
Customizing templates to fine-tune your translation workflow—Webinar with Jure Dernovšek

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Jure delivered his presentation as a memoQfest Master Class first—now he is back to teach you about memoQ templates and what value they can bring to your translation workflow in the form of an advanced webinar. 

Templates can be an extremely useful resource in translation projects as they can be tailored to your clients' needs and project specifics. This significantly speeds up project creation and your translation workflow. In this course, we'll delve into the finer aspects of template optimization, tailoring your templates to perfection. 

Join Jure as he uncovers the hidden features of templates, and shares some handy tips & tricks to make sure your templates always fit your unique needs. 

We look forward to seeing you there! 

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Jure Dernovšek - Solution Engineer Coordinator at memoQ

Jure Dernovšek is a tech enthusiast and a seasoned localization expert. His education includes German language as well as computer science. He gained valuable experience working as a translator and project manager for an LSP. Currently, he is utilizing and expanding his knowledge at memoQ, specializing in workflows, demos, and training.

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