Which memoQ features you use most frequently
How quickly you can find preferred memoQ features and how you use them
Which file types you work with in memoQ
Whether you use default or custom settings
How long you have to wait for certain operations
How you organize and manage translation projects
Your identity as a person or business
Content in the documents you translate
Your translation memories
Your term bases
Your LiveDocs corpora
Anything else that could contain text from your source files or your translations
We want to learn as much as possible about the usage of memoQ in general and as little as possible about individual users. Our Customer Insights Program is based on the premise that you should enjoy memoQ to its fullest but not at the cost of your privacy.
Participation in Usage Data Collection is completely optional. memoQ server administrators can decide regarding data collection for their servers. If you wish to participate, you may turn on Data Collection now.
Where can I Enable Data Collection?
Translators: In your memoQ client, check Options > Privacy.
memoQ server Administrators: In a memoQ client go to Server administrator > Configuration and logging > Usage data.
Customer feedback has always played a significant role in memoQ’s success. We add new features several times a year. Input gathered from Usage Data Collection ensures that new development is based on real user needs. We believe that together we can continuously develop memoQ to build the most efficient translation technology environment.
Changes to memoQ in regular releases means corresponding changes to the usage data collected. However, even when there are slight changes in usage data collected, our goal will always be the same, which is to improve the software while still protecting your privacy.