Improvement: Improved memory management in certain scenarios
Improvement: memoQ servers switch to use a server-optimized memory maintenance algorithm to improve server performance
Improvement: Performance improvements made to determining unambiguity of TM hits during pretranslation
BUG-10111: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: You may not be able to import IDML documents under specific conditions when two styles could be collapsed to save tags, but an interim element in the middle causes the operation to fail
BUG-9941: Background tasks occasionally may get stuck and complete only after 30 minutes instead of normally completing in just a few minutes.
BUG-10998: CMS API: When delivery to the CMS fails, and the CMS Dashboard shows “Delivery failed” status, API calls may still return “TranslationReady” status
BUG-10931: Default weights for match classes are shown in analysis reports after restoring a project instead of the values currently in effect
BUG-10637: Discovering more than 10,000 QA warnings or errors may cause severe performance issues
BUG-10913: Google Cloud Translation Advanced MT plugin doesn’t support Chinese (PRC) language.
BUG-4800: If network connection is intermittently lost while you are working in an online project, you cannot reopen its documents until you restart memoQ even if network is back
BUG-10889: If the name of your termbase ends in a dot, and you try to rename it by just deleting this last dot, you receive an error that a termbase with this name already exists
BUG-10780: If you assign users assigned to a document in an online project to a subvendor group, they may become unable to open the project
BUG-4553: If you change the deadline of a FirstAccept assignment after expiry for a document already checked out by someone, you may face an invalid FirstAccept assignment status
BUG-10894: If you import a document from and MQXLIFF or MQXLZ file, and your memoQ is switched to a different UI language than that of those who created the document, previously ignored QA warnings becomes non-ignored the first time you run QA
BUG-9397: If you try to import a TMX file to a translation memory on a memoQ server, you get no detailed report on the issues experienced
BUG-9417: If you try to look up a term in a termbase created in a pre-9.7 version of memoQ, a message may wrongly warn you there are uncommitted changes to the term
BUG-11029: If you try to look up a term in a termbase using CTRL+P, you may receive a message about uncommitted changes even if you did not change anything for termbases created in a pre-9.7 version of memoQ
BUG-10804: Incorrectly spelled words may not be underlined right after you open a document, and if you choose Skip All for a word, remaining instances may keep the red underline for a while
BUG-10982: memoQWeb: If you want to insert the required tags in a segment after you deleted wrong tags, memoQ re-inserts the wrong one, and you may be unable to export the document unless you clear all tags and re-insert them all
BUG-4366: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Import may experience performance issues for Excel worksheets with extremely large number of rows or columns, even if most of the cells are empty
BUG-10878: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Some numbers (like timestamps) are converted to scientific format in exported documents, even if those numbers have not been imported to memoQ
BUG-10022: No file path is displayed in exported HTML and CSV statistics reports even if you select “Reflecting displayed results” and “Per-file, Trados-compatible” options for documents without extension
BUG-10156: SDL Trados Document (SDLXLIFF) filter: You cannot import a document with Punjabi target language for a difference between the language codes of Trados SDL Studio and memoQ
BUG-10729: Server Administrator shows the storage space on the C: drive even if memoQ is installed on another
BUG-10938: Trying to replace text in a view may cause application error
BUG-10161: When someone is editing a translation memory, and you are about to edit it too, you get no warning that the TM is currently locked
BUG-10959: Wrong text may be highlighted for terms with fuzzy matching set
BUG-4153: You may receive a System.ObjectDisposedException during pre-translation when memoQ needs to check a high number of TM hits to judge unambiguity