About - memoQ Trend Report 2020

Chief Operating Officer
Two years ago, we decided to publish a Trend Report for the very first time at memoQ. The decision was preceded by a fruitful internal debate about "trends" and the whole genre of "trend reports" itself. Do such reports necessarily have to mean hyping up phenomena that are often dubious? Could we risk wasting too many words on topics that may ultimately lack real substance? Would we be able to discuss trends in a more contemplative way, giving way and leaving room for uncertainty, doubt, maybe even skepticism?
When all was said and done, we created exactly that type of report: our first Trend Report was not trying to be overly assertive, didn’t position memoQ as an Oracle of Ultimate Truth but most importantly it gave voice to a multitude of people both from within and outside of our organisation. The result was a microsite that centered around debates, a diversity of opinions and perspectives. It also became our most read content in 2018!
The first Trend Report catered to the connoisseurs of our industry with fine and deep discourse. Last year, we wanted to make sure we are able to tell our industry’s story to the not-yet- inaugurated. This year, our third report, is putting a focus on topics that reflect our agenda as a product creating company. This is our agenda. This is our Trend Report 2020.