-9941: Background tasks occasionally may get stuck and complete only after 30 minutes instead of normally completing in just a few minutes.
BUG-9796: Bilingual Table RTF filter: If you export a document with superscripts to a bilingual Table RTF, the table may become corrupt
BUG-10625: Bilingual Table RTF filter: If you export a document with track changes to a bilingual Table RTF, the table may become corrupt
BUG-10906: Business Analytics may fail to work if you wish to configure it with a memoQ server database running on a different machine
BUG-10616: Business Analytics: Message is not clear when you set up BA on a machine different then the one running memoQ server’s database, and the required permissions cannot be granted automatically to the local user of another computer
BUG-10998: CMS API: cannot update job status
BUG-10718: Content Connector: You may be unable to connect to a repository using an URI with a space in it
BUG-10931: Default weights for match classes are shown in analysis reports after restoring a project instead of the values currently in effect
BUG-10637: Discovering more than 10,000 QA warnings or errors may cause severe performance issues
BUG-10913: Google Cloud Translation Advanced MT plugin doesn’t support Chinese (PRC) language.
BUG-10988: Help: You may not be able to get to the installation and activation guide
BUG-4800: If network connection is intermittently lost while you are working in an online project, you cannot reopen its documents until you restart memoQ even if network is back
BUG-10889: If the name of your termbase ends in a dot, and you try to rename it by just deleting this last dot, you receive an error that a termbase with this name already exists
BUG-10780: If you assign users assigned to a document in an online project to a subvendor group, they may become unable to open the project
BUG-4553: If you change the deadline of a FirstAccept assignment after expiry for a document already checked out by someone, you may face an invalid FirstAccept assignment status
BUG-10894: If you import a document from and MQXLIFF or MQXLZ file, and your memoQ is switched to a different UI language than that of those who created the document, previously ignored QA warnings becomes non-ignored the first time you run QA
BUG-10882: If you switched to short inline tag view and use predictive typing, memoQ may crash
BUG-9397: If you try to import a TMX file to a translation memory on a memoQ server, you get no detailed report on the issues experienced
BUG-10804: Incorrectly spelled words may not be underlined right after you open a document, and if you choose Skip All for a word, remaining instances may keep the red underline for a while
BUG-10657: Localization. The Pre-translate and Concordance dialog of the Japanese UI contains English text
BUG-10760: Machine Translation: DeepL MT: You may receive tag errors when the engine splits a phrase surrounded by a pair of specific tags into multiple parts, all surrounded with copies of the original tag pair
BUG-10708: Machine Translation: Google Cloud Translation Advanced plugin: After implementing regional endpoints, some custom models may not be visible
BUG-10295: Machine Translation: If you add languages to a project after selecting a specific MT plugin for the project or for pre-translation, the plugin won’t automatically be turned on for these additional languages even if you choose to turn it on for all languages
BUG-10762: Machine Translation: Systran MT: The plugin does not support the EN to ZH (TW) language pair
BUG-10606: memoQWeb: Calculation of 0% and 100% progress of work done on documents and projects is not always consistent with progress figures shown in memoQ desktop
BUG-10787: memoQWeb: If the unit of the project progress indicator in the status bar is set to Words, and both TR and R1 progress approach 100%, the TR progress is indicated as 200%
BUG-10982: memoQWeb: If you want to insert the required tags in a segment after you deleted wrong tags, memoQ re-inserts the wrong one, and you may be unable to export the document unless you clear all tags and re-insert them all
BUG-10818: memoQWeb: Inline tags may become corrupted, preventing you to export documents until you fix the tags in a local copy of a project using memoQ desktop clients
BUG-9664: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: The translation of the first comment from the original document may be missing from the translated document
BUG-4246: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: Under some circumstances you may not be able to import a document if you select to import comments as well
BUG-10764: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export a document if it contains tracked changes and you choose to import markups as memoQ tags during import
BUG-9957: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may not be able to import a document if it contains hidden text unless you choose to import hidden text, too
BUG-10665: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may not be able to import a document if the author inserted a hyperlink and they afterwards formatted the paragraph containing the hyperlink with a style in which text is set to hidden
BUG-4366: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Import may experience performance issues for Excel worksheets with extremely large number of rows or columns, even if most of the cells are empty
BUG-10878: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Some numbers (like timestamps) are converted to scientific format in exported documents, even if those numbers have not been imported to memoQ
BUG-10022: No file path is displayed in exported HTML and CSV statistics reports even if you select “Reflecting displayed results” and “Per-file, Trados-compatible” options for documents without extension
BUG-2472: QTerm: If memoQWeb’s language is set to German and you try to save a QTerm filter specifying dates, dates are not saved
BUG-10156: SDL Trados Document (SDLXLIFF) filter: You cannot import a document with Punjabi target language for a difference between the language codes of Trados SDL Studio and memoQ
BUG-10729: Server Administrator shows the storage space on the C: drive even if memoQ is installed on another
BUG-10650: Track changes in sliced documents may be reported as not enabled even though it actually is enabled
BUG-10938: Trying to replace text in a view may cause application error
BUG-10885: Users may lose their CAL licenses during QA checks and when working in views
BUG-10161: When someone is editing a translation memory, and you are about to edit it too, you get no warning that the TM is currently locked
BUG-10959: Wrong text may be highlighted for terms with fuzzy matching set
BUG-9691: XLIFF 2 filter: You may be unable to import a document if it contains trailing spaces
BUG-10756: XLIFF 2 filter: You may be unable to import a document if it contains trailing spaces
BUG-3741: XLIFF filter: The exported document may miss the state and state-qualifier attributes of trans-unit tags
BUG-10576: You cannot edit confirmed segments under rare circumstances in a view created from a sliced document
BUG-3693: You may not receive results for wildcard concordance searches against LiveDocs corpora
BUG-9911: You may receive “Range’s end must not be beyond plain text’s end” and “Value must be non-negative and < the length of the segment's plain text" errors when you try to type in a segment if you received a hit from certain sources, such as the EuroTermBank plugin
BUG-9733: You may receive a “Value cannot be null” error when you try to launch an online project equipped with multiple translation memories having different meta fields
BUG-4153: You may receive a System.ObjectDisposedException during pre-translation when memoQ needs to check a high number of TM hits to judge unambiguity


July 26, 2022

memoQWeb: Performance improvement for listing alerts
Amazon MT plugin can also connect to the ap-southeast-2 data center located in Sydney, Australia

BUG-9698: Changing the name or some properties of a translation memory resets the Last modified and Last used fields to N/A
BUG-10611: Documentation: The description of the IFileManagerService interface in memoQ Server’s WS-API contains wrong information about a parameter
BUG-9848: Help: More detailed explanation added about how to prevent memoQ to import alternate text generated for art in Microsoft Word files
BUG-10575: Localization: (German) The term “Master” is used instead of “Haupt-” in TM and filtering duplicate context
BUG-10507: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: You may be unable to import documents containing the new type of comments introduced in presentations
BUG-10698: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may not be able to import documents with the Import index entries option under specific circumstances
BUG-9323: The label of the Ctrl+Shift+F shortcut mentions searching instead of filtering
BUG-10699: WorldServer Project Package (WSXZ) filter: You may receive a “WorldServer extension architecture was missing for a trans-unit” error during export under specific circumstances

Initial 9.12 release was 9.12.21