Hello, memoQ 9.7!

We’ve got exciting news: memoQ 9.7 has just landed! And with it comes a slew of new features and improvements, such as a new import filter for XLIFF 2 files, a toggle case button for easier term base management, SSO for Windows AD users and so much more. Here’s the lowdown on what to look out for in this year’s first update.

Google Cloud Translation Advanced plugin: access to NMT models and glossaries

Google Cloud Translation Advanced plugin: access to NMT models and glossaries

Google Cloud Translation API Advanced can now be integrated with memoQ for better-quality machine translations. The new plugin allows users to select one custom NMT model per language pair and a glossary to make sure that domain-specific terms and phrases are used correctly and consistently across translated texts.

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Toggle case: term base management has just become easier

Toggle case: term base management has just become easier

Get ready to spend less time managing your term bases and more time being productive. Our latest product version includes a new Toggle case button that allows users to change the letter case of one or multiple term base entries in a selected language with a single click.

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SSO in memoQ: faster, safer login for Windows AD users

SSO in memoQ: faster, safer login for Windows AD users

Thanks to memoQ 9.7’s improved single sign-on functionality, enterprise users who were logging in to their memoQ workspace with their Windows Active Directory accounts can now use OpenID Connect and multi-factor authentication for added safety, convenience and flexibility.

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Moved text label, Multiterm mapping and more: small tweaks with big benefits

Moved text label, Multiterm mapping and more: small tweaks with big benefits

Smoother term base file exports and imports, Git Connector with repository sync and enhanced performance, more control over user access to term base filters, fragment assembly for in-browser translations and more: here are six small improvements coming to memoQ 9.7 with big payoffs.

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Introduction to memoQ 9.7

Introduction to memoQ 9.7

You will learn about memoQ 9.7 comes with a set of small improvements that will make the work of memoQ translator pro and server users easier. Our most recent developments cover You will listen to Veronika Pándi – Product Owner at memoQ Veronika has a strong LSP background: she oversaw software localization projects into 40…

Veronika Pándi – Product Owner at memoQ, Zsolt Varga – Product Owner

March 30, 2021 2:00 pm

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Change logs


October 20, 2022

Improvement: Improved memory management in certain scenarios
Improvement: memoQ servers switch to use a server-optimized memory maintenance algorithm to improve server performance
Improvement: Performance improvements made to determining unambiguity of TM hits during pretranslation

BUG-10111: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: You may not be able to import IDML documents under specific conditions when two styles could be collapsed to save tags, but an interim element in the middle causes the operation to fail
BUG-9941: Background tasks occasionally may get stuck and complete only after 30 minutes instead of normally completing in just a few minutes.
BUG-10998: CMS API: When delivery to the CMS fails, and the CMS Dashboard shows “Delivery failed” status, API calls may still return “TranslationReady” status
BUG-10931: Default weights for match classes are shown in analysis reports after restoring a project instead of the values currently in effect
BUG-10637: Discovering more than 10,000 QA warnings or errors may cause severe performance issues
BUG-10913: Google Cloud Translation Advanced MT plugin doesn’t support Chinese (PRC) language.
BUG-4800: If network connection is intermittently lost while you are working in an online project, you cannot reopen its documents until you restart memoQ even if network is back
BUG-10889: If the name of your termbase ends in a dot, and you try to rename it by just deleting this last dot, you receive an error that a termbase with this name already exists
BUG-10780: If you assign users assigned to a document in an online project to a subvendor group, they may become unable to open the project
BUG-4553: If you change the deadline of a FirstAccept assignment after expiry for a document already checked out by someone, you may face an invalid FirstAccept assignment status
BUG-10894: If you import a document from and MQXLIFF or MQXLZ file, and your memoQ is switched to a different UI language than that of those who created the document, previously ignored QA warnings becomes non-ignored the first time you run QA
BUG-9397: If you try to import a TMX file to a translation memory on a memoQ server, you get no detailed report on the issues experienced
BUG-9417: If you try to look up a term in a termbase created in a pre-9.7 version of memoQ, a message may wrongly warn you there are uncommitted changes to the term
BUG-11029: If you try to look up a term in a termbase using CTRL+P, you may receive a message about uncommitted changes even if you did not change anything for termbases created in a pre-9.7 version of memoQ
BUG-10804: Incorrectly spelled words may not be underlined right after you open a document, and if you choose Skip All for a word, remaining instances may keep the red underline for a while
BUG-10982: memoQWeb: If you want to insert the required tags in a segment after you deleted wrong tags, memoQ re-inserts the wrong one, and you may be unable to export the document unless you clear all tags and re-insert them all
BUG-4366: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Import may experience performance issues for Excel worksheets with extremely large number of rows or columns, even if most of the cells are empty
BUG-10878: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Some numbers (like timestamps) are converted to scientific format in exported documents, even if those numbers have not been imported to memoQ
BUG-10022: No file path is displayed in exported HTML and CSV statistics reports even if you select “Reflecting displayed results” and “Per-file, Trados-compatible” options for documents without extension
BUG-10156: SDL Trados Document (SDLXLIFF) filter: You cannot import a document with Punjabi target language for a difference between the language codes of Trados SDL Studio and memoQ
BUG-10729: Server Administrator shows the storage space on the C: drive even if memoQ is installed on another
BUG-10938: Trying to replace text in a view may cause application error
BUG-10161: When someone is editing a translation memory, and you are about to edit it too, you get no warning that the TM is currently locked
BUG-10959: Wrong text may be highlighted for terms with fuzzy matching set
BUG-4153: You may receive a System.ObjectDisposedException during pre-translation when memoQ needs to check a high number of TM hits to judge unambiguity


August 23, 2022

Improvement: The “Verify well-formedness against source” QA option for inline tags catches … situations (closing tags before opening tags)

BUG-9349: As a consequence of some user preference and GUI layout files becoming corrupt, you may see a red X symbol in the translation grid and cannot work
BUG-10736: Automatic lookup and insertion may not fill all subsequent repetition segments if automatic jump is enabled in “Go to next settings”
BUG-9796: Bilingual Table RTF filter: If you export a document with superscripts to a bilingual Table RTF, the table may become corrupt
BUG-10625: Bilingual Table RTF filter: If you export a document with track changes to a bilingual Table RTF, the table may become corrupt
BUG-10585: Creating a view in a local copy of a project for both unlocked segments and non-repetitions includes the repetitions
BUG-10490: If saving a document during import takes longer time than expected multiple times, a deadlock may prevent completing document import tasks
BUG-10607: If you ignore a word marked by the spell checker in the translation grid via the context menu, the red underline will not be removed
BUG-10760: Machine Translation: DeepL MT: You may receive tag errors when the engine splits a phrase surrounded by a pair of specific tags into multiple parts, all surrounded with copies of the original tag pair
BUG-10708: Machine Translation: Google Cloud Translation Advanced plugin: After implementing regional endpoints, some custom models may not be visible
BUG-10295: Machine Translation: If you add languages to a project after selecting a specific MT plugin for the project or for pre-translation, the plugin won’t automatically be turned on for these additional languages even if you choose to turn it on for all languages
BUG-10547: Machine Translation: Microsoft MT: Tigrigna and Tatar may be reported as unsupported languages
BUG-10674: Machine Translation: ModernMT: Various tag issues fixed by the plugin’s provider
BUG-10762: Machine Translation: Systran MT: The plugin does not support the EN to ZH (TW) language pair
BUG-10606: memoQWeb: Calculation of 0% and 100% progress of work done on documents and projects is not always consistent with progress figures shown in memoQ desktop
BUG-10818: memoQWeb: Inline tags may become corrupted, preventing you to export documents until you fix the tags in a local copy of a project using memoQ desktop clients
BUG-10623: memoQWeb: Marked text with comment disappears from the source segment when you edit the target segment in WebTrans
BUG-10618: memoQWeb: Row history may display wrong author and timestamp for segments the current user did not edit, as well as ordering of changes may be reversed
BUG-10507: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: You may be unable to import documents containing the new type of comments introduced in presentations
BUG-9664: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: The translation of the first comment from the original document may be missing from the translated document
BUG-4246: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: Under some circumstances you may not be able to import a document if you select to import comments as well
BUG-10764: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export a document if it contains tracked changes and you choose to import markups as memoQ tags during import
BUG-9957: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may not be able to import a document if it contains hidden text unless you choose to import hidden text, too
BUG-10665: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may not be able to import a document if the author inserted a hyperlink and they afterwards formatted the paragraph containing the hyperlink with a style in which text is set to hidden
BUG-10698: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may not be able to import documents with the Import index entries option under specific circumstances
BUG-10049: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may not receive a warning during document import if memoQ cannot create a preview for your document as its size would exceed the 10 MB limit
BUG-2472: QTerm: If memoQWeb’s language is set to German and you try to save a QTerm filter specifying dates, dates are not saved
BUG-10692: QTerm: If you import terms to a termbase which has a previous version of entries, the wildcards (asterisk and stem pipe) are kept even if they are not present in the file to import, and match type is also kept
BUG-9323: The label of the Ctrl+Shift+F shortcut mentions searching instead of filtering
BUG-10570: The Web search window may not respond when you invoke it from the translation grid
BUG-10650: Track changes in sliced documents may be reported as not enabled even though it actually is enabled
BUG-10699: WorldServer Project Package (WSXZ) filter: You may receive a “WorldServer extension architecture was missing for a trans-unit” error during export under specific circumstances
BUG-9691: XLIFF 2 filter: You may be unable to import a document if it contains trailing spaces
BUG-10756: XLIFF 2 filter: You may be unable to import a document if it contains trailing spaces
BUG-3741: XLIFF filter: The exported document may miss the state and state-qualifier attributes of trans-unit tags
BUG-10576: You cannot edit confirmed segments under rare circumstances in a view created from a sliced document
BUG-10600: You may not be able to create an online project using a template unless all target sublanguages matches the languages in the manually added termbases
BUG-10465: You may not be able to create an online project using a template unless all target sublanguages matches the sublanguages in the manually added termbases
“BUG-9911: You may receive “”Range’s end must not be beyond plain text’s end”” and “”Value must be non-negative and < the length of the segment's plain text"" errors when you
try to type in a segment if you received a hit from certain sources, such as the EuroTermBank plugin”
BUG-9733: You may receive a “Value cannot be null” error when you try to launch an online project equipped with multiple translation memories having different meta fields


May 19, 2022

Improvement: Performance improved for listing projects in memoQ desktop clients

BUG-10337: A memory leak occurs when creating statistics with homogeneity in online projects
BUG-9723: memoQWeb: You may be unable to change deadline for parts of sliced ​​documents
BUG-9966: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: You may be unable to import a document along with master slides
BUG-10559: Normalized edit distance is accidentally called average edit distance in Edit distance reports made via Statistics
BUG-10504: QTerm: You cannot properly import SDL Multiterm termbases with multiple images added to a single term
BUG-10469: When you import a project package with embedded termbases containing entries with empty Creator field, memoQ may end up in creating empty termbases


April 20, 2022

Improvement: Machine Translation: Google Cloud Translation Advanced plugin: You can now configure which regional service endpoint to use
Improvement: SRT filter: You can specify a custom shortcut to insert a line break in a segment when you need a multiline translation
Improvement: memoQWeb: Performance improvement for listing projects
Improvement: Performance and reliability improved for auto-translation features
Improvement: memoQ remembers the options you select on the Bilingual export wizard dialog to streamline subsequent exports with the same settings
Improvement: If you click a link shown for an entry in a QTerm termbase, memoQ opens the default browser instead of forcing Microsoft Internet Explorer to launch
Improvement: The preview of the Web search feature uses the same web browser technology that the document preview uses instead of Microsoft Internet Explorer

BUG-10266: Machine Translation: DeepL MT: An issue in the MT provider service may cause pre-translation or lookup to fail for certain segments
BUG-10198: XLIFF filter: You may not be able to import XLIFF documents with sublanguage codes not supported and not recognized by memoQ
BUG-10326: Machine Translation: DeepL MT: You may receive incomplete translations for long segments
BUG-10166: You may receive an error if you add an abbreviation and then re-segment the document while a filter is in effect
BUG-10247: Content Connector: Git connector: You may receive an error claiming that the remote branch called ‘translation’ specified in the localBranchName parameter cannot be found
BUG-9973: Customer Portal: memoQ may ignore the “Include spaces” setting specified for an analysis reports as automated actions in project templates to be used by Customer Portal, and the default “Yes” value is assumed
BUG-10258: You may not be able to import Outlook Mail (msg) files for alignment to a LiveDocs resource
BUG-10218: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: If a field value starts with a space and a newline (” \n”), the new-line tags are moved to the end of the fields or are removed
BUG-4541: If a top-level domain (TLD) consists of 4 or more characters, the “Populate number-only segments” feature will only insert part of the TLD to the target segment
BUG-10144: TM-driven segmentation in pre-translation may cause an error if statistics is disabled
BUG-10214: memoQ Server WS-API: Project history does not show document history in the History panel if the project has been created via WS-API using a template, and the document name contains special characters
BUG-3490: A project manager holding membership in the “Project managers” group may be unable to clone a package-based online project for access denial, even if the project has been created by that user
BUG-10288: You may run into an error when trying to perform a QA check, and an item in the active non-translatables list contains an “ß” character, and the same word is written with “ss” characters in the document
BUG-10392: QTerm: If you try to search and replace metadata, memoQ may ignore some meta-fields, such as the entry-level Note and the term-level Example field
BUG-10216: Some sublanguages are not recognized or are wrongly mapped when you try to import an SDL Multiterm XML file into a memoQ or QTerm termbase
BUG-10178: memoQ may keep the red underline under a previously unrecognized word even after you add it to your ignore list
BUG-10273: Web search uses a deprecated version of the web browser control, which may be refused by some IT Security departments
BUG-10117: memoQWeb: You cannot open a document for translation from the memoQ PM desktop client if the connected memoQ server has only PM licenses available, and does not have available Translator Pro or Web licenses


February 23, 2022

Improvement: ModernMT plugin upgraded from version 1.7.4 to 1.7.6
Improvement: The auto-pick list observes term sorting settings

BUG-9877: Help: The Help button in Content Connector client takes you to a wrong page
BUG-10114: If a user is not member of the Project Managers group, but is set as project manager in a specific project, the user is not able to assign documents within that project to project members in the desktop client
BUG-10140: memoQWeb: An obsolete compatibility error message suggests using legacy browsers
BUG-10174: memoQWeb: Copying source tags to the target may result in wrong or seemingly wrong tag order
BUG-10172: QTerm: You cannot add a termbase to a project unless it contains all of the project’s languages
BUG-10153: Regex text filter: You may be unable to export exceptionally large (100+ MB) files
BUG-10167: RTL/LTR markers cannot be inserted with shortcut or from custom ribbon group
BUG-10176: Security: Members of the Project Managers group may change the password of the admin user
BUG-10123: Translated segments may not be auto-propagated properly to segments with different formatting
BUG-10128: Words you’ve just added to an ignore list may keep the red underline suggesting they contain an error for a while
BUG-10142: XLIFF 2 filter: You may fail to import documents with segments containing only non-breaking spaces
BUG-10165: You can inadvertently update a project’s translation memory if you confirm changes made to the local copy of an already archived or deleted online project
BUG-9386: Your license file may render invalid even if you don’t change or don’t significantly change your computer’s hardware


January 26, 2022

Improvment:If you have a non-translatable term and a source segment contains a word beginning with that term and some numbers, the “Populate number-only segments” command considers it as a number-only segment and inserts the non-translatable in the target segment.

BUG-10031: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: Some special characters may cause the export to fail when tracked changes is enabled
BUG-10075: Inconsistent warning shown in the Advanced find and replace dialog concerning case sensitivity and regular expression status
BUG-9981: Content Connector: CC may be unable to deliver translations to GitHub after the repository changed
BUG-9856: memoQ may become unresponsive when you display the View pane and switch to preview
BUG-10025: If you import documents via Customer Portal with default settings, embedded images are also imported
BUG-4083: You may receive unexpected results when importing terms to a termbase from an Excel file containing forbidden terms if the term separator is formatted red just like the forbidden terms themselves
BUG-10098: Content Connector: You may receive a “Failed to store translation. Cannot push non-fastforwardable reference” error when memoQ tries to delete a file via the Git Connector
BUG-4791: Terminal Server Config Tool: You may receive an error when you try to change the spell-checker from Hunspell to Word, or when you visit the Auto-update tab in the Terminal Server Configuration Tool
BUG-9468: Content Connector: Files may not arrive back to the GitHub content source after delivering them in memoQ
BUG-9956: The “Longest source term hides shorter matches” option hides the longer matches in favor of shorter ones
BUG-10029: Language Terminal: You may be unable to synchronize LT users to memoQ server
BUG-10070: memoQWeb: Update may fail if .NET Core Hosting Bundle v3.1 is installed and v2.2 is not installed
BUG-9600: memoQWeb: You cannot define different Hunspell dictionaries for different sublanguages and have memoQ remember your choices
BUG-9726: memoQWeb: A short timeout in WebTrans may cause the user to lose some translations
BUG-9963: Wrong target text is highlighted for warnings on non-translatables missing in the HTML version of the QA report
BUG-9919: Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSX) filter: New line tags may become x000D characters in exported Excel documents
BUG-10046: memoQWeb: For an incorrect time zone handling, you may not be able to open and deliver a document shortly before the deadline


December 13, 2021

Improvement: Optimized how package task lists are read from the database

BUG-9875: Cannot resize all grid columns in the “TM settings” dialog
BUG-9970: Some of the settings for find and replace operations were not saved and were therefore reset to their defaults when you closed memoQ
BUG-9891: The filter named “Projects that need your attention” for online projects failed to show active projects
BUG-9881: Figures in statistics reports/tables fail to exhibit proper local decimal separator, and always use the dot
BUG-10005: memoQWeb: If you click a link in a discussion, you are taken to a wrong segment in the translation grid
BUG-9883: Documents exported to Table RTF format may become corrupted under special circumstances
BUG-9913: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may find Microsoft Office Word struggling to open a document exported from memoQ if it contained imported charts and alternate chart text
BUG-9724: You may be unable to import an update package for a language added to the project later for missing segmentation rules
BUG-9916: You may be unable to open a project created using Customer Portal in memoQ TPro or PM
BUG-9695: You may receive an NGTM initialization error missing an NGTM folder upon launching memoQ
BUG-9823: memoQ fails to export an MQXLIFF document from an online project to a location in the course of an automated action defined in a project template if the same document has already been exported there previously
BUG-9978: memoQWeb: The URL to a segment in a translation document associated with a link in a discussion is wrong
BUG-9940: QTerm: If you export a multilingual termbase to Multiterm format, the exported file may miss some languages and the corresponding terms
BUG-4219: memoQ server may report timeout while looking up translation memory entries
BUG-9747: SDL Trados Document (SDLXLIFF) filter: memoQ may fail to import groups of translation units if more than one of them at the same level are non-empty


November 12, 2021

Improvement: Optimized project listing performance

BUG-9852: Extremely high CPU usage by memoQ Server.exe on Nintendo’s UAT server
BUG-9855: Filter configured in a template won’t apply if the project was created through Customer Portal.
BUG-9820: Hunspell dictionaries for Norwegian do not appear in Server Administrator
BUG-9774: If you export a termbase from memoQ with Spanish (Latin America) in MultiTerm format, SDL MultiTerm may not see terms in this language
BUG-9806: If you try to enter a non-breaking space into the filter bar on top of the translation grid, it gets inserted in the target segment
BUG-9720: Improvement: Some database queries on project and document data for alert generation have been optimized to avoid timeouts
BUG-9811: Machine Translation: Kantan MT: The plugin may not work in the English to Chinese (Singapore) language pair
BUG-4433: memoQ Server does not recognize Hunspell dictionaries for Norwegian
BUG-9754: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: Some characters may change to Wingdings in preview and in the exported documents
BUG-9470: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: Some characters may change to Wingdings in preview and in the exported documents for PPTM files
BUG-9767: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: If you import an Excel document using a cascading filter composed of a Multilingual Delimited Text filter and a Regex tagger filter, the exported document may lose some of the inline (in-cell) formattings
BUG-9799: New secure HTTP headers in memoQWeb
BUG-2470: PDF Preview tool: An error in an external component may cause specific PDF files to fail to be opened
BUG-9778: Project progress indicator may not be correct for empty projects
BUG-9786: QTerm: Trying to delete multiple terms in an entry, all displayed on the same page, may result in an error
BUG-9809: QTerm: You may receive an error when you try to add a term to a termbase with custom date fields
BUG-9731: Some keyboard shortcuts, like CTRL+C and CTRL+E do not work in the Concordance window
BUG-9737: The Add term command’s shortcut, CTRL+E does not work in the Concordance window
BUG-9804: The copy command’s shortcut, CTRL+C does not work in the Concordance window
BUG-9467: XLIFF2 filter: Document export may fail if some tu elements have different number of source and target rows
BUG-9849: XLIFF2: Export throws index out of reach error, but still generates exported file
BUG-9755: You may not be able to restore a project archive for an error in handling dates
BUG-9410: You may not be able to restore a project archive for an error in handling special date values
BUG-9846: You may receive an out of memory export when you try to export a document and font substitution was applied previously


October 12, 2021

Improvement: memoQWeb: Track changes are also displayed on tags, and support is added for nested changes within tags

BUG-9725: A superfluous scrollbar may appear in the Sort dropdown above the translation grid, even though all items are visible
BUG-9684: If a user is not member of the Project Managers group, but is set as project manager in a specific project is not able to assign documents within that project to project members
BUG-9624: Machine Translation: MT SDK: Fixed HTML entity conversions
BUG-9610: Machine Translation: Tilde MT: You may receive a false warning about a network error or an improper source string if the MT produces a translation with extra space within a tag
BUG-2897: Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSX) + Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filters: Unicode characters stored as text in an Excel file (cell) are not escaped and unescaped correctly
BUG-4826: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Adjacent line breaks appear as one in the Preview pane
BUG-9550: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Adjacent
tags are merged into one
BUG-9734: QTerm: Clicking on the Related entries link takes you to the login page
BUG-4458: QTerm: Translators may be able to change QTerm filters in their local copies of online projects
BUG-9716: Restoring a project archive may fail for an error importing a bilingual document from the archived project
BUG-9638: SDL Trados Document (SDLXLIFF) filter: You may not be able to import a document into SDL Trados Studio if it contains cascaded locked translation units
BUG-9504: The progress indicator of a project displays incorrect (lower) values if all of the segments in a document within that project are locked
BUG-9455: TM hits for segments consisting of a # character and a number show up as 100% matches instead of 101% matches as they used to
BUG-9611: You cannot change whether to use TM-driven segmentation and machine translation or not when pre-translating a view, and you are stick to the settings you used the last time you performed pre-translation on a document
BUG-9454: You may be unable to change filter and configuration settings at document import with certain regional settings applied in Windows
BUG-9479: You may receive a timeout error if you try to launch a project with a large number of documents and role assignments
BUG-9651: You may receive an error if you try to launch a project with a large number of documents and role assignments


September 9, 2021

BUG-9445: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: You may be unable to import certain documents for an error related to compressing empty folders within the IDML package
BUG-9520: Adobe Photoshop (PSD) filter: You may be unable to import documents under rare circumstances
BUG-5084: Changing shortcut for the Add new term command doesn’t have any effect in the Concordance window
BUG-9557: Deployment Tool: There’s a typo in a message box
BUG-3579: If you add a note containing a URL to a term’s definition, and if you select the term on the Translation results pane, and if the URL contains a URI element starting with a capital letter (e.g. /Foo), then the link ends at the slash
BUG-9601: Machine Translation: Google Cloud Translation Advanced plugin: You may receive a warning about an unsupported language when adding a valid language
BUG-9594: memoQWeb: Ctrl+NUMBER keyboard shortcuts for inserting translation results have no effect in specific workflow statuses
BUG-5074: memoQWeb: If you copy or select text from a segment with tracked changes to perform some operation like paste or concordance search, deleted text is also copied or selected
BUG-9628: memoQWeb: If you open a document from the new UI, you may be unable to change the unit to measure your progress
BUG-9621: memoQWeb: If you perform a find and replace operation with track changes on, replacements are not marked as changes
BUG-9531: Microsoft Visio (VSD, VSDX) filter: You may fail to import documents under rare circumstances involving formatted lists
BUG-9480: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: You may have issues exporting documents containing formulas
BUG-5056: The status bar may become empty if you open a memoQ document by clicking a hyperlink that is intended to check out a project and open a specific document
BUG-9499: XLIFF 2 (XLIFF) filter: Some segments may not be exported under rare conditions
BUG-9457: XLIFF filter: memoQ does not save your settings specified in the Tags section of the General tab of the Document import settings dialog
BUG-9553: XLIFF filter: You cannot import documents containing sub elements
BUG-9379: You may be unable to export documents with unaccepted or unrejected tracked changes present in tag values
BUG-5135: You may not be able to delete a subvendor user on a memoQ server for an error in removing them from projects

Improvement: The tooltip to warn you to make sure your tracked changes reflect those in the source side will only be shown once per document when you turn track changes on


August 16, 2021

BUG-9478: An error in Microsoft Word’s spell checker may cause communication errors between Microsoft Word and memoQ, potentially leading to generation of many huge log files
BUG-9484: If you lock or unlock a segment in the local copy of an online project, your changes may not be synchronized immediately, potentially causing segments to be reverted to a previous version
BUG-9389: memoQ Server Resources API: memoQ server may crash if you try to search in a termbase for terms in language that is not part of that termbase
BUG-9390: memoQ Server Resources API: memoQ server may crash if you try to perform a concordance or TM search with reverse lookup disabled in that TM
BUG-9513: memoQWeb: If you import a document with WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter, you may receive an img/alt tag error whereas memoQ desktop shows no error
BUG-9418: memoQWeb: You cannot select the “External files” radio button when delivering documents to Customer Portal
BUG-9464: memoQWeb: You may not be able to find spaces using the “Find and replace” dialog
BUG-3462: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may receive an error when trying to export a document with a comment at the end
BUG-3685: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may receive an error when trying to export a document with a comment at the end
BUG-4630: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may receive an error when trying to export a document with a comment at the end
BUG-9447: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may receive an error when trying to export a document with a comment at the end
BUG-9486: QTerm: You may be unable to save conditions for multi-value pick list fields
BUG-9498: Subvendor project managers cannot reassign documents to single users if GroupSourcing was previously used

Improvement: The Toggle case button of the Add/Change/Delete term dialog is moved to the far right


July 20, 2021

BUG-9336: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: Import may fail for some documents with change elements under rare circumstances
BUG-9376: Displaying certain tracked changes is not consistent across memoQ’s translation grid and two-column RTF files
BUG-5126: Files in project file storage are not archived
BUG-9385: If you press CTRL+A in the filter field on top of the translation grid, memoQ selects the contents of the current segment instead of the field’s contents
BUG-4574: If you want to use Microsoft Word’s spell checker in memoQ, and you don’t currently hold a valid license for Microsoft Word, you cannot switch to using Hunspell for an error
BUG-5150: Machine Translation: You may get a translation from your configured MT plugin as a suggestion even if you have a good/exact match from a translation memory
BUG-5198: memoQWeb: When you edit an inline anchor () tag, the href attribute and its value may be removed
BUG-9343: memoQWeb: You may be unable to change an administrator’s email address
BUG-5124: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export documents containing emojis
BUG-5160: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export documents containing emojis
BUG-5173: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export documents containing emojis
BUG-9327: Segmentation rules may be corrupted after editing, even if you undo your edits before saving
BUG-5014: The Confirm and “Confirm without update” commands of the context menu are unavailable when the translation grid is filtered by the source segments
BUG-9371: WorldServer Project Package (WSXZ) filter: You may be unable to import a document from a WorldServer package to an online project
BUG-5109: XLIFF filter: CDATA tags may not be preserved during export
BUG-5158: XML filter: When part of a cascading filter, you may get an error if you try to select a tag in the filter’s configuration dialog for occurrence checking
BUG-9342: You may be unable to select an item in the Filter configuration dropdown list on the “Language-independent resources” tab of the project template editor, or may not be able to save your changes
BUG-9422: You may receive an error when you try to run QA with a set of settings making use of regular expressions

Improvement: XML filter: You can now protect the xml:lang attribute from changes
Improvement: You can now control how the QA feature checks non-translatables


June 16, 2021


BUG-4044: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: You may be unable to import an INDD document with a dash in its file name via Language Terminal
BUG-4950: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: You may not be able to import certain documents with nested paragraph styles
BUG-4922: Customer Portal: You may be unable to upload reference files larger than 4 MB
BUG-5102: Localization: Font styles are not localized in the Appearance tab of the Options dialog
BUG-5100: Localization: Some text in Keyboard shortcuts is left unlocalized
BUG-5101: Localization: The Chinese UI may show English text in the Reports window
BUG-5065: Machine Translation: Intento MT: The plugin may fail to work for an XML conversion error
BUG-5076: Machine Translation: Intento MT: You may not be able to open the plugin’s configuration dialog using 9.6.x or older memoQ clients if the plugin is configured as part of an online resource hosted on a memoQ server newer than 9.7.7
BUG-5153: Machine Translation: Some legacy plugins may not work for XML or HTML conversion errors
BUG-5144: Machine Translation: Some MT plugins don’t support XML format and may report errors
BUG-4873: memoQ disregards subfolders you specify as exclusions in the Import folder structure dialog
BUG-4830: memoQ TM Search Tool: The tool appears to be broken after upgrading to memoQ 9.7.5 client
BUG-5081: memoQ TM Search Tool: The tool may not work in memoQ 9.7 and newer versions
BUG-4809: memoQWeb: If you click “Accept/Reject this change and move to next”, you are taken to the next segment instead of next change
BUG-5067: memoQWeb: Progress information may be inaccurate if you filter the list of documents
BUG-4986: memoQWeb: The project info box may not show the Customer Portal Quote ID
BUG-4909: memoQWeb: You may be falsely advised an export operation succeeded when it actually failed completely or partially
BUG-4943: QTerm: Filters may be missing
BUG-4821: Smart quotes display wrong quote characters for Turkish
BUG-5046: Some post-export scripts run as part of custom code execution may report errors in Task tracker when exporting ZIP files, even though the operation succeeds
BUG-5083: Source segment editing doesn’t support the toggle case feature
BUG-5138: The Add and Remove buttons may be missing on the Assigned groups tab of the Group Properties dialog accessible from Server Administrator
BUG-5023: You may be unable to export a document if all types of comments and tracked changes are enabled
BUG-5119: You may be unable to import a TBX file to memoQ that you created by exporting a QTerm termbase
BUG-4941: You may get an error on the “Create term base entry” window when you try to select multiple termbases with the same name
BUG-4706: You may not be able to convert Language Terminal users to standard memoQ server users


Improvement: memoQ Server Resources API: You can retrieve metadata about images attached to QTerm entries
Improvement: Oversized preview files out of use are removed to save space
Improvement: XML filter: You can now protect the xml:lang attribute from changes


May 6, 2021


BUG-4222: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: Language Terminal may be unable to convert Adobe InDesign 16.0+ documents
BUG-3456: An ignore list is always added to online projects
BUG-3274: CMS: If you submit an order from a CMS connector to the CMS Gateway, memoQ may create projects for all workflows defined for the given CMS connection, regardless of specific language pairs
BUG-4540: Contents may be lost if you import edits as track changes from a bilingual RTF file
BUG-4399: Emoji and other special characters may cause the export of a translation memory to a TMX file to fail or succeed only partially
BUG-4769: Help: It is incorrectly stated that lightweight PMs don’t need to have permissions for the resources to be used by the project they are going to create
BUG-4846: If you click the Toggle Case button when adding a new target term to an entry which already has some target terms, memoQ may replace an existing target term with the new instead of adding the new term
BUG-4871: If you sort translations by Translator on the Translations pane in the checked-out local copy of an online project, all translation documents may disappear
BUG-3888: If you split or join segments in a slice of a document, slice boundaries may change, and people working on the same document may suddenly lose some segments or see new segments in their slices
BUG-4916: Localization: The Chinese translation contained an error on the Filter configuration dialog
BUG-4910: Localization: The Spanish version contains a typo in the status bar of the project list
BUG-4874: LQA results (pass/fail) on the Statistics tab contradicts with results shown on the Error lists tab
BUG-4836: Machine Translation: Google Cloud Translation Advanced MT: memoQ may not accept the configuration JSON file you created
BUG-4889: Machine Translation: Kantan MT: An issue with how Chinese language codes are mapped between systems may cause the plugin to not work with Chinese
BUG-4848: Machine Translation: ModernMT: No translations received for Norwegian (Bokmål) to Swedish
BUG-3969: Machine Translation: Systran MT: If your source segment contains a tag, you only receive translation for the part of the segment before the tag
BUG-4501: memoQ may include reference TMs in pre-translation in addition to the master and working TMs even if you request it to not do so
BUG-3749: memoQ Server WS-API: Importing a document may result in SQL deadlock errors
BUG-4845: memoQWeb: You may receive an error if you reject a segment with an LQA error while track changes is enabled
BUG-4626: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: If you enable both the “Import sections” and the “Import markup as MemoQ {tags}” options, the first won’t be observed
BUG-4712: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: Hidden text may be imported from documents even if the Import hidden text option is disabled
BUG-3597: Pre-translation with TM-driven segmentation may fail in specific rare cases
BUG-4828: QTerm: After upgrading memoQ Server with existing QTerm termbases to memoQ 9.7, you may be unable to edit filter permissions
BUG-4875: QTerm: If you clear the “Available filters” option for a user or group, they must be removed from the termbase and re-added to it in order to grant permission to filters
BUG-4724: The U+FFFF Unicode character may cause memoQ to incorrectly report a pair tagging issue upon document export
BUG-4915: XLIFF 2 filter: You may be unable to export XLIFF 2 documents under rare circumstances
BUG-4891: XLIFF filter: You may be unable to export some documents for a compatibility issue with the XLIFF 2 filter
BUG-4921: You can type a filter configuration name over 50 characters when creating a filter for embedded documents
BUG-4742: You may be unable to restore an archived file

1. memoQ Server WS-API: Information on weighted word and character count is now exposed via the ServerProjectTranslationDocSliceInfo class
2. memoQ will try to apply the export path rule for folders you add in the first step of the project creation wizard if possible, and will let you know if it’s not


March 24, 2021


BUG-3370: Content Connector: You may receive a connection termination error when you try to clone a GIT repository
BUG-4746: Customer Portal: The email notification a PM receives about a quote may contain a wrong link
BUG-4595: If you create a project from a project template, the name of a TM created in response to that template’s settings may have a name longer than the allowed 50 characters
BUG-1532: If you import a document after a monolingual review session, segments with no alignment pairs are missing instead of being marked as inserted or deleted segments
BUG-4755: Localization: A label is truncated on the German version of memoQ
BUG-4668: Localization: There’s a translation error in the Chinese version of memoQ
BUG-4564: memoQ Server Resources API: Calls to search terms in moderated termbases don’t return results
BUG-4631: memoQ Server WS-API: You may receive an error when trying to use the Confirm and Update feature through the API
BUG-4638: memoQ XLIFF (MQXLIFF, MQXLZ) filter: If you export multiple files in this format, you may find incorrect file extensions in the file names
BUG-4687: memoQWeb: Email notifications sent for a discussion may contain wrong discussion topic links
BUG-4653: memoQWeb: If preview data of a document exceeds the 10 MB size limit, and the preview therefore becomes disabled, memoQWeb may become unresponsive or may crash when you enter a segment
BUG-4598: memoQWeb: If the target segment contains more tags than the source, tags may look messed up in the web editor even if they look good in memoQ desktop and the exported documents
BUG-4664: memoQWeb: You cannot paste “{” and “<" characters from the Clipboard to the segment editor
BUG-4362: memoQWeb: You don’t have preview for Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) documents
BUG-4090: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Emoji characters may prevent exporting documents
BUG-4504: QTerm: You may be unable to export termbases if you have previously created and also deleted custom meta fields
BUG-4691: Scripts running as part of custom code execution after export may fail if documents are exported using the “Export (choose path)” command
BUG-4340: SDL Trados Document (SDLXLIFF) filter: You may receive an error if you try to export a document with track changes and special whitespace characters
BUG-4431: The terminology checker QA feature may return an error if there are no termbases specified
BUG-4528: XLIFF filter: You may be unable to import documents with processing instructions included
BUG-4758: You may be unable to change the default settings for a server-based online termbase
BUG-4792: You may be unable to update an online project with an update package for a synchronization error
BUG-3276: You may not receive a warning about a conflict if you confirm a segment that has just been confirmed by someone else

BUG-2944: Improvement: Added clearer message that you cannot launch a project while one of the project’s termbases is open for editing
BUG-4761: Improvement: If you click a column header to sort a table by date, you’ll see the most recent items on top

Initial 9.7 release was 9.7.28