memoQ cloud
Cutting Edge Translation Management in the Cloud
Set up your memoQ server in the cloud easily!
Software as a Service Translation Management System
Translation Teams Can Think Big
Deploying your memoQ server in the cloud is a good option if you have a small translation team. The system is scalable and has been designed to provide a quick and powerful solution not only to companies but also to ad hoc teams of translators.
Pay only for what you use
If you are managing a small team, start your subscription with one project manager license. Your colleagues will be able to connect to your cloud with their memoQ translator pro desktop licenses. They don't have memoQ? You can offer them web licenses or subscribe to translator pro licenses in the cloud. You can easily increase or decrease your license pool anytime.
Access to QTerm (a premium terminology management system) and APIs are also available for memoQ cloud for an additional subscription fee.

Transform your business today with memoQ cloud

Real-time Collaboration
You can benefit from real-time collaboration between translation teams. It offers translation memory, term base and corpus sharing, online projects with shared documents and synchronization, simultaneous translation and review for faster turnaround, customizable e-mail notifications among many other functionalities.
By using WebTrans, you can simply use a URL and sign in. Translators can get started within minutes. This web interface also works in web browsers under other operating systems such as Linux or MacOS.
Security and Back-Up
Your memoQ server in the cloud can be hosted in Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, USA or Canada. The actual instances are distributed on multiple virtual machines. Besides, the memoQ server in the cloud has its own domain controller, database server, and firewall.
Each server has a maintenance time slot once a day, typically in the nightly hours. In this maintenance time slot, we create an automatic full backup of the server (and also run upgrades, if available). Backup files are duplicated into a secure geo-redundant Azure storage for extra safety.
When deployed in the cloud, your memoQ server runs as separate processes, as separate services, under different user accounts with separated privileges. Data stored cannot be accessed by anyone else but you, and the people who you appoint (i.e., grant access to your data). All your projects, term bases, translation memories, and other resources are strictly access-controlled; only you can access them.
When you connect to your memoQ server in the cloud, either by a memoQ client or through WebTrans, your communication is always encrypted using Transport Layer Security (TLS 1.2), the same protocol that is used by banks all over the world. You don't have to worry about the prying eyes looking at your data while it is traveling across the internet.
Network access is limited to what is actually required to work with memoQ:
- Default HTTPS to access memoQWeb, Customer Portal
- Secure TCP port 2705: default memoQ port to access the server from memoQ translator pro or memoQ project manager
- Secure TCP port 9091: Resources API connection. Also, WS API connection, if subscribed for the memoQ server web service API component
For maintenance of your cloud infrastructure, the memoQ staff uses some further protected connections like RDP, only via our secured network.

Get Started
To set up your memoQ server in the cloud, you have to sign up. The first month you are entitled to a free trial period which does not require entering any payment information upfront.
When your trial period is over, you pay the fee depending on how many licenses you have ordered.
Licensing is concurrent, which means one person can use one license at a time. You first need to determine how many project managers you want to work with simultaneously, as with every PM license, you will receive 5 web licenses for translators, reviewers, or clients.
Translators can also log in by using memoQ translator pro (desktop version), or you can subscribe to memoQ translator pro licenses in the cloud if you want to ensure unparalleled translation productivity.
Transform your business today with memoQ cloud
Join thousands of professionals using memoQ
Subscribe to memoQ cloud Easily!
memoQ cloud
from EUR 160
per month
Requires debit or credit card. Accepted currencies: EUR, USD, HUF. Wirecard secures payments.
You can modify your trial or subscription anytime by adding or removing licenses.
Users with residence in countries within the European Union will need to pay taxes if they do not have a valid VAT ID.